LCDR Einarr Østerim, Terran Navy
Point total 150
Ht 5'11", Wt 165 lbs., Age 40.
Appearance: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Average Appearance
ST 9 [-10], DX 12 [40], IQ 12 [40], HT 9 [-10];
HP 10 [2], Will 12 [0], Per 12 [0], FP 9 [0].
Handedness: Left Handed [0]
Basic Lift (ST x ST)/5 = 16 lbs.
Damage Thrust: 1d-2, Swing: 1d-1
Basic Speed 5.25 [0], Basic Move 5 yards/sec [0]
None (0) = BL 16 lbs.
Light (1) = 2 x BL 32 lbs.
Medium (2) = 3 x BL 48 lbs.
Heavy (3) = 6 x BL 96 lbs.
X-Heavy (4) = 10 x BL 160 lbs.
(0) BM x 1 = 5 yards
(1) BM x 0.8 = 4 yards
(2) BM x 0.6 = 3 yards
(3) BM x 0.4 = 2 yards
(4) BM x 0.2 = 1 yard
(0) Dodge = 8
(1) Dodge - 1 = 7
(2) Dodge - 2 = 6
(3) Dodge - 3 = 5
(4) Dodge - 4 = 4
Advantages and Perks
Charisma 1 [cost: 5] +1 to reaction rolls by sapient beings whom he interacts with. +1 to Influence Rolls, Fortune-Telling, Leadership, Panhandling, Public Speaking Skills.
Military Rank 4 (LCDR) [20]
Cultural Familiarity (Imperial) [1]
Fearlessness 2 [Cost: 4] +2 to Will for Fright Checks, or Resisting Intimidation, or Supernatural Powers that induce Fear. GURPS 4th Ed P 55.
G-Experience (Free Fall 0G) [Cost:1] Half DX Penalty for this Grav Field
G-Experience (Microgravity of less than .1G) [Cost:1] Half DX Penalty for this Grav Field
Terran Standard (Native Spoke & Written) [0]
Low Vilani (Accented Spoken & Written) [4]
Talent / Intuitive Admiral 2 [20]
+2 for the following skills,
+2 Reaction rolls for anyone noticing this talent,
20% reduced time to learn the following skills;
Crewman (spacer)
Expert Skill (Military Science)
History (Military)
Intelligence Analysis
Savoir-Faire (Military)
Shiphandling (Spaceship)
Shiphandling (Starship)
Strategy (Space)
Reaction Bonus +2 : Anyone he serves with or Commands in the Terran Navy.
Penetrating Voice [1] +3 to others' Hearing rolls to be heard over noise.
Duty (Terran Navy) [-10] [Almost all the time, roll 12- per scenario]
Guilt Complex [-5] Feels personally responsible for the Crew, and others in the Terran Navy. (p. 137)
Workaholic [-5] Works 12 hours shifts, often misses sleep. -1 Reactions from friends and loved ones that rarely get to spend time with him.
Code of Honor (Naval Officer) [-5]
Enemies (Unknown Hunter 20 pt Enemy)
[-20, addl -5 for unknown/2 Quite Rare, 6 or less on 3D per scenario = Cost = -13]
Attentive [-1] Sticks to a task until it is done. +1 skill bonus when working on lengthy tasks, but -3 to notice any important imterruption.
Careful [-1] Naturally cautious. Dedicates extra time and preparations before venturing into a dangerous situation.
