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Heavy Weapons


SOC-14 5K
What variations of heavy, as in squad and platoon support, weapons are there? FGMPs and PGMPs can't be it! (Plasma weapons are delicious, but I'd like to make another post out of them
My Dear Jame,
to find info on support weapns you have to look at the vehichal design section.

There you will find all kinds of goodies, VRF Gause guns Auto Cannons, mortors etc.

Keep in mind that in T20 some of these weapons benifit from a +5 dice damage bonus when used against a human.

Well we're on the supbect, IMTU I was thinking of Beefing up the LAG to support weapon status and boosting the range to 150m. Basically it is a 20mm man portable cannon.

Any thoughts.
Originally posted by Rover:

Well we're on the supbect, IMTU I was thinking of Beefing up the LAG to support weapon status and boosting the range to 150m. Basically it is a 20mm man portable cannon.

Any thoughts.
Why only 150m? The WWII German weapon was grouping six inches at 1000m.
My Dear Shadow Bear

150m would be the first range band. -2 per additional 150 meters.

So at a 1000 meters it would be -8 to hit. reasonable under combat circumstances. Now if we add a scope, some AP or HE ammo, the would make things even better.

This would definitely be a long range sniper weapon designed to make all those people running in Combat Envirionment Suits, and maybe even battledress, think twice about sticking thier heads up.

BTW in Afganistan a Sanadian sniper hit a taliban fighter at 2400+ meters (That's a mile and a half) with a .50 cal sniper rifel. I know these kind of weapons have graet range and devistating effect.
The biggest shortage I've run across in canon cannon (so to speak) is the ability to properly do supression fire at high tech. There's just no equivalent to the BAR or the M-60.

Building off MT's ARL (arguably the most versatile of long-arms), I designed the SqRL (pronounced 'squirrel', of course) or Squad Rocket Launcher. Essentially a belt-fed, 20mm version of the ARL, load it up with a mix of HE and HEAP rounds and waatch the bad guys Keep Their Heads Down. It wouldn't take out an opponent in powered armor (yet. I'm working out the T20 stats, where 'Volume of Fire' beats 'Damage Reduction' nine times out of ten!), but then you didn't need a vehicle to carry it, either!

Hmmm, if you mount it to a cargo disc, does that make it a 'vehicle-mounted weapon' and subject to an extra 5 dice?
This is more geared towards man-portable heavy weapons, such as a non-vehicle mounted Phalanx cannon (and yes, I am aware that it's technically a point defense cannon; here it's an anti-armored trooper weapon
). What kind of machine guns and similar non-energy squad-level weapons are there in canon?
Originally posted by Zutroi:
The biggest shortage I've run across in canon cannon (so to speak) is the ability to properly do supression fire at high tech. There's just no equivalent to the BAR or the M-60.
ACQ handles this nicely. It's got rules for creating beaten zones from suppressive fire.
Alright, so there are no canon versions of heavy weapons. So let's hear some ideas on various weapons such as the M-60 or the Phalanx Autocannon, on up to the main gun of a tank.

Remember, I'm looking for mere projectile weapons, 'cause I'm soon to create an energy weapons topic here in the Ship's Locker!
Originally posted by Jame:
Alright, so there are no canon versions of heavy weapons. So let's hear some ideas on various weapons such as the M-60 or the Phalanx Autocannon, on up to the main gun of a tank.

Remember, I'm looking for mere projectile weapons, 'cause I'm soon to create an energy weapons topic here in the Ship's Locker!
Get the Striker rules. Republished in the BFB for Games. It has weapon design systems for everything from 20mm cannon and autocannon to 180cm really big guns plus gauss gun, lasers, plasma and fusion guns.

I build a whole mess of each for the forthcoming TA6: Against Gravity.
Originally posted by Jame:
What variations of heavy, as in squad and platoon support, weapons are there? FGMPs and PGMPs can't be it! (Plasma weapons are delicious, but I'd like to make another post out of them
Can there be anything cooler than real life. I suggest you do a web search on the OCSW (Objective Crew Served Weapon). 25mm smart explosive rounds that can be programed to explode over and around a target in increments of 1 meter and with an effective range out to 2000 meters.

You don't even have to hit the target, just come close.

Another RL weapon with lots of possibilities is the LOSAT antitank weapon. It's a 105 lbs missile that travells at mach 5 and kill by pure KE. Light enough to be mounted on a small vehicle, it can defeat any tank in existance. And unlike the TOW, there a very short time of flight. There is even the possibility opf building a man portable version.

