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GURPS Traveller Imperial Navy

Sorry for the crosspost, but :
This project seems to have binned from the GT schedule altogether. Does someone knows what happened? Is Imperial Navy still likely to be published someday ?
I don't know but keep talking everybody-Gurps has people watching this sight to check what will sell if it knows what its doing.
SJG doesn't tend to reveal a lot about publication schedules beyond a few months; the fact that it's disappeared doesn't mean anything except that and it's not likely to come out in the next three months.
Originally posted by jatay3:
I don't know but keep talking everybody-Gurps has people watching this sight to check what will sell if it knows what its doing.
I think JFZ sticks his head round here occasionally, but otherwise I doubt if anyone else from SJG really frequents CotI much. They're mostly more heavily involved in their own discussion boards at JTAS, don't forget.

Plus I doubt that they'd really care what people here wanted anyway - particularly since a lot of people here have made their distaste for GURPS Traveller quite clear.

If IN happens, it'll happen when they're good and ready. Til then they're quite sensibly not going to say anything or make any promises - the first that most people will hear of it is when the playtest is announced. That's if it happens at all.