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Greetings all! wondering about the RC's Battledresses


Just got my hands on the nice T20 rulebook.
Im about to launch a TNE campaign with T20 rules.
So here I am scrounging for designs needed.

Especially a good version of the RC's light and heavy battledress is what I am missing.

Pretty important to me, since I will let the players be apart of crew aboard the legendary Ahstabula Mercenery Cruiser :D

Any links or tips on where to find more TNE to T20 adaptations?


/T (Who is desperately awaiting the now playtested TNE book)
Not to burst your bubble, but I don't recall seeing anything about converting T3 to T20. MJD just said that he's going ot use T20 rules for those few instances that require it.

You could try posting the question here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Traveller_tne/

Maybe they won't kill you for doing so.
Well there was talk of someone wanting to stat up (or was it just wanting somebody else? ;) ) different models of BD for a TA or somesuch. My suggestion is that since BD in T20 was designed using the vehicle design system somebody have a go at designing it for T20 and submit it to TPTB.

Personally I think there'd be different models for different goals. Heck that's the case in Starship Troopers, Mospeada, Bubblegum Crisis, Appleseed, Rifts, etc. .

Originally posted by Casey:
Well there was talk of someone wanting to stat up (or was it just wanting somebody else? ;) ) different models of BD for a TA or somesuch. My suggestion is that since BD in T20 was designed using the vehicle design system somebody have a go at designing it for T20 and submit it to TPTB.

Personally I think there'd be different models for different goals. Heck that's the case in Starship Troopers, Mospeada, Bubblegum Crisis, Appleseed, Rifts, etc.
I had suggested that as a TA, but as I'm having trouble with what is on my plate right now, I can't imagine getting to it anytime soon.

To be a good TA it would need new optional vehicle construction rules, variant BA stats, perhaps some adventure seeds and maybe even a new prestige class.
For starters I need a consensus on what differs a "light" battledress from a "medium" and "heavy one".
How much added armor is it on each?
Is the difference just armor value, or is it more added to make it "heavy"

Then there should not be that hard of a trouble using the old TNE books stats to remake them with T20 stats. I am one of those who loves the RC drawings of their Light battledress. It looks like a uniform and intimidating. Not as intimidating as a TL14 one, but does good in its own right.

Also I wonder if not batteries would be better than a fuelcell. Haven't calculated enough on it yet though.
What are your rulings to what fuel is needed in a fuelcell? Hydrogen? Water? Gasoline or similar?
Originally posted by Falkayn:
To be a good TA it would need new optional vehicle construction rules, variant BA stats, perhaps some adventure seeds and maybe even a new prestige class.
Perhaps this could be combined with the military sequel to TA1 if needbe. I'm not that good at T20 design yet and am chugging through the Tachikomas and the ISW playtest at the mo.

While I'm generally against more base classes in a d20 system, *unique* PrCs that highlight aspects of a setting are ok if they add flavor. Hmmm, something like BD specialist/trooper?

Originally posted by Thelor:
For starters I need a consensus on what differs a "light" battledress from a "medium" and "heavy one".
How much added armor is it on each?
Is the difference just armor value, or is it more added to make it "heavy"

What are your rulings to what fuel is needed in a fuelcell? Hydrogen? Water? Gasoline or similar?
I've heard that light & heavy BD also appeared prior to TNE, in a JTAS (print version) or some other Traveller mag. Is this so? There's also the variants from GT.

Oh and if you've not downloaded the standard designs PDF from the elibrary on this website Thelor I would do so ASAP. Even if you have the corrected 2nd printing of the THB it makes a nice reference file.

I'd say the difference is both armor and features. I've not done a thorough enough comparison to detail the differences.

Fuel for vehicle power systems really isn't defined it seems in the THB. Offhand I'd say [advanced] fuelcells use the same fuel as starships. I like the fuel still thing from TNE.
(shades of TW2K)

Originally posted by Casey:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thelor:
For starters I need a consensus on what differs a "light" battledress from a "medium" and "heavy one".
How much added armor is it on each?
Is the difference just armor value, or is it more added to make it "heavy"

What are your rulings to what fuel is needed in a fuelcell? Hydrogen? Water? Gasoline or similar?
I've heard that light & heavy BD also appeared prior to TNE, in a JTAS (print version) or some other Traveller mag. Is this so? There's also the variants from GT.

Oh and if you've not downloaded the standard designs PDF from the elibrary on this website Thelor I would do so ASAP. Even if you have the corrected 2nd printing of the THB it makes a nice reference file.

I'd say the difference is both armor and features. I've not done a thorough enough comparison to detail the differences.

Fuel for vehicle power systems really isn't defined it seems in the THB. Offhand I'd say [advanced] fuelcells use the same fuel as starships. I like the fuel still thing from TNE.
(shades of TW2K)

</font>[/QUOTE]Traveller's Digest (DGP) provided a variety of battledress types for MT. Don't recall which issues

WBH included the scout walkabout suit, a form of non-combat-oriented battledress.
DGP's MegaTraveller Journal issue 1 has 8 sides of info about Battle Dress at different TL's.
It gives info on the following types, in MT terms:
TL13 basic AV10
TL13 Forward Observer AV10*
TL13 Commando/Cavalry AV15#
TL10,13,14,15 Assault AV:14,16,18,22#
TL13 scout walkabout 8#

#=MT equipment sheet provided
*=equipment sheet in issue 2
Im a lucky bugger and have that issue.
Still I have a hard time making up my mind on where to put the armor rating to differ the designs apart.
How much armor rating on a light suit etc?
Heavy is easy. Max possible for Techlevel :D
Medium then? Shrink its chassis volume and armor rating?
Does TNE also have stats for pre-Collapse BD, in the Regency stuff? That should roughly equal the T20 BD i.e. medium. Then compare it to the RCES TL12 BD and take it from there. Or just compare the MTJ ones to MT to T20.

Since in my experience you really can't do direct conversions between systems anyway just hold up a thumbpart and use ye olde Mk. I eyeball and brainparts. ;) Whatever a light BD in TNE/MTJ can negate map that to T20's AR and so forth.

As always YMMV and HTH,
Yes indeed.
But still a trick to convert them to T20.
How much armor factor, duration , extras for each of these different suits.
I have yet to make up my mind and hence asking this forum for input :D
Well, comparing the MT info with the RCES equipment guide and then T20:
RCES light Battle Dress AV 6
TL12 standard Battle Dress AV15
TL12 leader Battle Dress AV13
TL12 scout Battle Dress AV12

T20 TL13 Battle Dress is AR10 which matches MT basic TL13 AV10, so let's assume that the TL12 RCES BD also has a rating of AV10 in MT/T20 terms, which gives gives:

T20 RCES light Battle Dress AR 4
T20 RCES TL12 standard Battle Dress AR10
T20 RCES TL12 leader Battle Dress AR9
T20 TL12 RCES scout Battle Dress AR8