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GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars PBEM Players Wanted


SOC-14 1K
Is anyone interested in playing in Interstellar Wars? The Year is 2170 AD, I'm looking for 4 players to play Terrans.

Provided is a Crockett-Class 100-DTon Picket Ship

Tech Level: 10
Hull: 100-dton Needle/Wedge Airframe hull, dDR 70 armor Stealth.
Systems: 19-1/2 Maneuver Drive, 3 Jump Drive, 20 Fuel Tanks, 2 Fuel Processors (6.4 dtons/hour), standard Bridge, Model-5 Sensors (Scan 20), 2 Light Turret, 2 Beam Laser, 2 Missile Rack, 2 Sandcasters, 22-1/2 Fusion Power, 6 Staterooms, 1/2 Cargo
Statistics: EMass 940 tons, LMass 970 tons, Cost M$140, SM +8, ASig +2, Hull dHP 50, Life Support 12, sAccel 4.0 G, Jump-2 (2-parsec range), Top Air Speed 5,600 mph.
Crew: Command Section (3 officers), Engineering Section (2 officers), Gunnery Section (2 crewmen), Specialist (1 petty officer, 1 crewmen - sensor and SIGINT specialists), Maintenence Section (1 crewman). Total 5 officers, 1 petty officer, 4 crewmen.
Passengers: none

As you can see, this ship requires a crew of 10, it is the Terran equivalent of an Imperial Scout/Courier. All player characters have military backgrounds as there is a universal Draft in effect for the Terran Confederation. We'll be making 150 point characters. Among the careers available because of the Draft is that of Marine, Doctor, Soldier, Starship Bridge Officer, Starship Commander, Starship Engineer, Starship Crewman. These are the career templates that all characters start out with because of the draft. Additional templates are available as part of an after the military career, but you'll probably need to take some disadvantages to gain enough points to buy them. As I said, player characters start off at 150 points. NPCs will fill out the rest of the ship's crew requirements not taken buy player characters. one player should take Starship commander as his career template. Any takers?
How often are turns going to happen?

Have you considered doing this online as GriP, or with OpenRPG?

I'm open with portraying any of the above.
Once per day seems like a good default. If we had some other forum, we'd have to arrange a common meeting time. How do GriP's and Open RPGs work? What do you need?
QLI (Sponsors of this forums site) sells GRiP Traveller. It uses IRC as a chat room, with some mapping functions, but I am not very adept at using it.


OpenRPG is an Internet application that allows people to play Role Playing Games in real-time over the Internet. OpenRPG is free, open source, software, distributed under GNU/GPL license.

Features are described here:

It can be downloaded for free, here:
Originally posted by Merxiless:
QLI (Sponsors of this forums site) sells GRiP Traveller. It uses IRC as a chat room, with some mapping functions, but I am not very adept at using it.
Actually it acts as it's own server for the GM, it just has an IRC function as well, but that isn't the main part. The IRC was originally used for players to meet, then enter a game of GRiP on the GM's server.

This Thread on the GRiP Boards should help explain what it is like...complete with pictures ;)
There are more examples in other threads too...

If you have any questions, ask here or on the GRiP Boards
I installed OpenRPG on my computer. Now I have to figure out how to use it. I look forward to your 150 point character Merxiless. What sort of character are you planning to create anyway?
Well, Bridge Officer is fine with me. If no one else wants it, I'll take Starship Commander.

It has been my experience in the past, that it is difficult (at least for me as a ref) to have to myself play the Commander as an NPC while refereeing, also, because it gives a feel of "okay now you go here, okay now you do this."

Plus, I can transfer at least some of my real-world Navy experience to any roles I take..Though I was an enlisted man...

As to character concept, I'll have to look through GURPS traveller for the specifics, but for now a rough sketch is:

Starship Commander (If no one else takes this role)
Someone strict but fair.
Smart, but not arrogant.
Well travelled, speaks a few languages.
Precise, knows a lot about the overal ship's functions as a whole, came up through the ranks as a weapons officer, rather than an engineer. Charismatic, but not overly so.
No dependents, not too many disadvantages.
Can be agressive in combat, but fights as a last resort, unless it is clear that an attack by the enemy is in the near future, then he is all out, take no prisoners. Kind of mysterious, and reserved.
Quote: "If it comes to war, then let it be War."

