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Has anyone incorporated the 2300AD background


SOC-14 5K
Has anyone incorporated the history of 2300AD into their Traveller campaign.

Once I think I sent a copy to Elliot, and since my hard drive meltdown, I was hoping to get it back. So if its floating out there can someone send me a copy?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:
Has anyone incorporated the history of 2300AD into their Traveller campaign.

Once I think I sent a copy to Elliot, and since my hard drive meltdown, I was hoping to get it back. So if its floating out there can someone send me a copy?

Sorry I always kept the two game seperate.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:
Has anyone incorporated the history of 2300AD into their Traveller campaign.

Once I think I sent a copy to Elliot, and since my hard drive meltdown, I was hoping to get it back. So if its floating out there can someone send me a copy?

Are the two parts of Andy Slack's merging of the OTU and 2300AD timelines, now hosted at Pentapod's World. Whilst a nice conceit, on balance I always preferred keepin the two universes separate, as the baseline technologies were just too different. YMMV.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:
Has anyone incorporated the history of 2300AD into their Traveller campaign.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not really. I agree with Gallowglass above, their technologies and histories are just not very compatible. Therefore, I've kept them separate as well.

Having said that, I must admit the idea intrigued me some years back. I made a rough draft of a possible campaign in about 2400AD where the Solomani had formed the Terran Confederation a few years back and had made contact with Vilani etc. etc. However, after some consideration, I became to the conclusion of not using this hybrid and keeping those two universes separate.
I could see a merge between the Blue Planet timeline and 2300AD, where the Twilight War is replaced by the Blight and Shutterwarp technology was found by humanity as an alien leftover somewhere near Poseidon
I've incorporated the traveller background into my 2300:Bayern campaign...all the way to the pleiades to discover other humans had got there first....the Ziru Sirka who were NOT happy to discover the existence of the 'solomani'. My PC's murdered the Vilani in orderto protect Earth and help get a head start on war preperations. It's a bit obvious that I've tweaked the timeline but at the end of it all my players loved it...and thats the point isnt it?
I made a start of it, when the players encountered a Ziru Sirka planetoid base and managed to steal 100 terabytes of tech data from the base after killing all the Vilani in it. They used a d-10 Cat dozer as an impromptu missile to crack open the base.