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Gazelle class Close Escort (CT/T20)


SOC-14 10K

Hope I'm not stepping on toes here (possible future Traveller's Aid covering this) but figure there's room for variations anyway. This is my take on the classic Type CE converted to T20, part of a recent little project.

Some design notes:

The design is calculated as a 400T hull which has 100T of drop tanks (two at 50T each to be specific). The only way I'm comfortable using drop tanks is that the full hull must be purchased to include the contragrav lifters, artificial gravity, and jump grid while still making the drop tanks themselves cheap and practically disposable. In this system once the tanks are dropped the hull closes down around the now empty volume and the ship is that much smaller. Refitting the tanks, or new ones, requires a class A-C starport or base and one day (not including construction time at class A or B starport or base, if required). The cost of refit is a flat cr10,000 (the part of the cost in the book not dependent on the drop tank size). Since the Type CE sets a precedent of drop tanks at TL14 (rather than T20's TL15 requirement) this may be a broken design. Personally I feel drop tanks don't require a TL limit.

Except for cost, and some odd perhaps brokeness (like maybe the classic was really TL15 looking at the powerplant, as well as it being built on the 300T design) the T20 design comes out pretty close to the CT version. I ended up with 8.0T left with the Gig in a hanger (since my minifig version shows no underbelly externally mounted one). Naturally it was screaming for a sickbay (well someone was screaming so I thought they might need treatment ;) ).

An interesting thing (and I'm probably not the first to notice), there is not enough power to both maneuver and fire the weapons at the same time. No wonder the thing was always a poor ship in battle

That's about it I think so without further ado I present the Markhor.
Close Escort (Type CE)
medium size starship

The Gazelle class Close Escort is a common sight throughout the Imperium, tasked with routine patrol, search and rescue, and anti-piracy missions. While it performs well in this role when pressed into battle service it has proven to be much more a liability than an asset. When the ships come up for decommissioning they are usually bought by planetary governments for conversion to SDB's or licensed Mercenary Corps to support the larger Mercenary Cruiser commonly employed. Occasionally they see other uses in private hands.

The Markhor, which translates roughly as "Snake Killer", began service with the Imperial Navy as a typical example of the class, though variations do exist. It is a 400T partially streamlined close configured hull with two 50T drop tanks. Performance with the drop tanks retained is J4 and 4G. With the tanks dropped it can make J5 and 5G in the 300T configuration. If using only the internal fuel for a Jump without the drop tanks it is limited to J2. The ship is under powered and must constantly choose between maneuvering or firing. This tactical disadvantage is further hampered, or not depending on your point of view, by the lack of any excess power for agility. In an attempt to give the ship some combat effectiveness against it's likely encounters it is lightly armored and well armed.

The crew of four officers (Pilot, Astrogator, Gig Pilot and Doctor) and eight enlisted crew (3 Engineers, 4 Gunners and Gig Gunner) each have a single stateroom. Eight troops may be added if the enlisted crew double up. There is a full sickbay to treat injuries of crew or rescued survivors.

The ship includes a small aft hanger for a 20T Gig for atmospheric operations. A small cargo hold of 6T supports supplies for extended operations away from port or as an armory for the optional troops.

The ship costs Mcr312.998 new before bulk discount, Mcr250.398 in quantity, including the Gig. It takes 14 months to complete once ordered.


Class: Starship EP Output: 21.0
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 0
Size: Medium Initiative: +0
Streamlining: Partial AC: 13
Jump Range: varies Repulsors: na
Acceleration: varies Nuclear Dampers: na
Fuel: 81.0 tons Meson Screens: na
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: na
Crew: 12 AR: 3
Staterooms: 12 SI: 145
Small Cabins: na Main Computer: m6
Bunks: na Sensor Range: Extreme (m6)
Couches: na Comm. Range: Extreme (m6)
Low Berths: na
Cargo Space: 6.0 tons Cost: Mcr312.998 new

Other Equipment: Two batteries of factor 4 beam laser triple turrets. Two batteries of factor 1 particle accelerator barbettes. 20T Gig. Two 50T drop tanks. Fuel scoops and purifier. Sickbay.

TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)


TL14 Design Specifications

Component Tons Cost EP
Hull - Close structure - Partially streamlined +400.0T Mcr24.000
Bridge - standard -20.0T Mcr2.000
Computer - model/6 core -0.6T Mcr72.000 -5.0EP
model/6 avionics -2.4T
model/6 sensors -1.8T
model/6 communications -1.2T
Jump Drive - 300T J5 or 400T J4 -20.0T Mcr80.0 -16.0EP
Jump Fuel - internal -60.0T
- drop tanks -100.0T Mcr0.110
Maneuver Drive - 300T 5G or 400T 4G -44.0T Mcr22.000 -16.0EP
Fusion 13 Power - -21.0T Mcr63.000 +21.0EP
Power Plant Fuel - 4 weeks -21.0T
Fuel Scoops Mcr0.400
Fuel Purifier -4.0T Mcr0.028
Hardpoints x4 Mcr0.400
Triple Turret x2 -2.0T Mcr2.000
Beam Laser x6 Mcr6.000 -6.0EP
Barbette x2 -10.0T
Particle Accelerator x2 Mcr8.000 -10.0EP
Gig Hanger -20.0T Mcr0.040
20T Gig Mcr20.120
Staterooms x12 -48.0T Mcr6.000
Sickbay x1 -8.0T Mcr5.000
Cargo Hold -6.0T

Totals +0.0T Mcr312.998 (Mcr250.398 with 20% standard design discount)


Gunned Gig (Type GG)
small spacecraft

The usual configuration of the fully streamlined wedge companion of the CE is 3T of cargo hold and three emergency lowberths for use as a lifeboat or rescue and transport for injured survivors. Each ELB can be easily configured to seat one person comfortably and the cargo hold another six, often done to transfer the eight troops if carried.

The boat costs Mcr20.120 singly or Mcr16.096 in bulk if bought seperatly from the CE and requires 7 months to build.


Class: Smallcraft EP Output: 2.0
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 5
Size: Small Initiative: +5
Streamlining: Fully AC: 15
Jump Range: na Repulsors: na
Acceleration: 5G Nuclear Dampers: na
Fuel: 2.0 tons Meson Screens: na
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: na
Crew: 2 AR: 0
Staterooms: na SI: 77
Small Cabins: na Main Computer: m2
Bunks: na Sensor Range: Short (m2)
Couches: 0 (or 9) Comm. Range: Short (m2)
Low Berths: 3 emergency lowberths
Cargo Space: 3.0 tons Cost: Mcr20.120 new

Other Equipment: The emergency low berths may be configured to seat 3 comfortably and the cargo hold includes folding seats for 6. The Gig mounts a single factor 2 beam laser in a triple turret with the other two mounts reserved for missile and/or sand launchers. When firing the laser the agility drops to 0.


TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)

TL14 Design Specifications

Component Tons Cost EP
Hull - Wedge - Fully streamlined +20.0T Mcr2.200
Helm - standard -4.0T Mcr0.100
Computer - model/2 core -0.2T Mcr8.000
model/2 avionics -0.8T
model/2 sensors -0.6T
model/2 communications -0.4T
Maneuver Drive - 5G -2.8T Mcr1.400 -1.0EP
Fusion 13 Power - -2.0T Mcr6.000 +2.0EP
Power Plant Fuel - 4 weeks -2.0T
Fuel Scoops Mcr0.020
Hardpoints x1 Mcr0.100
Triple Turret x1 -1.0T Mcr1.000
Beam Laser x1 Mcr1.000 -1.0EP
Emergency Lowberths x3 -3.0T Mcr0.300
Cargo Hold -3.0T

Totals +0.2T Mcr20.120 (Mcr16.096 with 20% standard design discount)
TNS News Flash...

Capital - Thirday-306

Recall Issued! In an Imperium Wide notice today a full recall of all Gazelle class Type CE close escorts manufactured in the last year by Journeyman Design Bureau, Marches division, has gone out.

In an embarrasing turn of events for the small company the secret of the extra room for the luxury of a full sickbay has been discovered. The required level of armoring for the contracted design has not been met. While advertised as being defense level 3 certified it is in fact completely unarmored as was discovered when one was recently damaged in a minor altercation after the recent delivery of the first production run.

Many industry insiders are not suprised at the recent discovery as the design and production of the Marches division was sold by the founder just prior to the contract being bid and won a little over a year ago. The new management of JDB Marches are now known and they are noted for cutting corners and manage to keep getting contracts only by buying small firms and using the bought good name while hiding behind layers of investors.

The original founder of JDB has since moved to the Gateway Domain and is rumored to be engaged in building a small mercenary concern. He could not be reached for comment at this time.

It is expected the IN will sell off the seized assests of JDB Marches. This will cover only a small percentage of the penalty to be levied with no possiblility of recovery of the bulk of the loss for the purchases.

The IN will be forced to sell the ships, probably at a severe discount and loss as they do not meet the requirements for service. Other purchasers will probably be forced to make do or retrofit armor at their own expense and a loss of fuel tankage.