Bridge Officer (I'd rather do this, but if no one else takes the commander, then I will.)
This character would be someone agressive, perhaps overly so, sort of a maverick / wild card that is putting in his time, and learning the ropes before he commands his own ship.
A technical specialist, he knows both engineering and weapons systems equally, and is good with sensors, and computer programming.
He's all about "Completing the mission." Nothing else matters.
He comes from a long line of military officers, and he's not one to break the tradition.
He might have a high-ranked uncle who is a contact, or patron. His father died in battle, highly decorated.

If neither of those work, I can do something else. I can pretty much play (or attempt) any role.
Turn to page 203 and 205 of GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars and read under the heading Crockett Class 100-Dton Picket Ship. That is the ship your character commands. As you can see this ship has a crew of 10, although one person can fly it if he sits in the pilot's seat, if you want to fuly man the 2 light turret 2 beam lasers, 2 missile racks, 2 sand casters, you'll need on person at each weapon station. Total crew complement is 5 officers, 1 petty officer, and 4 crewmen.

My suggestion is that the 4 crewmen use the Starship Deckhand template.

The Starship Commander template is one of the 5 officers.

The Starship Bridge Officer Template is the Petty Officer.

Of the other 4 officers use the following templates.

The Starship Engineer template is an Engineering officer.

The Doctor Template is the Medical Officer.

The Marine Template is used for the Security Officer.

The Scientist Template is used for the Science Officer.

There those are the templates for all the crew positions on this starship.

You can name the Picket ship anything you like.

Since the year is 2170, the setting is between interstellar wars currently.

In wartime, the Picket ship serves as a Jump-capable 100-dton crewed fighter. In peacetime, they can be used for a number of purposes, one chief purpose is exploration and scouting missions. The Terran government is interested in scouting both the rimward terrotories and in exploring the area under the control of the Vilani Imperium coreward. The Terran Confederation would like to find out about the worlds in both those areas, and it pays commisions for valuable information thus obtained. The planets to the rimward of the Dol Subsector are mostly unexplored, and very little is known about any of them. Some of these planets are habitable and would make suitable colonies, some contain civilizations which might be contacted and thus a possible source of valuable allies in any future conflict with the Vilani. So the crew I mention above would suit both those tasks. We'll see how many of these slots can be filled with PCs, and I'll detail the personal slots left as NPCs to round out the crew. NPCs can be converted to PC on an as needed basis if any of the PC characters get killed on any missions, the NPC characters can then be promoted to fill the vacant position if they qualify. It would be hard for a deck hand to fill the position of medical officer, engineering officer or science officer on that score however.

As you can see there are 6 staterooms, for four of those staterooms the crew can double up, their are two shifts for this starship so typically only one crewman is sleeping in a bunki at a time.

One Stateroom is reserved for the Starship Commander.

The other remaining Stateroom can be converted to a 2 sickbays and 1 laboratory module taking up the 4 spaces originally occupied by that stateroom. Each sickbay takes 1 space and holds 2 patients, and the laboratory takes 2 spaces, and can be used to keep the science officer occupied. Just a suggestion, the costs for these alterations are paid for by the Terran Government. So a picket ship can thus be converted into an exploration vehicle.

What mission you undertake is up to you however.
Great, thanks for this info. I think Rimward exploration would be best, opening a new frontier.. for now. Will have a Ship commander character for you in a few hours.
Here's a crewman

