Okay, now that I've got stable employment and things are starting to settle out, here are the details for the three T20 scenarios I've submitted to run at GenCon Indy 2005.
Hoping to see some of you there,
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T20 Adventures: Armed For A Day
"Trading high tech goods on a low tech world sounded like a great idea at first, until the local gangs got their hands on what should have been an innocent cargo. Scenario uses the Traveller T20 rules system; characters provided by the Referee."
A four-hour T20 scenario starting Friday, August 19th, 2005, at 2pm.
T20 Adventures: Lost On Lagu
"It seemed like an easy opportunity: pick up a millionaire's old friend on Lagu, a small little world on the trader's current route. Only one small problem, really: until recently, Lagu was a prison planet. Scenario uses the Traveller T20 rules system; characters provided by the Referee."
A six-hour T20 scenario starting Friday, August 19th, 2005, at 7pm.
T20 Adventures: Celebratus Interruptus
"The ship's crew takes shore leave during the week-long Festival of Masques, only to discover someone's placed a bounty on their heads. Scenario uses the Traveller T20 rules system; characters provided by the Referee."
A six-hour T20 scenario starting Saturday, August 20th, 2005, at 7pm.
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