Will the millenium-era setting of d20 Traveller be deliberately designed with a more Heroic/Space Opera feel to reflect the rules set being used, or will it attempt to retain the classic 'Traveller feel'? The latter seems destined to be unworkable (and unsatisfying), but if the former, how can it mesh with the canon/history of the OTU?
A possible suggestion: if CT/MT/etc. are seen as the 'real life' of the 3I, d20 Traveller could be the 3I version of 'Hollywood history': the way characters in-milieu might look at their history as larger-than-life entertainment. You're not going to run across Chaotic Evil 18th level Sollie super-spies with 150hp and AC 28 in real-life, but I'm sure they're all over the fiction and mass-entertainment of the 3I. Something like this this would be a nice spin on the 'alternate timeline' gimmick from GT, and, even more importantly, leave a niche open for 'real' Traveller (i.e. T^5).
A possible suggestion: if CT/MT/etc. are seen as the 'real life' of the 3I, d20 Traveller could be the 3I version of 'Hollywood history': the way characters in-milieu might look at their history as larger-than-life entertainment. You're not going to run across Chaotic Evil 18th level Sollie super-spies with 150hp and AC 28 in real-life, but I'm sure they're all over the fiction and mass-entertainment of the 3I. Something like this this would be a nice spin on the 'alternate timeline' gimmick from GT, and, even more importantly, leave a niche open for 'real' Traveller (i.e. T^5).