James Larsen: NPC; Point total 150
Ht 6'5", Wt 210 lbs., Size Modifier +0, Age 19.
Appearance: Blonde Hair, brown eyes, goate beard.
ST 12 [20], DX 13 [60], IQ 12 [40], HT 11 [10];
HP 12 [0], Will 12 [0], Per 12 [0], FP 11 [0].
Basic Lift (ST x ST)/5 = 29 lbs.
Damage Thr 1d-1, Sw 1d+2
Basic Speed 6 [0], Basic Move 6 yards [0]
None (0) = BL 29 lbs.
Light (1) = 2 x BL 58 lbs.
Medium (2) = 3 x BL 87 lbs.
Heavy (3) = 6 x BL 174 lbs.
X-Heavy (4) = 10 x BL 290 lbs.
(0) BM x 1 = 6 yards
(1) BM x 0.8 = 4 yards
(2) BM x 0.6 = 3 yards
(3) BM x 0.4 = 2 yards
(4) BM x 0.2 = 1 yard
(0) Dodge = 9
(1) Dodge - 1 = 8
(2) Dodge - 2 = 7
(3) Dodge - 3 = 6
(4) Dodge - 4 = 5
Advantages and Perks
3D Spacial Sense [10]
(+3 Body Sense, +3 Navigation (Land, Air, or Sea), +1 Piloting, +2 Aerobatics, +2 Free fall, +2 Navigation (Jump calculations and Space))
Combat Reflexes [15]
(+1 to all active defense rolls, +1 Fast-Draw skill, +2 Fright checks, +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise, or mental "stun", side he's on gets +1 on initiative rolls to avoid surprise attack or +2 if he is the leader.)
Military Rank Petty Officer 3rd Class [5],
Disadvantages and Quirks
Curious [-5]
Enemy (Military rival) [-5]
No Sense of Humor [-10]
Overconfidence [-5]
Stubborness [-5]
Languages - Spoken - Written
English - Yes - Yes
DR Skull 60, Face 45, Body 75, Arms 45, Hands 45, Legs 45, Feet 75.
Parry 14 (Brawling), Block 0;
Reaction Modifiers
Appearance +0
Status +0
Reputation +0
Name Level Relative Level
Spacer (E) 14 IQ+2 [4]
Free Fall (A) 13 DX [2]
Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) 13 IQ+1 [2]
Vacc Suit (A) 13 DX [2]
Brawling (E) 14 DX+1 [2]
Gunnery (Beams)-TL 10 (E) 14 DX+1 [2]
Guns (Pistol)-TL10 (E) 14 DX+1 [2]
Housekeeping (E) 13 IQ+1 [2]
Piloting (High Performance Space Vehicles)-TL 10 13 DX [2]
Computer Operation-TL 10 (Terran) (E) 13 IQ+1 [2]
Electronics Operation (Comm)-TL 10 (A) 12 IQ [2]
Carousing (E) 11 HT [1]
Electronics Operations (Sensors)-TL10 (A) 12 IQ [2]
Hand Weapons
Dagger Damage 1d-2 imp., Reach C, Parry -1, Notes [1], Cost $20, Weight 0.25 lbs.
Ranged Weapons
Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes
Laser Pistol 3d(2)burn 6 250/750 yards, 10 400(3) 6 -2 1 $2,800 3 [4,5]
Armor $ Possessions
Item Location DR Cost Weight LC Notes
Space Armor Full suit 75/45 $20,000 45 lbs. 2 [3, 4, 6, 10]
+ Helmet Head 60/45 +$3,000 7 lbs. 2 [3, 6, 7, 11]
Cash $24,200
Linda Sherborne: NPC Point Total 150
Ht 5'7" Wt 105 lbs. Size Modifier 0 Age 19 Unspent Points 0
Appearance: Red-blonde hair cut short, freckles, blue eyes.
ST 10 [0], DX 14 [80], IQ 12 [40], HT 10 [0]
HP 10 [0], Will 12 [0], Per 12 [0], FP 10 [0]
Basic Lift 20 lbs. Damage Thr 1d-2 Sw 1d
Basic Speed 6 [0] Basic Move 6 yards [0]
None (0) 20 lbs.
Light (1) 40 lbs.
Medium (2) 60 lbs.
Heavy (3) 120 lbs.
X-Heavy (4) 200 lbs.
(0) BM x 1 = 6
(1) BM x 0.8 = 4
(2) BM x 0.6 = 3
(3) BM x 0.4 = 2
(4) BM x 0.2 = 1
(0) Dodge 9
(1) Dodge - 1 = 8
(2) Dodge - 2 = 7
(3) Dodge - 3 = 6
(4) Dodge - 4 = 5
Advantages and Perks
Appearance (Beautiful) [12]
Charisma 1 [5]
Mathematical Ability 3 [30]
Disadvantages and Quirks
Bad Temper (12 or less) [-10]
Duty (9 or less (Fairly often)) [-5]
Greed (12 or less) [-15]
Shyness (Mild) [-5]
Squeamish (12 or less) [-10]
Truthfulness (12 or less)
Languages - Spoken - Written
English - Yes - Yes
DR Skull 60, Face 45, Body 75, Arms 45, Hands 45, Legs 45, Feet 75.
TL: 10 [0]
Parry 0, Block 0
Reaction Modifiers
Appearance: +2/+4
Unappealing Includes: +2 from 'Appearance'
Appealing Includes: +4 from Appearance'

