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Heavy Snub SMG from T4 to T20


SOC-14 1K
Note: initially started here .

T4 Stats:

Damage: 9 (4 expl.)
TL: 13
Range: V. Short
Shots: 12
Mass: 1.1kg
Reloads: .4kg
Cost: Cr200

keep in mind this is a prototype / limited run so for in game purposes weight is a kg higher and cost is irrelevant. Others may wish to use this but I don't have costs made currently.

Heavy Snub SMG custom (initial T20 stats)
the [ ] figures are from CmdrX's suggestions
TL: 13
Weight: 2.1kg [2kg]
RoF: 1/4
Range: 24m
DMG (Crit): 3d8 (x2) * [3d6 burst radius 4m]
Size: M (?)
Type: P
Recoil: N

Rnd: 12
Weight: .4kg [1kg]
Cost: Cr200

* gel round does stamina only damage

(?) weapons size medium due to being larger and having more mass than the T20 snub SMG

Nice, but it doesn't address the flaw of the standard snub. With its low muzzle velocity, solid or gel rounds are very low powered, thus can't deliver much in the way of damage.

In Book 4, the only rounds listed are tranq, gas, HE & HEAP. These rounds make sense with the very low power of the weapon.
Originally posted by eclipse:
Nice, but it doesn't address the flaw of the standard snub. With its low muzzle velocity, solid or gel rounds are very low powered, thus can't deliver much in the way of damage.
That makes sense. And considering the description in the original source, I'm wondering now why it's even called a Snub weapon anyway. (waves hands a bit) How about a small auto-grenade launcher (or other suitable weapon...*big* auto-shotgun?) with handwavium recoil stabilizers? ;)

The main gm and I for that game are thinking of giving it HESH rounds for use against robots.

One of the weapon varients I am surprised never to be included in Traveller is the accelerator pistol.
Similar in concept to the Assault Rocket Launcher(which, in MT, is better than a gauss rifle IMHO) and the Accelerator Rifle, the Accelerator pistol adds a more powerful rocket motor to the snub pistol round. This gives the pistol (we had an smg version as well
) the range of a standard heavy pistol, recoil similar to a snub pistol and damage equal to the snub pistol rounds.
High tech versions are "tunable" to act as snub pistols or accelerator pistols depending on the firer's wishes.
The major drawback is signature. As the rocket motor throttles up to supersonic velocity outside of the pistol there is a very load bang. Ear protectors are advised for indoor use ;)
There is an accelerator pistol in TA1. OC it's a prototype and does not work quite as well as hoped....
Thanks for that one, I would have missed it otherwise ;)
I suppose the weapon I've described should be re-named as an ARL pistol since the rounds it fires are more like a supercharged snub gun rather than the Accelerator Rifle rounds.
I think it was based off the hand guns in the Deathworld novels. It may even have seen prlnt in a White Dwarf magazine, but I can't check this and my memory could be wrong.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
One of the weapon varients I am surprised never to be included in Traveller is the accelerator pistol.
Similar in concept to the Assault Rocket Launcher(which, in MT, is better than a gauss rifle IMHO) and the Accelerator Rifle, the Accelerator pistol adds a more powerful rocket motor to the snub pistol round. This gives the pistol (we had an smg version as well
) the range of a standard heavy pistol, recoil similar to a snub pistol and damage equal to the snub pistol rounds.
High tech versions are "tunable" to act as snub pistols or accelerator pistols depending on the firer's wishes.
The major drawback is signature. As the rocket motor throttles up to supersonic velocity outside of the pistol there is a very load bang. Ear protectors are advised for indoor use ;)
The other drawback is that it is not that useful at short range. Even in rocket gun mode, the round is still accerating after it leaves the barrel. For the first couple of meters, it's not going to be much more effective as a slug thrower than a standard snub.

The Gyrojet weapons of the mid-60's are a good example of this.
If you look at the CT combat tables you will see that the snub pistol has the same close and short range modifiers as an auto pistol. We just gave it the medium and long ranges as well to make it into an "Accelerator Pistol", and kept the snub round damage dice