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Has there ever been a red sector or an amber sector


SOC-14 1K
I have seen Amber and Red planets (travel colors) but was wondering if there was ever a
whole sector that the Imperial had ever classifed as such.

Dave Chase
The entire Spinward Marches were declared an amber zone during the Fifth Frontier War. This was done by the Traveller's Aid Society.

Red zones are declared by the Imperium and I've not heard of that being done in any of the versions.
IMTU there are neighboring polities, stretching across several subsectors, that are TAS amber zones.
The write up for the Spinward Marches lists the Cronor Sub-Sector as Amber Zone. I think (don't have my books here) that most of the Core-Spinward sections of the Marches, outside the Imperium were considered Amber Zones, even if the individual worlds were not labled as Amber.

Of course, that begs the question, what about an Amber Zoned world within an Amber Zone Sub-Sector?
Originally posted by Zakrol:
Red zones are declared by the Imperium.
Not quite. Interdictions are declared by the Imperium and the TAS automatically award red zone status to interdicted worlds, but there are other reasons than interdictions why the TAS may award red zone status.

Plankowner wrote:
Of course, that begs the question, what about an Amber Zoned world within an Amber Zone Sub-Sector?
IMTU I have Egyrn and Menorial Subsectors given a broad Amber Zone classification for a general level of hazard (hostile foreign naval vessels operate there, as well as pirates and Arkesh Spacers). Individual amber zones represent an unrelated danger limited to that specific planet or system. And of course, red zones are strictly interdicted (or, beyond the reach of Imperial law, are considered potentially lethal).
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Zakrol:
Red zones are declared by the Imperium.
Not quite. Interdictions are declared by the Imperium and the TAS automatically award red zone status to interdicted worlds, but there are other reasons than interdictions why the TAS may award red zone status.

</font>[/QUOTE]Is there any canon listing of which red zones are not under inerdiction?
Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
]Is there any canon listing of which red zones are not under inerdiction?

If memory serves, parts of Aramanx/Aramis have been Red Zones without being interdicted.

As you know, that planet has seen an off-again/on-again world war encompassing the major continent. Some of the events surrounding the hopt and cold periods of the war have been featured in many published Traveller adventures.

IIRC, in the wet navy campaign that accompanied a series of naval construction rules articles in the old JTAS magazine mention was made of Aramanx' zone rating changing as the war heats up and cools down.

Have fun,
Heh, by the time you get to TNE in the OTU, pretty much the whole of Charted Space is a collective Red Zone.

In TNE, the polity of origin (usually either the Reformation Coalition or Regency) are zoned normally by world. The border zone (the Regency Frontier; I don't know if the RC had an analogous area) was considered a large Amber Zone. All Wilds (and worse) were a uniform Red Zone.
My suggestion for "an Amber Zoned world in an Amber Zoned subsector' is that Amber Zoning the whole subsector is TAS's way of saying that the area is dangerous to Imperials. Any Amber Zoned planets in that subsector would be dangerous to locals too.