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Highport animation

Very nice indeed!
Very nice, will the high port have a stem like the Classic Traveller Space Station? Always love your renderings and look forward to the addition of sound (if you have added sound, ignore the comment as my computer is temperamental).
Bill said it perfectly. Some classic work Andrew. I sort of chuckled as it vaguely reminds me of the Star Trek spacedock we seen the first movie with the Excelsior.

You've got a great talent and contribute a lot to explaining certain bits to my players (such as what a Jump might look like or a space battle). Keep up the outstanding efforts.
Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Ok - little help here. Quick time is opening the avi but showing a blank screen on this - obviously others have not had this problem. Any ideas where I should start trouble shooting?
First, make sure you've installed the DIVX codec - http://www.divx.com/

Actually, I've just checked and it won't play on my QT either, which is odd. It works with WMP, Real Player, VLC, and the DivX player.
Funny thing, I could not play it on my Windows media player at work. I went home and it plyed fine.

Sorry at work now, I an't recall what I default to for AVI at home, but I was shocked that WMP would not swallow an avi without any complaints.
Again possably the BEST shot of a starport approch I have ever seen.

Why arn't you making more money than God herself in an animation shop somewhere?
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Ok - little help here. Quick time is opening the avi but showing a blank screen on this - obviously others have not had this problem. Any ideas where I should start trouble shooting?
First, make sure you've installed the DIVX codec - http://www.divx.com/

Actually, I've just checked and it won't play on my QT either, which is odd. It works with WMP, Real Player, VLC, and the DivX player.
Know what? I'm going to be the stick in the mud.

I mean, it's ok, I would have centered the frame on the ship and let the Highport come in to frame that way. Having it cling to the side of the screen is just REALLY BAD compositionally.

But, that's me.
Originally posted by whartung:
I mean, it's ok, I would have centered the frame on the ship and let the Highport come in to frame that way. Having it cling to the side of the screen is just REALLY BAD compositionally.
Thanks for deflating my ego back to its usual size...

Normally that's how I'd have done it, but I thought I'd try a smoother movement this time. I also considered a BSG-style "shakeycam". I may change it.
I'm afraid I agree with Whartung, the modelling is gorgeous (as always) but the camera angle is a bit blah.