The IN will be selling it's entire purchase of 30 ships, complete and incomplete, at auction with the seized assets in the coming year. Assurances were given that this would not impact security of the area as the old ships due to be phased out are instead being refurbished to extend their operation until replacements can be built.


A belated thanks to Swordsage for looking this over wayback but looking it over recently I see I goofed and he must have just trusted me on it, hehe, well it was good for a small yarn.

I somehow missed assigning any tonnage (or cost I think) for armor for this puppy!

I'll try to find a fix I like soon and edit the above, easiest is just drop the sickbay, and add autodoc(s) but we'll see. I noticed also that the original from sup.9 has to be TL15 not TL14 or the power plant won't fit, I think I alluded to that in the above, though with T20 the TL13 powerplant is the same as the HG TL15 so no worries.
New and Improved ;)

well, just fixed the goofs really :D

In this iteration I managed to make the Gig an external carry again so that's cool, but to do it I had to use the cheat that the original did and build it as a 300ton hull with 100ton of drop tanks, which are somehow protected not only through jump but by the armor and further manage to dontate their hardpoint to the main hull, so I also gave it the SI points. As mentioned above, a year ago, I don't think that's right but :rolleyes:

Close Escort (Type CE)
medium size starship

The Gazelle class Close Escort is a common sight throughout the Imperium, tasked with routine patrol, search and rescue, and anti-piracy missions. While it performs well in this role when pressed into battle service it has proven to be much more a liability than an asset. When the ships come up for decommissioning they are usually bought by planetary governments for conversion to SDB's or licensed Mercenary Corps to support the larger Mercenary Cruiser commonly employed. Occasionally they see other uses in private hands.

The ship is built as a partially streamlined close configured hull with two 50T drop tanks and an externally carried gig. Performance with the drop tanks retained is J4 and 4G while with the tanks dropped it can make J5 and 5G. If using only the internal fuel for a Jump without the drop tanks it is limited to J2.

The ship is seriously under powered and must constantly choose between maneuvering or firing. This tactical disadvantage is further hampered by the lack of any excess power for agility. In an attempt to give the ship some combat effectiveness against it's likely encounters it is lightly armored and well armed and has superior electronics.

The crew of four officers (Pilot, Astrogator, Gig Pilot and Doctor) and eight enlisted crew (3 Engineers, 4 Gunners and Gig Gunner) each have a single stateroom. Eight troops may be added if the enlisted crew double up.

The ship carries a ventrally carried 20T Gig for atmospheric operations. With the Gig docked the ship is not able to perform gas-giant skimming.

A small cargo hold of 6T supports supplies for extended operations away from port or as an armory for the optional troops. The location of the cargo hold adjacent to the electronics allows for a possible upgrade to a full fib suite for better combat damage resistance.

The ship costs about Mcr281.25 new before bulk discount, and is normally sold for an even Mcr250 in quantity, not including the Gig. Construction takes about 11 months to complete once ordered.


Class: Starship EP Output: 21.0
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 0
Size: Medium Initiative: +0
Streamlining: Partial AC: 13
Jump Range: varies Repulsors: na
Acceleration: varies Nuclear Dampers: na
Fuel: 81.0 tons Meson Screens: na
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: na
Crew: 12 AR: 3
Staterooms: 12 SI: 145
Small Cabins: na Main Computer: m/6
Bunks: na Avionics: m/6
Couches: na Sensor Range: Extreme (m/6)
Low Berths: na Comm. Range: Extreme (m/6)
Cargo Space: 6.0 tons Cost: Mcr250 discounted

Other Equipment: Two batteries of factor 4 beam laser triple turrets. Two batteries of factor 1 particle accelerator barbettes. 20T Gig standard (but not included in purchase price). Two 50T drop tanks standard (but not included in purchase price). Fuel scoops and purifier.

TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)


TL14 Design Specifications

Component Tons Cost EP
Hull - Close structure - Partially streamlined +300.0T Mcr18.000
Bridge - standard -20.0T Mcr2.000
Computer - model/6 core -0.6T Mcr72.000 -5.0EP
model/6 avionics -2.4T
model/6 sensors -1.8T
model/6 communications -1.2T
Jump Drive - 300T J5 or 400T J4 -20.0T Mcr80.0 -16.0EP
Jump Fuel - internal -60.0T
- drop tanks 100.0T (Mcr0.110)
Maneuver Drive - 300T 5G or 400T 4G -44.0T Mcr22.000 -16.0EP
Fusion 13 Power - -21.0T Mcr63.000 +21.0EP
Power Plant Fuel - 4 weeks -21.0T
Fuel Scoops Mcr0.400
Fuel Purifier -4.0T Mcr0.028
Hardpoints x4 Mcr0.400
Triple Turret x2 -2.0T Mcr2.000
Beam Laser x6 Mcr6.000 -6.0EP
Barbette x2 -10.0T
Particle Accelerator x2 Mcr8.000 -10.0EP
Gig Clamps -6.0T Mcr0.024
20T Gig -20.0T (Mcr20.120)
Staterooms x12 -48.0T Mcr6.000
Cargo Hold -6.0T

