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Homeworld Skills

Assume that someone is creating a T20 character. Assume that for what ever reason they want to be from an already named planet, not one of the more generalized ones implied by rolling on the homeworld chart.

Now assume that the world in question has none of the trade classifications, not even the LoPop or Highpop ones that exist only the homeworld chart (there are several examples of this in the Linkworlds online suppliment).

How would you determine their homeworld skills?

<BTW this question was also posted to the TML>
Originally posted by BLH:
Now assume that the world in question has none of the trade classifications, not even the LoPop or Highpop ones that exist only the homeworld chart (there are several examples of this in the Linkworlds online suppliment).

How would you determine their homeworld skills?
If it's got no Trade Classifications at all, maybe just pick one from any of the skills at the same tech level from the lists for the other types?
Originally posted by Flynn:

Did you ever get an answer to this question of an official nature?

Nope, no offical reply as of this date.

I did get a unoffical speculative answer on the TML in which you assume that part of your homeworld matches one of the trade classifications and go from there ... but I don't know.
Yes - Find it's TL group and look for a homeworld type that seemed closest to the world description.

Alternatively have the player describe their growing up and assign appropriate skills.