Status: +0
Other: +1; Includes: +1 from 'Charisma'
Conditional: +3 from 'Mathematical Ability'
Name Level Relative Level
Administration 11 IQ-1 [1]
Carousing 9 HT-1 [1]
Includes: -1 from 'Shyness'
Computer Operation/TL10 13 IQ+1 [2]
Cooking 12 IQ+0 [2]
Electronic Operation/TL10 12 IQ+0 [2]
Electronic Operation/TL10 12 IQ+0 [2]
Enthrallment (Persuade) 11 Will-1 [2]
First Aid/TL10 13 IQ+1 [2]
Free Fall 14 DX+0 [2]
Gunner/TL10 (Beams) 15 DX+1 [2]
Gunner/TL10 (Rockets) 15 DX+1 [2]
Guns/TL10 (Pistol) 14 DX+0 [1]
Piloting/TL10 (Aerospace) 14 DX+0 [2]
Piloting/TL10 14 DX+0 [2]
(High-Performance Spacecraft)
Public Speaking 12 IQ+0 [2]
Includes: -1 from 'shyness', +1 from 'Charisma'
Savoir-Faire (Servant) 12 IQ+0 [2]
Includes: -1 from 'shyness'
Spacer/TL10 14 IQ+2 [4]
Ranged Weapons
Qty Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl LC Notes Cost Weight
1 Laser Pistol 3d (2) burn 6 250/750 yards 10 400(3) 6 -2 1 3 [3] $2800 3.3 lbs.
Armor and Possessions
Qty Item Location Cost Weight
2 Laser Pistol power packs (rechargable) $20 1 lbs.
1 Space Armor Suit (TL10) full suit $20,000 45 lbs.
1 Space Armor Helmet (TL10) head $3000 7 lbs.
Cash $21,000
Hi - just read your campaign "players wanted".
If you go with PBEM, I;d be very interested, although could possibly do real-time too (transatlantic time difference isn't too bad, and I work weird shifts).
I'd be interested in the medical officer post. Let me introduce Angelina deVine (That's always "Angi", never "Angel"!)
As one former boyfriend described her:

"Yeah, I knew Angi, and survived to tell the tale - just. Where do I start? Well, first of all you;ve gotta stand up to her, earn her respect. She'll try and give you a rough ride, but if you can show her you deserve her time, she'll respect you, and you'll get on.
We met in first year at college, the judo club. She's only a wee thing, and at first we all had a laugh - she'd come at us like a tornado on legs, all aggression no control, and end up getting thrown everywhere - maybe she liked it!? - But by the end of the first term, she had all the guys falling for her, literally in my case.
She was a xenobology student, aiming to start out in vetinary or medicine, then do research, I recall.
Physicaally not that much to look at; wears shades so much their practically welded to her face - even wore them to bed when we... yeah, well, everything eventually comes off. I'll let you find out what's so special about her eyes, assuming she ever lets you get that close. Let me tell you, it's worth trying.
We split up the day she got the draft telling her that her Request for Enlistment Exemption (she was the top-scoring student in her whole year) had been declined. Damned burearocrat computers, soul-less programming! She was royally unhappy, vowing to get something out of her Service time to advance her career. Last I saw of her was on the shooting range; the hunting Animal Tranquiliser Darts might just have well been armour-piercing slugs the way she kept putting them between the eyes of that target...."

Haven't yet tried the character generating system mentioned above, but I envisage Angi a few terms after the description of her former (last?) boyfriend above, perhaps focussed on human medicals/pharmaceuticals, but always with an eye on the research post she dreams of.

Sound good?

Martin (aka Jock)
Go to www.sjgames.com, and you can order GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars over the Internet. If you have a little extra money to spend, I'd also get the two basic books, GURPS Characters, and GURPS Campaigns, or you can download a copy of GURPS Lite and just Buy the Interstellar Wars Book. One other thing that's useful, but not strictly necessary is GURPS Character Assistant, which can be downloaded over the Internet for about $10, you can think of that as a kind of specialized spreadsheet that performs all the calculations and produces a character sheet you can print out with your character's complete stats, mostly it keeps track of all the character points and applies all the modifiers where they should be applied. Or you can do the whole thing on a spreadsheet or by hand. At the very minimum you should download a copy of GURPS Lite from the Website and buy the Interstellar Wars book. GURPS Light is for free. In fact you could download GURPS Lite right now and create a TL10 character right away using TL10 equipment. Standard Issue is that Space Armor you see on the characters I've already posted and a laser pistol. I think you know which equipment is traveller appropriate and which isn't. Use you best judgement on that. The Starting wealth for a GURPS character at TL10 is $50,000.

