No, they wouldn't.
In terms of society, devolution is possible but unlikely; that said, it all depends on the circumstances. It has been said that a major city like New York is a week away from barbarism should things like food supplies be cut off. Societal break down is a possibility. The fall of Rome resulted in the dark ages after all. However, one thing that safeguards against this is available knowledge and education. To use a saying I read in a book long ago, the Dark Ages weren't called that because it was literally dark, but because they simply refused to see the light. Were contemporary western civilisation to fall today (don't laugh, peak oil and global warming are two elements that equal pain to our little planet and our civilisation) we would still have knowledge stored in textbooks and so on.
In terms of biology, I do not think there is any way a species can 'devolve'. Especially not where they would 'devolve' into an earlier species. H. Neanderthalis was an evolutionary dead-end; there's a reason why we came out on top.
A more likely sci-fi scenario is some kind of beserk retrovirus that causes widespread mutation, or more purposeful genetic engineering. Better yet, steer clear of the sci-fi elements. Simply ask yourself "What would happen to a society if things they depend on - food, water, energy - was suddenly cut off? What would happen?"
In the original series of Star Trek, the episode "The Conscience of the King" dealt with this theme by having a far-flung colony succumb to an exotic fungus that destroyed much of the available food supply. The colony administrator assumed dictatorial powers, executed half of the population on eugenics grounds, all so that the other half could live (presumably 50% of the food supply had been extinguished). Frankly I can see something like this being the norm during The Long Night. In fact, I suspect the circumstances would be far more extreme (in the above scenario, I wouldn't be surprised if cannablism was not at least considered, let alone implemented - you may balk at that, but there have been many tales told of isolated survivors who are forced to eat the dead in order to survive long enough to be found by rescuers).