I want to get some face-to-face roleplaying time in Traveller, preferably T20 and preferably with my existing RPing buddies. Unfortunately they are all D&Ders, and only a few have tried T20 before - that campaign was a complicated naval intelligence game (inspired by the Spooks/MI6 TV series). This was run over a year ago.
I would like to run a nice, simple mercenary campaign. I think it would suit my friends' interests (blowing things up) and narrows the scope of their PCs actions to things that complete their mission (blowing things up). Little knowledge of the Traveller universe is required, so that is also a boon.
Has anyone done something like this before? What lessons did you learn? (e.g. don't allow battledress?) Any recommendations or ideas for jobs?
Thanks in advance!
I want to get some face-to-face roleplaying time in Traveller, preferably T20 and preferably with my existing RPing buddies. Unfortunately they are all D&Ders, and only a few have tried T20 before - that campaign was a complicated naval intelligence game (inspired by the Spooks/MI6 TV series). This was run over a year ago.
I would like to run a nice, simple mercenary campaign. I think it would suit my friends' interests (blowing things up) and narrows the scope of their PCs actions to things that complete their mission (blowing things up). Little knowledge of the Traveller universe is required, so that is also a boon.
Has anyone done something like this before? What lessons did you learn? (e.g. don't allow battledress?) Any recommendations or ideas for jobs?
Thanks in advance!