The $ sign stands for Terran Confederation Solars, in case your wondering, the First Imperium Vilani uses Credits, both units of currency are about equal.
Note that Gurps Character Assistant requires Windows ME or later, on the label. I run Win 98 SE, that's why I don't use it, Baron.

But If I did, it'd be well worth the ~20.00 US cost. I have been fiddling with this PC for three days. at one point, I had 74 skills, and only 54 points to spend. The process has been an interesting excercise, to say the least. But now I know a whole lot about the different skills, their costs, and their defaults.

Yeah for the cheapest route, I'd go with GURPS lite Dload + GURPS:IW for the background info on the setting.

Or just GURPS Lite, for free, and pick up the storyline as we go. I plan to do a lot of posting.
JockStrapp said,
Hi - just read your campaign "players wanted".
If you go with PBEM, I;d be very interested, although could possibly do real-time too (transatlantic time difference isn't too bad, and I work weird shifts).
I'd be interested in the medical officer post. Let me introduce Angelina deVine (That's always "Angi", never "Angel"!)
As one former boyfriend described her:
Ok, you got the Medical Officer's position. We still need a scientist for the science officer, and a Marine for the security officer, and we need a Bridge Officer for the ship's Petty Officer, and we need an Engineer to be Engineering Officer for engine maintenence and repair and two deck hands to fill out the Crewman positions. Each of the crewmen can fly the ship and operate the ship's weapons, and that is one of their purposes. There are 4 weapons stations and you need a person to operate each one if you are going to be able to operate them all in a single round. They can be fired from the Pilot's console as well, but the pilot can only aim at one target per round while doing so. A missile requires a crewman's attention for the entire length of its flight, you roll to hit just before each one reaches its target. With a laser you just aim and fire. Having gunnery skill is a good skill to have if you have any spare points as well. Especially if a crewman is operating a missile, it would be good if someone else can fire his laser shile he's doing so. These are just some suggestions. I encourage you to use the character templates in the Interstellar Wars book just to be sure you have the proper skills to do your jobs.
LCDR Einarr Østerim, Terran Navy
Point total 150
Ht 5'11", Wt 165 lbs., Age 40.
Appearance: Blond Hair, Blue Eyes, Average Appearance

ST 9 [-10], DX 12 [40], IQ 12 [40], HT 9 [-10];
HP 10 [2], Will 12 [0], Per 12 [0], FP 9 [0].
Handedness: Left Handed [0]
Basic Lift (ST x ST)/5 = 16 lbs.
Damage Thrust: 1d-2, Swing: 1d-1
Basic Speed 5.25 [0], Basic Move 5 yards/sec [0]
None (0) = BL 16 lbs.
Light (1) = 2 x BL 32 lbs.
Medium (2) = 3 x BL 48 lbs.
Heavy (3) = 6 x BL 96 lbs.
X-Heavy (4) = 10 x BL 160 lbs.
(0) BM x 1 = 5 yards
(1) BM x 0.8 = 4 yards
(2) BM x 0.6 = 3 yards
(3) BM x 0.4 = 2 yards
(4) BM x 0.2 = 1 yard
(0) Dodge = 8
(1) Dodge - 1 = 7
(2) Dodge - 2 = 6
(3) Dodge - 3 = 5
(4) Dodge - 4 = 4

Advantages and Perks
Charisma 1 [cost: 5] +1 to reaction rolls by sapient beings whom he interacts with. +1 to Influence Rolls, Fortune-Telling, Leadership, Panhandling, Public Speaking Skills.

Military Rank 4 (LCDR) [20]

Cultural Familiarity (Imperial) [1]

Fearlessness 2 [Cost: 4] +2 to Will for Fright Checks, or Resisting Intimidation, or Supernatural Powers that induce Fear. GURPS 4th Ed P 55.

