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Heavy Turrets and Barbettes, revised

mike wightman

SOC-14 10K
A couple of problems with the previous version have really bugged me (e.g. mounting 15 lasers in a barbette) so I've come up with a different way at rating heavy turrets, light barbettes, and barbettes. This is intended for CT LBB2, the previous version works ok for High Guard and T20.

This is based on the maximum energy that can be fed to a turret, thus borrowing the EP idea from High Guard but using it for bookkeeping only. Once I've decided how many weapons a turret/barbette can take then the EPs are ignored once more.

TL10+ heavy turret - costs 2 MCr, requires 2 tons of interior volume for fire control etc. The safe maximum amount of energy feed is 4EP.

TL14+ barbette - costs 4 MCr, requires 5 tons of interior volume for fire control etc. The barbette can only be mounted on ships that have armoured hulls. The safe maximum amount of energy feed is 5EP.

TL15+ light barbette - costs 3 MCr, requires 3 tons of interior volume for fire control etc. The barbette can only be mounted on ships that have armoured hulls. The safe maximum amount of energy feed is 5EP.

Beam laser/pulse laser require 1EP each.
A heavy turret can therefore mount up to four of either, while up to five may be mounted in barbettes.
Plasma guns require more turret space due to ammunition feed, thus up to three plasma guns may be mounted in a light barbette, while up to five can be mounted in a barbette.
Fusion guns could be mounted instead of plasma guns, but the ship must operate the double fire program with all the risks that entails (including power plant requirements).
For missile racks and sandcasters:

heavy turret can hold up to six launchers, with a total of 18 ready missiles/sand cannisters;
alternatively it can hold up to two launchers for bay sized missiles with 6 ready bay missiles;

light barbette can hold up to nine launchers, with a total of 27 ready missiles/sand cannisters;
alternatively it can hold up to three launchers for bay sized missiles with 9 ready bay missiles;

barbette can hold up to fifteen launchers, with a total of 45 ready missiles/cannisters;
alternatively it can hold up to five launchers for bay sized missiles with 15 ready bay missiles;
And another thought:
instead of installing a hardpoint for a turret mount, a naval architect can plan the installation of a five ton barbette. Up to two barbettes can be included for each hardpoint forfeited.
This applies at any TL9+.

The barbette is mostly hull reinforcement and additional computer/power linkages, and thus over half of the barbette tonnage is "wasted".
One ton must be given over to fire control, so that leaves one "empty ton for additional weapon related components.

Fusion and plasma guns are mounted in regular turrets as single or double mounts. One ton is required for fire control, and an additional ton is required for plasma feed, ammunition handling or whatever.

A barbette can be fitted with either:
one PAW
up to two plasma or fusion guns
up to six beam or pulse lasers
up to two torpedo (bay missile) launchers, with 6 ready bay missiles
up to six launchers, with a total of 18 ready missiles/cannisters