• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Andrew Boulton

The Adminator
I'll soon be going off-line for a while.

Best case: end of next week, for a few days.

Worst case: beginning of next week, for about a month.
come back as soon as you can and in the meantime travel well.
Whatever you're going to go off and do, I wish you well and look forward to seeing you back here soon.

Take care mate.

For a change, it's not health-related. Some major building work needs doing, so I've got to move. I was expecting a few weeks to prepare, but that's suddenly turned into a few days.
Thank goodness for that....

You need to get yourself mobile mate. A nice wi/fi & bluetooth equiped laptop, a good 3G cell phone (even GPRS will do) and no need to miss us. :D

Oh well, as it stands, hurry back. Try popping into a public library to up date us if it's going to be too long.
Phew! I was worried for a while then!

Having building work done is a nightmare. I hope it all goes OK and that you're back home soon.

Now, about that feature length mini-movie I had in mind......
I was thinking of moving anyway, so if I can get all the problems ironed out (a non-trivial task) I may make it permanent.

Hopefully, getting a new ADSL/phone line won't be a big problem, but I think there's one I can borrow until then.
Right, that's it, I'm off. Be good, and if you can't be good don't get caught.

As Arnie said as he chose his costume for the classical music fancy dress party, "I'll be Bach..."
I should've known my plan wouldn't survive contact with the enemy (in this case, British Telecom), but here I am in sun...er, *rainy* Barnsley. Did you miss me?
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
I should've known my plan wouldn't survive contact with the enemy (in this case, British Telecom), but here I am in sun...er, *rainy* Barnsley. Did you miss me?
Of course we did! Welcome back! :D