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High Guard Shipyard Program Question

Lords, Does anyone know if the High Guard Shipyard Program by Moffat-Vallance is supportable on a PDA?

Well, considering that it is a Windows program, I would guess "No". It would have to be rewritten and compiled to work on any type of PDA.

And, if I remember correctly, it was written in Delphi, so just about any attempt to port it to a PDA (which type, BTW?) could prove problematic.
Hmm, if your PDA is really a PocketPC running some variant of Windows CE, maybe. Otherwise I think Daryen is dead on.

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Lords, Does anyone know if the High Guard Shipyard Program by Moffat-Vallance is supportable on a PDA?

Unfortunately the answer is no. Its written in Delphi, which is a variant of Pascal, so I'm not sure how difficult it would be to port it. Mind you, cross platform portability was one to the marking criteria so it might be possible.
Originally posted by Andrewmv:
[Unfortunately the answer is no. Its written in Delphi, which is a variant of Pascal, so I'm not sure how difficult it would be to port it. Mind you, cross platform portability was one to the marking criteria so it might be possible.
Speaking as someone who uses a Palm Tungsten quite heavily, I'd rather see a MacOS X port first ;)
Originally posted by jappel:
Hmm, if your PDA is really a PocketPC running some variant of Windows CE, maybe. Otherwise I think Daryen is dead on.
Even though AMV has definitively answered the question already, I just want to make clear one extra point:

PocketPC (and Windows CE) is effectively completely different than Windows. PocketPC runs on a completely different processor chip than Windows, so they are binary incompatible.

The development environments are different and independent. So even if the program was written in Visual Basic, depending on how it was written, it may not be able to be easily moved to PocketPC. (The Visual Basic to make PocketPC code has significantly fewer capabilities than standard Visual Basic.)
Delphi Programs are being ported to the Lazarus code base - a open source version of Delphi using the FreePascal compiler.
The latest FPK build (1.9.3) supports the ARM processors and allows you to compile pascal programs on PDA's such are the Sharp Zaurus line.
The problem is the the LCL (the open source version of the VCL/KCL) is based upon GTK while most pda's would use either a propriatary interface or the QT widget set

best regards