Totals +0.0T Mcr281.25 (Mcr250 with 20% standard design discount) Price does not include Gig or drop-tanks.


Gunned Gig (Type GG)
small spacecraft

The usual configuration of the fully streamlined wedge companion of the CE is 3T of cargo hold and three emergency lowberths for use as a lifeboat or rescue and transport for injured survivors. Each ELB can be easily configured to seat one person comfortably and the cargo hold another six, often done to transfer the eight troops if carried.

The boat costs Mcr20.120 singly or Mcr16.096 in bulk if bought seperatly from the CE and requires 7 months to build.


Class: Smallcraft EP Output: 2.0
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 5
Size: Small Initiative: +5
Streamlining: Fully AC: 15
Jump Range: na Repulsors: na
Acceleration: 5G Nuclear Dampers: na
Fuel: 2.0 tons Meson Screens: na
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: na
Crew: 2 AR: 0
Staterooms: na SI: 77
Small Cabins: na Main Computer: m2
Bunks: na Sensor Range: Short (m2)
Couches: 0 (or 9) Comm. Range: Short (m2)
Low Berths: 3 emergency lowberths
Cargo Space: 3.0 tons Cost: Mcr20.120 new

Other Equipment: The emergency low berths may be configured to seat 3 comfortably and the cargo hold includes folding seats for 6. The Gig mounts a single factor 2 beam laser in a triple turret with the other two mounts reserved for missile and/or sand launchers. When firing the laser the agility drops to 0.


TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed)

TL14 Design Specifications

Component Tons Cost EP
Hull - Wedge - Fully streamlined +20.0T Mcr2.200
Helm - standard -4.0T Mcr0.100
Computer - model/2 core -0.2T Mcr8.000
model/2 avionics -0.8T
model/2 sensors -0.6T
model/2 communications -0.4T
Maneuver Drive - 5G -2.8T Mcr1.400 -1.0EP
Fusion 13 Power - -2.0T Mcr6.000 +2.0EP
Power Plant Fuel - 4 weeks -2.0T
Fuel Scoops Mcr0.020
Hardpoints x1 Mcr0.100
Triple Turret x1 -1.0T Mcr1.000
Beam Laser x1 Mcr1.000 -1.0EP
Emergency Lowberths x3 -3.0T Mcr0.300
Cargo Hold -3.0T

Totals +0.2T Mcr20.120 (Mcr16.096 with 20% standard design discount)
Not bad Dan

By the way, you do know that the Gazelle is one of the ship stats in The Forgotten War (Golden Age EPIC Adventure 1)???
Hmm, no. I did snag the thing of course but haven't had time to give it a read, now I have to compare at least

Thanks for the heads up and the look Sigg.
I like mine better now that it's fixed
Closer to the original which is what I was after.

The one in the EA has addressed the power shortfall and managed to squeeze in an autodoc but at the sacrifice of half the staterooms. So most of the crew is doubled up (and some doing double duty I think). And there's no room for the marines! What if you need to board that suspicious "trader" that might be a pirate! Oh, also the gig is in a bay instead of external as the old pictures portray. All minor points of course
I like the older from what your saying, not having read EA 1.

you don't mind if i use yours do you?

by the way: longest reaport ive EVER see the press do, even for the Marches!
Originally posted by slyen2:
you don't mind if i use yours do you?
Use it? For what nefarious scheme?! hehehe ;)

Actually I have a pretty good idea. The scout cruiser I expect
Be my guest, I'd whack at it myself but doubt I could find the original stats.

Translating TNE to T20/CT is going to be tricky. I did a fair job of it with the Barekdoldin(?) for a JTAS Design contest a while back. I'd have to have a look and see if my notes can offer any help for you.

Originally posted by slyen2:
by the way: longest reaport ive EVER see the press do, even for the Marches!
I easily get carried away when being paid by the word as a freelance reporter for TNS :D

And you should see my expense account reciepts, actually my editor would like to see them too, excuse me I need to go um, find them, yeah, find