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Has there been any reports of damaged books?

I just bought T20 from my FLGS and the first sixteen pages or so are cut at an odd angle (the text and art is closer to the edge at the top than at the bottom) and look to be ready to fall out (you can see light between the bottoms of the pages) also there is a little bit of tape? coming through between the pages on pages 15-16.

Has anyone else seen books with problems?

The store is wiling to replace it with a new one but they will not get more in until sometime next week (all 5 copies were gone in 10 minutes.) I like T20 so much that I told them I would keep the damaged one, until the new ones come in. :D
Originally posted by d_malnati:
I just bought T20 from my FLGS and the first sixteen pages or so are cut at an odd angle (the text and art is closer to the edge at the top than at the bottom) and look to be ready to fall out (you can see light between the bottoms of the pages) also there is a little bit of tape? coming through between the pages on pages 15-16.

Has anyone else seen books with problems?

The store is wiling to replace it with a new one but they will not get more in until sometime next week (all 5 copies were gone in 10 minutes.) I like T20 so much that I told them I would keep the damaged one, until the new ones come in. :D
We've had three reports counting yours of this problem. Fortunately, given that there are a couple thousand copies out there right now the problem doesn't seem to be very wide-spread.

Glad your store will take care of it for you. If they ask, just tell them to ship it back to the distributor who will get it back to us for replacement.
