Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Do you mean changes to the 2000-2300 history, or what happens during 2300 and 2320?
2320AD Lite? Ooh, goodie, something I can get my players onto. Colin, you're a star!Originally posted by Colin:
2320AD Lite should be available soon, and it does cover quite a bit of this ground.
Now my interest is perked.........Kafers coming in along a different arm perhaps?Originally posted by Colin:
There is a reference somewhere else to the effect that the internal struggles are dying down, as the remaining Kafers fall into line behind one leader. That possibility of the Kafer Wars resuming thus grows...
Well that's suitably nasty, go for it ! This will be a great campaign!Originally posted by Colin:
If thier Ylii slave techs figure out a stutterwarp tug, you could see them coming in along the American Arm, by the same route the AAVF gets to the Ylii worlds. Of course, that would mean they would have to take the Ylii worlds first. Which fits their plans quite nicely.
With tugs, they could bypass the fortifications at Gamma Serpentis entirely.
Colin,Originally posted by Colin:
If thier Ylii slave techs figure out a stutterwarp tug, you could see them coming in along the American Arm, by the same route the AAVF gets to the Ylii worlds. Of course, that would mean they would have to take the Ylii worlds first. Which fits their plans quite nicely.
With tugs, they could bypass the fortifications at Gamma Serpentis entirely.
I'm thinking if they do take the Ylii worlds they could incorporate newly discovered or developed weapons that would take away some of the American fleet's advantage. It would also add to the story line.Originally posted by epicenter00:
I'm curious if the Kafers are going to have faster ships or missiles. Or are you ditching 2300's ship combat system? If not, the Kafers just going to show up to the American Arm for the biggest turkey shoot in 2320 under the missiles of the fastest navy around - not very dramatic.
What, no Jack Holloway?USS Foxx Travis...USS Calvin Morrison