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Hermes Class Courier


Just a little something I cooked up. See what you think. - john

Specifications: Hermes class naval courier

Class: Hermes
EP Output: 20 (8 spare)
Tech Level: 14
Agility: 4
Initiative bonus: +4
Size: Medium (200 tons)
Streamlining: Standard (wedge sl hull)
AC: 15
Jump: 2 parsecs
Maneuver: 4g’s
Fuel: 60 tons
Duration: 30 days
Armor Rating: 1
Crew: 6
Structural Integrity: 115

Main Computer: Model/3
Sensors: Model/3
Communications: Model/3
Avionics: Model/1

Staterooms: 1
Small Cabins: 8
Accel Couches: None
Bunks: None
Low Berths: None

Turret #1:
Triple turret
3-missile, Factor 3
Range: 90,000km
x-ray laser warhead
5d6 + (1d6 x 3d10)

Turret #2:
Triple turret
3-laser (beam), Factor 4
Range: 30,000km

Cost: MCr119.346 (MCr149.182)
Cargo Capacity: 23.8 tons

The Hermes class courier is a defunct naval design intended for short range high survivability work, and was typically used in the combat zone proper to relay secured orders between fleets as far as two parsecs away. The high maneuver potential and excellent maneuverability made this craft ideal for the task. It failed miserably however for longer ranged duties as the slower jump-2 drive disallowed the transfer of time crucial information. In practice, one or perhaps two of these sturdy craft were carried aboard capitol class ships of CA or larger designation as auxiliary craft, as they were “too short legged” to keep up with the J-4 imperial fleet standard. The design also suffers from a lack of viable cargo space and relatively cramped quartering.

As of 1103, there were some 205 of these craft in service in the Spinward Marches alone, and some additional examples in the corridor region, where its lack of jump potential became a serious liability. The model was declared surplus early in 1104 with the advent of newer and larger couriers. The bulk of these designs were sold off to civilian use (reflected by the statistics above), where they are typically used in service as either high survivability yachts (once refurbished with larger staterooms and amenities (removes all small rooms and replaces with staterooms), a process which reduces the cargo capacity to 4 tons), or as high security courier vessels. Commercially, these ships often operate at a loss if proper contracts for high paying cargoes cannot be established. A third variant exists, the secure diplomatic transport. This model increases the stateroom load to 6 and can carry five high security passengers on dedicated missions. Cargo capacity for this model is reduced to 3 tons. All versions of this craft are popular with larger corporations, which use them for executive transport and courier work.
Which system did you use to make this? I ask, because I want to know where "Small Cabins" came from, and their size/cost.
Greetings and salutations,

Fritz88, it looks like Rhys Trask used the T20 ship construction rules. However, I may be incorrect in my assumption.
Yep the design looks like T20. Small cabins were in CT too, and probably MT but I'd have to dig too deep to check

CT Book 2 - Small Craft Stateroom (aka Small Cabin)

2.0tons Cr50,000 - A one person occupancy stateroom that can be used double occupancy though less comfortably.

T20 - Small Cabin

2.0tons Cr250,000 - Can accomodate one middle passenger or crew member. May be shared by two crew with each having access half the time.

Note: The way I read it in T20 the Small Cabin does not include a fresher (0.5tons Cr2,000) which must be added at a rate of 1 per 10 people not in Full Staterooms. I think that's BS given the cost, size and capacity are all exactly half the Full Stateroom, so my Small Cabins do include a mini fresher. It looks like Rhys Trask agrees or missed that bit in the design notes ;)
T20 is the rules set. I used Falkayn's handy dandy spreadsheet. Works great.

The small staterooms were intended to reflect a military "tight" design, without resorting to double bunking or double occupancy. Either of which would have done essentially the same thing with slightly different number juggling.

No deckplans yet, but there will be at some point. Look for something akin to the rumblefish set that I did for Ursula or the Dragonsbane. Just dont look too soon... I just started a new day job and time is at a premium just now. ^_^