Well, having had classmates with that name, they insisted on pronouncing it like you would a girl named Gina (or, if your an actress, Geena, like Davis)
Since it's saturday at work, and I'm bored...
Regina: Reh-Gina.
Assiniboia: Ah sin ee boy ah
Jewell: Jool
Mithril: Mith'rll
Cipango: Sip-pain-go
Chronor: Kronor
Entrope: Entropy
Xhosa: Zho-sah
Chwistyoch: Twisty-och
Foelen: Feelin'
Nakege: Na-Keg-eh
Utoland: You-toe-land
Choleosti: Koll-ee-o-stee
Digitis: Didg-EYE-tis (like a disease of the fingers)
Stellatio: Ummm..yeah. I hope to hell my PCs never go there - I can't say that one with a straight face.
Quiru: Queer-you
Smoug: Smog
Ffudn: Fuh-Foo-dn
Nosea: Nausea
Ochecate: Oh-cheh-Kate
Quhaiathat: Quiet-Hat
Uakye: Depends on your EDU. Average Joes misread it and pronounce it "UK", Smart people get the joke and call it "Wacky"
Cipatwe: See-Pat-Away
Fulacin: Full-A-Sin
Tacaxeb: Tack-a-heb, from the Mexican-Spanish 'X', like oaxaca (Wa-Ha-Ka)
Ylaven: "Laven" with a near-silent Y, like saying the name that mailman from Cheers without the Cs - "Liff Laven"
567-908: Five-Six-Seven-Niner-Zero-Eight...