• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Home Sweet Home

What do the characters in your campaign call home?
Is it a hidded asteroid base?
The standard tramp freighter?
The famous seedy bar?
Does it have built in services? NPC's? or is it private just for the PC's?
Is the Home Base unbreachable by evil? or do you like to keep the PC's on their toes?
Originally posted by rmckee78:
What do the characters in your campaign call home?
Is it a hidded asteroid base?
The standard tramp freighter?
The famous seedy bar?
Does it have built in services? NPC's? or is it private just for the PC's?
Is the Home Base unbreachable by evil? or do you like to keep the PC's on their toes?
In our campaigns, usually our starship and the latest starport we happen to be at. We tend to move around alot looking for good cargos and trouble where we can find them!

In my last campaign my players all had apartments on Aubaine when not venturing out into the Wilds. They also frequented a local bar with a robot bartender with lots of built in safe guards against Virus and a large store of pre programed pithy comments.
A prefab IISS scout base on the planet of Gregoir in the Zarushaagar sector. It is a temporary scout base for exploration into the sector to lay the ground for expansion by the Imperium (set in year 56).

That and their 200 ton scout ship the ISV Callona (which is pretty broken at the moment so maybe they'll need a new one.)
The poor schmucks in my latest campaign all grew up in the subsector they're working in, but they are undercover for the Star Legion Farguard at the moment, so they don't really have a home other than their starship Speed Demon.
IMTU, my players are infiltrating a sub-sector, collecting military intel, and establishing bases of operation for a group of revolutionaries. Most are in uninhabited systems; one in a red zone. Covert is word one.

Before a recent jump accident, the team was accumulating cargo containers in the ring system of a gas giant. The idea is to build a small station out of the containers and use salvage for the power, life support, and other equipment. Salvage is a commodity and used as a barter item at some ports they frequent. They have the containers they need to hold all the equipment, now they are after cargo space. When the structure is complete, they intend to coat it in ring dust and rubble to camoflage it.

These kinds of projects are great to get the ship's engineer (if a PC) into the spotlight. Instead of sitting in the back and shutting up, the roles are suddenly reversed and the engineer is the boss. Does good for player morale.