This is a splinter thread from this other thread
According MT Refree’s Companion (and other sources, IIRC):
But what does being a citizen of the Third Imperium mean? And what the words “within the Imperial borders, regardless of its origin”?
In our RL western world, being a citizen means (at least theoretically[sup[1[/sup]) having some rights (active/passive suffrage, equality before law, freedom of movement, serving on its armed forces, and in general protection by the state). Many of those don’t apply to the third Imperium, whose rulers are not elected, freedom from movement (and many other rights, in fact) may be restricted in many worlds, etc. And it’s not clear if non-imperials may serve the Imperial forces….
OTOH, depending on how the exact wording is interpreted, even a Zhodani or Solomani crossing the Imperium would be considered Imperial Citizen while inside the borders…
So, what do the words Imperial Citizen mean in Third Imperium?
Note 1: please, let’s not discuss the differences on theory and practice in RL that may lead to political discussions, least this thread might be moved to the Pit.
According MT Refree’s Companion (and other sources, IIRC):
In the 17th year of the Imperium, Cleon Zhunastu declared “any sentient life form within the Imperial borders, regardless of its origin, is a protected being, and thus a citizen of the Third Imperium”
But what does being a citizen of the Third Imperium mean? And what the words “within the Imperial borders, regardless of its origin”?
In our RL western world, being a citizen means (at least theoretically[sup[1[/sup]) having some rights (active/passive suffrage, equality before law, freedom of movement, serving on its armed forces, and in general protection by the state). Many of those don’t apply to the third Imperium, whose rulers are not elected, freedom from movement (and many other rights, in fact) may be restricted in many worlds, etc. And it’s not clear if non-imperials may serve the Imperial forces….
OTOH, depending on how the exact wording is interpreted, even a Zhodani or Solomani crossing the Imperium would be considered Imperial Citizen while inside the borders…
So, what do the words Imperial Citizen mean in Third Imperium?
Note 1: please, let’s not discuss the differences on theory and practice in RL that may lead to political discussions, least this thread might be moved to the Pit.