Reaction Modifiers
Appearance +0
Status +0
Reputation +0
Administration (A) 12 IQ [2]
Area Knowledge (Terran Confederation) (E) 12 IQ [1]
Astronomy-TL10 (H) 11 IQ-1 [2]
Brawling (E) 12 DX+2 [4]
Cartography (A) 12 IQ [2]
Climbing (A) 12 DX [2]
Computer Operation-TL10 (Terran) (E) 12 IQ [1]
Computer Programming-TL10 (Terran) (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Crewman-TL10 (Spacer) (E) 15 IQ+1 [2] (+2 for Talent)
Electronics Operation (Sensors)-TL10 (A) 12 IQ [2]
Environment Suit-TL (Vacc Suit) (A) 12 DX [2]
Explosives (Demolition)-TL10 (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
First Aid-TL10 (E) 12 IQ [1]
Fortune-Telling (A) 12 IQ-1 [1] (+1 Charisma)
Free Fall (A) 12 DX [2]
Geography (Physical/Rock Worlds)/TL10 (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Gunner (Ship's Missiles)-TL10 (E) 14 DX+2 [4]
Guns (Shotgun)-TL10 (E) 13 DX+1 [2]
Hiking (A) 8 HT-1 [1]
Intelligence Analysis/TL10 (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Interrogation (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Leadership (A) 16 IQ+1 [4] (+2 for Talent) (+1 Charisma)
Literature (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Mathematics (Applied) (H) 11 IQ-1 [2]
Mathematics (Surveying) (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Mechanic (Fusion Ractors) (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Navigation (Jumpspace) (A) 13 IQ+1 [4]
Navigation (Space) (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Performance (A) 12 IQ [2]
Physics (Astrophysics)/TL10 (VH) 9(10) IQ-3 (+1 for Specialty) [1]
Piloting (High Performance Space Vehicles)-TL10 (A) 13 DX+1 [4]
Research/TL10 (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) 14 IQ [1] (+2 for Talent)
Shiphandling (Starship) (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Strategy (Space) (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Survival (Open Ocean) (A) 11 Per-1 [1]
Swimming (E) 10 HT+1 [2]
Tactics (H) 12 IQ [4]
Teaching (A) 12 IQ [2]
Writing (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Einarr fancies himself as nothing less than a modern Space Viking, sailing across a sea of stars to find new lands to discover.
He's worked with Naval Intelligence in the distant past, but he doesn't speak of those days. He has made a few enemies, as a result.
He's well respected in the Terran Navy, from a long line of Nordic Officers. His father, a full Captain, was killed in battle and was posthumously decorated. Einarr himself has commanded small task groups of multiple small ships, on various missions.
He's well-traveled, and an adequate surveyor, an accomplished cartographer, and has assisted or led Strategic Survey Teams in half a dozen systems, and is "No stranger to asteroid belts or the many small moons of the Gas Giants."
In his native Norway, he's an active climber, on periods of leave to visit old friends (his climbing team that once attempted K-12, but got turned back due to foul weather) and relatives.
He also enjoys hiking on planets that are not too hostile, poking around for exotic minerals in the canyons and ancient river valleys, but he's gotten a little slow since those days, with advancing age.
He keeps fit by swimming, but again, he's beginning to show his age.
He's been working on a Master's Degree in Astrophysics by correspondence courses, via the Navy's College In Space program, spending many long hours in intense work and concentration toward this goal, which he has been working on for years.
He's served as an assistant physics instructor at the Space Academy, teaching Orbital Mechanics, but that was some years ago.
He can be found often at his computer workstation, happily typing away on a physics paper to further his degree, or reading any number of works of literature, most often Norwegian folktales and legends, the "Norske Sagn" which he says are "The most obvious and clear reflection of the soul of my ancestors."
He's got a few quirks: He's been known to have a truly ancient set of Norse Divination Runes, kept in a specially padded case in his quarters, that he says has "brought him luck" in the past. He's told others that they were hand-crafted from Norway Spruce, centuries ago, by a distant ancestor.
He's also got an Honest-to-Odin Viking War helm, that he keeps in his quarters, in a place of honor, "Should the need to go a-Viking arise."
He's no stranger to a bar-room brawl.
He also has an unnaturally loud voice, which has served him well in his role as a commander in an emergency, but he was often told as a child, "Einarr, we are here at the table, not across the sea, don't shout so!"
He's tried for some time to get a small theatre troupe established at the local Naval Base, with some small success. Sadly for him, the art of the thespian has lost out to holographic entertainment over the past century.
Hand Weapons
Dagger Damage 1d-2 imp., Reach C, Parry -1, Notes [1], Cost $20, Weight 0.25 lbs.
Ranged Weapons
Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
Armor $ Possessions
Item Location DR Cost Weight LC Notes
Space Armor Full suit 75/45 $20,000 45 lbs. 2 [3, 4, 6, 10]
+ Helmet Head 60/45 +$3,000 7 lbs. 2 [3, 6, 7, 11]