Imagine an infantryman being able to carry the equivalent of a tank gun.
Originally posted by Rover:

Well we're on the supbect, IMTU I was thinking of Beefing up the LAG to support weapon status and boosting the range to 150m. Basically it is a 20mm man portable cannon.
I've never seen the point of the LAG. It really is a poor weapon when compared to RL equivalents (Anti material weapons). The grenade launcher on the OICW far outclasses it.
Originally posted by Corejob:
I've never seen the point of the LAG. It really is a poor weapon when compared to RL equivalents (Anti material weapons). The grenade launcher on the OICW far outclasses it.
Me neither. Well, it is a 1970s design, years bfore the Barrett M82, never mind fun toys like the Steyr IWS2000.

Two other weapons in a similar vein, the RAG-30 and the Objective Sniper Weapon.

The RAG-30 is a Czech weapon, a heavy rifle firing the same 30mm grenade as the Russian AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher. It weighs 13 Kg loaded with five rounds, effective range 300m, maximum range 1700 m. Semi or full automatic it must kick like a mule.

(Supposedly Crane (the Navy weapons lab) has developed a similar weapon for the SEALs that fires the 40mm round from the Mk 19. I doubt it because I have only seen that on a game site, and the recoil would crush Schwartzenegger like an empty beer can.)

The Objective Sniper Weapon is a shoulder weapon that fires the 25mm round from the OCSW. Tests have used a Barrett M82 modified for 25mm, but it kicks twice as much as with .50 BMG ammunition.
Originally posted by Jame:
*Looks at Corejob's descriptions of OCSW and LOSAT* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvil Smile
OCSW with tripod and fire control system weighs about the same as a FN-MAG machine gun with tripod. Besides the 25mm XM307 there is a 12.7mm (50 caliber) version called the XM312.

Signapore Industies has applied the same airburst technology to a lightwight 40x56mm high-velocity grenade launcher.
The US Army is developing a thermobaric round for the 40mm high-velocity grenade launchers.

C-KEM, better than LOSAT. A 25 Kg mach 6.5 guided missile that can be fired from a TOW missile launcher.
More new toys
Spike is a new missile for the US Marines and SEALs. IT IS NOT THE ISRAELI ANTI-TANK MISSILE WITH THE SAME NAME
The China Lake Spike is a 1.8 Kg missile and a 2.3 Kg launcher, so a rifle squad can carry a lot.. It is a fire-and forget missile with a 3 Km range. The warhead is too small to kill a modern battle tank, but it is a nice size for snipers, MG nests, weapons pits, LAVs and helicopters.


RAMM- automated, unmanned 120mm Mortar. Early version called Dragon Fire

Sorry, no picture except in PDF
Thanks to the "Metalstorm" thread, a PC who collects handguns, and a desire to do the ridiculous, I have gone the "Intimidator" one better:

The ATP - Anti-Tank Pistol.

It's a 40mm tube (vented along the sides) with 3 RAM rounds (HEAP warheads) stuffed into it ala "Metalstorm", a target designation laser, and a trigger. It should also come with asbestos opera gloves, but that might lend a slight amount of utility to the design.

A 'Half-squeeze' of the trigger illuminates the target with the laser. 'Full squeeze' ignites the propulsion charge on the front round, which homes on the laser spot.

What's that, you say you can't see what your designating anymore because of the smoke cloud surronding you, and the annoying fact that your eyebrows are on fire? Sorry, but you should have read the warnings in the instruction manual!

If you're truly brain-damaged, move the safety lever from 'Fire' to 'Ripple-Fire'

The design intent was to allow battle-dressed or combat armored troops to fire riot-control gas grenades, but then someone always has to come up with something 'better!'
This is an interesting topic... What about advanced missle technology Say for instance the Javalin Missles, Low yeild Atomic Weapons, etc...?
I was thinking more along the lines of infantry heavy weapons.

Hey! Wait a second! Isn't the Javelin an infantry weapon?!? Post it, Spaceman!
What, you don't like the OCSW or Spike?

Javelin is a fire-and-forget top-attack missile
designed to go through the thin armored roof of a tank
<a href="HTtp://www.army-technology.com/projects/javelin/</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Total weight 22.3 kg
Weight 11.8 kg
Length 1.08 m
Diameter 126 mm
Range 2,000 m
Seeker imaging infra-red,
CMT, 64 x 64 staring focal plane
array, 8 - 12 micron
Guidance lock-on before launch,
automatic self-guidance
Warhead tandem shaped charge
Propulsion 2-stage solid propellant
Command Launch Unit
Weight 6.4 kg
Day sight magnification x 4
Night sight magnification x 4, x 9</pre>[/QUOTE]
" target="_blank">HTtp://www.army-technology.com/projects/javelin/