• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.



SOC-14 1K
Boy, no news from Hunter since December 1st and his last post was some time in July I think.

Anyone know how he is doing or how his family is holding up or when he might return to us?
No-one seems to know, he has lost contact with Martin at Avenger, hasn't returned calls or e-mails. Speculation is rife and the subject of much vigorous discussion on two related threads on the bureaucracy forum.

Seems things are particularly difficult and he is out of town a lot but MJD is confident he will return...eventually.
Obviously, he is having a rough go of it. I have had similar troubles in the past, and have found that having an outlet (like Traveller) can be a port in the storm.

It also is a good motivator to rise from the RL muck and return. Hunter will come back, but we Citizens need to give him time to get things in order.

In the meantime, I suggest the Moot and Citizenry organize itself into groups working on specific projects. The least we can do until Hunter gets back is to generate reading to blanket him with! (comedy) There are ships to build, Sectors to Define, rules to dispute, and Errata to find! (comedy)
"I have had similar troubles in the past, and have found that having an outlet (like Traveller) can be a port in the storm."

God, yeah. My last few years have been Hell, and without this place I'd have thrown myself under a train by now. Course, the train would probably have been delayed by leaves on the line or the wrong type of snow, so eventually I'd get bored and crawl off home, but still...
Problem is, IF he comes back (and I don't think it's all that likely that he will), he's going to come back to a ton of outstanding issues that would take ages to catch up on.

For instance, sooner or later he's going to have to renew the DNS thingie for travellerrpg.com. If he's out of contact, how will he do this? If he doesn't, this site goes down and remains inaccessible (unless someone knows the IP address).
I too hope this site stays up, but have no idea if a charatible third party(s) could pay the bill to keep it up.

On time frame, the kind of hardships Hunter appears to be going through take a long time and can drag on and on. I wouldn't reasonably expect to hear from him for at least 6 months. YMMV
I think it's only about six months since Hunter renewed the domain (COTI briefly went offline), so we should be okay for a while. Ideally he should give somebody else the metaphorical keys to the house so he can forget about that and deal with the important stuff. Maybe he already has.
Originally posted by TempMal:
For instance, sooner or later he's going to have to renew the DNS thingie for travellerrpg.com. If he's out of contact, how will he do this? If he doesn't, this site goes down and remains inaccessible (unless someone knows the IP address).
Hi TempMal,

If you're after details of IP Addresses, have a lookie at this site listed below. Just punch in the website home page into the search line and all the details will be given to you:


Hope this helps.

Cheers, DaveG