G-Experience (Free Fall 0G) [Cost:1] Half DX Penalty for this Grav Field
G-Experience (Microgravity of less than .1G) [Cost:1] Half DX Penalty for this Grav Field

Terran Standard (Native Spoke & Written) [0]
Low Vilani (Accented Spoken & Written) [4]

Talent / Intuitive Admiral 2 [20]
+2 for the following skills,
+2 Reaction rolls for anyone noticing this talent,
20% reduced time to learn the following skills;
Crewman (spacer)
Expert Skill (Military Science)
History (Military)
Intelligence Analysis
Savoir-Faire (Military)
Shiphandling (Spaceship)
Shiphandling (Starship)
Strategy (Space)
Reaction Bonus +2 : Anyone he serves with or Commands in the Terran Navy.

Penetrating Voice [1] +3 to others' Hearing rolls to be heard over noise.

Duty (Terran Navy) [-10] [Almost all the time, roll 12- per scenario]

Guilt Complex [-5] Feels personally responsible for the Crew, and others in the Terran Navy. (p. 137)

Workaholic [-5] Works 12 hours shifts, often misses sleep. -1 Reactions from friends and loved ones that rarely get to spend time with him.

Code of Honor (Naval Officer) [-5]

Enemies (Unknown Hunter 20 pt Enemy)
[-20, addl -5 for unknown/2 Quite Rare, 6 or less on 3D per scenario = Cost = -13]

Attentive [-1] Sticks to a task until it is done. +1 skill bonus when working on lengthy tasks, but -3 to notice any important imterruption.

Careful [-1] Naturally cautious. Dedicates extra time and preparations before venturing into a dangerous situation.

Reaction Modifiers
Appearance +0
Status +0
Reputation +0

Administration (A) 12 IQ [2]
Area Knowledge (Terran Confederation) (E) 12 IQ [1]
Astronomy-TL10 (H) 11 IQ-1 [2]
Brawling (E) 12 DX+2 [4]
Cartography (A) 12 IQ [2]
Climbing (A) 12 DX [2]
Computer Operation-TL10 (Terran) (E) 12 IQ [1]
Computer Programming-TL10 (Terran) (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Crewman-TL10 (Spacer) (E) 15 IQ+1 [2] (+2 for Talent)
Electronics Operation (Sensors)-TL10 (A) 12 IQ [2]
Environment Suit-TL (Vacc Suit) (A) 12 DX [2]
Explosives (Demolition)-TL10 (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
First Aid-TL10 (E) 12 IQ [1]
Fortune-Telling (A) 12 IQ-1 [1] (+1 Charisma)
Free Fall (A) 12 DX [2]
Geography (Physical/Rock Worlds)/TL10 (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Gunner (Ship's Missiles)-TL10 (E) 14 DX+2 [4]
Guns (Shotgun)-TL10 (E) 13 DX+1 [2]
Hiking (A) 8 HT-1 [1]
Intelligence Analysis/TL10 (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Interrogation (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Leadership (A) 16 IQ+1 [4] (+2 for Talent) (+1 Charisma)
Literature (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Mathematics (Applied) (H) 11 IQ-1 [2]
Mathematics (Surveying) (H) 10 IQ-2 [1]
Mechanic (Fusion Ractors) (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Navigation (Jumpspace) (A) 13 IQ+1 [4]
Navigation (Space) (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Performance (A) 12 IQ [2]
Physics (Astrophysics)/TL10 (VH) 9(10) IQ-3 (+1 for Specialty) [1]
Piloting (High Performance Space Vehicles)-TL10 (A) 13 DX+1 [4]
Research/TL10 (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) 14 IQ [1] (+2 for Talent)
Shiphandling (Starship) (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Strategy (Space) (H) 12 IQ-2 [1] (+2 for Talent)
Survival (Open Ocean) (A) 11 Per-1 [1]
Swimming (E) 10 HT+1 [2]
Tactics (H) 12 IQ [4]
Teaching (A) 12 IQ [2]
Writing (A) 11 IQ-1 [1]

Einarr fancies himself as nothing less than a modern Space Viking, sailing across a sea of stars to find new lands to discover.

He's worked with Naval Intelligence in the distant past, but he doesn't speak of those days. He has made a few enemies, as a result.

He's well respected in the Terran Navy, from a long line of Nordic Officers. His father, a full Captain, was killed in battle and was posthumously decorated. Einarr himself has commanded small task groups of multiple small ships, on various missions.

