SOC-14 1K
Hi all, I have a quick question with High Guard (2nd ed) ship construction. I only have experience designing ships under LBB, but have been trying HG instead...
Question on Power Plants. I'm confused as to how you "get" a Power Plant rating. This is unclear. The ONLY thing that is clear in the LBB5 is that the Power Plant rating must be equal to (or greater than) your Maneuver Drive or Jump Drive number. For example, I am creating a starship with Jump-4 and Maneuver-2. So my Power Plant rating must be at least a 4? OK I understand that. So do I just pick ANY random number that suits my fancy so long as it's at least a 4? Can I just say that my 300-ton starship (with Jump-4 and Maneuver-2) has a Power Plant rating of 4? And will it actually fly?
That's usually how it worked in LBB2, where (for example) if you had a Jump Drive of F, then your PowerPlant has to be at least a PowerPlant F also.
I do see that there is a calculation to come up with the TONNAGE SIZE of the Power Plant (i.e. how much space the powerplant takes up). It's something like X percent of ShipTonnage multiplied by Pn. What is Pn? Is "Pn" the Power Plant rating itself? Or is it just some modifier? Confused.
Thanks for any clarifications.
Question on Power Plants. I'm confused as to how you "get" a Power Plant rating. This is unclear. The ONLY thing that is clear in the LBB5 is that the Power Plant rating must be equal to (or greater than) your Maneuver Drive or Jump Drive number. For example, I am creating a starship with Jump-4 and Maneuver-2. So my Power Plant rating must be at least a 4? OK I understand that. So do I just pick ANY random number that suits my fancy so long as it's at least a 4? Can I just say that my 300-ton starship (with Jump-4 and Maneuver-2) has a Power Plant rating of 4? And will it actually fly?
That's usually how it worked in LBB2, where (for example) if you had a Jump Drive of F, then your PowerPlant has to be at least a PowerPlant F also.
I do see that there is a calculation to come up with the TONNAGE SIZE of the Power Plant (i.e. how much space the powerplant takes up). It's something like X percent of ShipTonnage multiplied by Pn. What is Pn? Is "Pn" the Power Plant rating itself? Or is it just some modifier? Confused.
Thanks for any clarifications.