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I have a question


Why does it seem that whenever I say something about the Sword Worlds no one responds? Am I the only one who is interested in the Swordies?
What have you got in mind to discuss?
I have made several posts, notably "better ideas than BWA" and "Sword World Subtleties(about how the SWC retains power)" which have gone unanswered. I have also made allusions at the end of the "introducing characters".
If few share my interest in the Sword Worlds I would like to know: I don't want to get a reputation as an obsessive bore.
The Sword Worlds, thanks to the GT supplement, are probably the most fleshed out worlds in the Marches.
Malenfant did an especially good job detailing the planets characteristics IMHO.

Besides, where do you think Sigg started life? ;)

Can you post links to the previous topics, or can you give a precis of the topic?
edit - never mind, I've found them ;) - edit
The Sword Worlds, thanks to the GT supplement, are probably the most fleshed out worlds in the Marches.
Malenfant did an especially good job detailing the planets characteristics IMHO.
Indeed so!
Sword worlders are probably my favorite minor power, but at the same time, a lot has already been said about them. I don't feel I have anything to add, particularly.
I never did too much with the Sword Worlds. I guess I'll have to look at them and see how interesting they are. Where can I find any info?

Sorry I didn't say this in the original. But hey, that's why I'm saying it now!

I mean, I want a book on them from SJG, QLI or FFE, like those ratty Sword Worlders who have too much testosterone do. Even though those barbarians don't deserve it!
The Darrians have a CT Alien module all to themselves, and they are covered in quite some depth in the GT Humaniti supplement.

A book like GT Sword Worlds would be good though.

Even if they are a bunch of mid TL, hyped up , Imperial clients with delusions of past grandeur, a few bits of relic tech, and one huge bluff (at least until they figured it out with the help of PCs that is ;) ).
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:

Traveller elf wanabees ;)
Hey! Watch it! Them's fightin' words!

(Oops, wait, that's too Texan. Let's try again.)

Resorting to personal invectives will accomplish nothing, you know.

What do you want to know, and have you tried asking daryen?
Heh. Heh.

Well, you can always check my web site. I haven't updated it in a bit, but it should still be good for a thorough overview of the Darrians. There are also links to other Darrian resources on my Landgrab page.

The following published resources are all good for Darrian information:
- CT Alien Module 8: The Darrians (available in the second CT Alien Module Reprint book from FFE).
- GT: Humaniti, which also covers several other cool (and not-so-cool) minor human races.
- GT: Behind the Claw, which has some info on the Darrians (and the Sword Worlds).
- TNE Regency Sourcebook. The Darrians are covered here, too.

The first two are still available; the last two are long out of print.

Anything specific you want to know about the Darrians?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
A book like GT Sword Worlds would be good though.
I, too, would like to see a GT:Sword Worlds like book for the Darrians. Heck, I would love to help write it. Unfortunately, I don't see something like that for the forseeable future, as GT seems to be leaving its "present" behind for the Interstellar Wars, and QLI has way too many other irons in the fire.

Even if they are a bunch of mid TL, hyped up , Imperial clients with delusions of past grandeur, a few bits of relic tech, and one huge bluff (at least until they figured it out with the help of PCs that is ;) ).
They have much better TL than you seem to imply, their past grandeur was not delusional, they have many bits of relic tech, and it ain't a bluff anymore.

(Actually, on that last point, IMTU the Star Trigger is always a bluff. Even the new version doesn't work. The probes had nothing to do with the flares; it was completely coincidental.)
Even with only a bluff and a few relics :D the Darrians have much more reason for independence than the Sword Worlders. The poor old SW are mid-tech and hemmed in on all sides by Imperium and client state. IMTU, they are a LOT more dependant on Zhodani goodwill.

I like client states. They usually have to be more polite. ;)

Just prove your point, look at the Regency Sourcebook to see what happens to the Sword Worlds when the Zhodani remove their support.
So, jatay, did you notice this didn't stay on the SW very long?

And, you're not a bore. Sometimes people won't talk to me either....

Just prove your point, look at the Regency Sourcebook to see what happens to the Sword Worlds when the Zhodani remove their support.
Yeah but by that time they have set up a new civilization far off in the wastes of Astron Subsector and preserved their greatness from the deceits of the Arogant Imperials, spooky Zhodani, and pesky ALFAR Darrians(reference, SW p.127,136-142).
Onward to glory! May our deeds be always remembbered with honor, when tales are told by the Hearthfires!
So, jatay, did you notice this didn't stay on the SW very long?

And, you're not a bore. Sometimes people won't talk to me either.... [No No No]
by the way, thank you

Just prove your point, look at the Regency Sourcebook to see what happens to the Sword Worlds when the Zhodani remove their support.
Yeah but by that time they have set up a new civilization far off in the wastes of Astron Subsector and preserved their greatness from the deceits of the Arogant Imperials, spooky Zhodani, and pesky ALFAR Darrians(reference, SW p.127,136-142).
Onward to glory! May our deeds be always remembbered with honor, when tales are told by the Hearthfires!

And we also know that even those who remain behind will die with honor, and their deeds will also be sung beside the Hearthfires.