He's well-traveled, and an adequate surveyor, an accomplished cartographer, and has assisted or led Strategic Survey Teams in half a dozen systems, and is "No stranger to asteroid belts or the many small moons of the Gas Giants."

In his native Norway, he's an active climber, on periods of leave to visit old friends (his climbing team that once attempted K-12, but got turned back due to foul weather) and relatives.

He also enjoys hiking on planets that are not too hostile, poking around for exotic minerals in the canyons and ancient river valleys, but he's gotten a little slow since those days, with advancing age.

He keeps fit by swimming, but again, he's beginning to show his age.

He's been working on a Master's Degree in Astrophysics by correspondence courses, via the Navy's College In Space program, spending many long hours in intense work and concentration toward this goal, which he has been working on for years.

He's served as an assistant physics instructor at the Space Academy, teaching Orbital Mechanics, but that was some years ago.

He can be found often at his computer workstation, happily typing away on a physics paper to further his degree, or reading any number of works of literature, most often Norwegian folktales and legends, the "Norske Sagn" which he says are "The most obvious and clear reflection of the soul of my ancestors."

He's got a few quirks: He's been known to have a truly ancient set of Norse Divination Runes, kept in a specially padded case in his quarters, that he says has "brought him luck" in the past. He's told others that they were hand-crafted from Norway Spruce, centuries ago, by a distant ancestor.

He's also got an Honest-to-Odin Viking War helm, that he keeps in his quarters, in a place of honor, "Should the need to go a-Viking arise."

He's no stranger to a bar-room brawl.

He also has an unnaturally loud voice, which has served him well in his role as a commander in an emergency, but he was often told as a child, "Einarr, we are here at the table, not across the sea, don't shout so!"

He's tried for some time to get a small theatre troupe established at the local Naval Base, with some small success. Sadly for him, the art of the thespian has lost out to holographic entertainment over the past century.

Hand Weapons
Dagger Damage 1d-2 imp., Reach C, Parry -1, Notes [1], Cost $20, Weight 0.25 lbs.

Ranged Weapons
Weapon Damage Acc Range RoF Shots ST Bulk Rcl Cost LC Notes

Armor $ Possessions
Item Location DR Cost Weight LC Notes
Space Armor Full suit 75/45 $20,000 45 lbs. 2 [3, 4, 6, 10]
+ Helmet Head 60/45 +$3,000 7 lbs. 2 [3, 6, 7, 11]
Here's where I'll give you some campaign background. Since this is an exploration campaign. I'm going to start you off in the Gemini Subsector, the crew and the as yet unnamed Picket Ship is on the surface of the planet Remulak
Hex 1833 Name Remulak Alg Te Type Garden Dia 9,100 miles Grav 1.15 Atmosphere Standard-T Hyd 43% Climate Warm RVM +1 AFF 9 Population 48,000 Port C Government AthDem CR 5 TL 5 Trade Ni WTN 2.5

While on that planet's surface, you receive a distress call from a Standard 10-dton Lifeboat, its traveling near the speed of light. As it whizzes past the planet, it transmits the following message:

"Mayday Mayday! Please help us, we have misjumped... out of Jump fuel! We have precipitated into the gravity well of a black hole, no danger here, we are safely in orbit and the black hole is quite, alone and not on our charts. Our position is in the Gemini Subsector coordinates 1934, we our 1 parsec from Remulak. We have used the black hole's gravity and spin to launch the life boat at near light speeds. The lifeboat has not enough fuel to slow down upon reaching the system, so hopefully you'll receive this message. My name is Captain Paul Anders of the Hero-Class Merchant ship Dakota, as I speak to you it is May 3rd, 2167. I do not expect you to receive this message until some time in 2170 according to my calculations on the lifeboat's departing velocity. We are low on power reserves, soon we shall all have to go into 'cold sleep' the cold of the interstellar night should hopefully keep us well preserved until help arrives, we have no means of leaving this system. It also occurs to me that this black hole would make an excellent jump point to the unexplored region of this subsector. I estimate the mass of this black hole to be somewhere around 49 solar masses. It should be possible to make a jump one from Remulak to here and another jump from here to the star st 2135. I hope you find this information useful, but please send help as soon as possible!. I have to go into cold sleep now, the lights are already dimming. This is the Hero Class Merchant Dakota captain signing off."

The message repeats itself a few times before the lifeboat moves out of range.