bryan gibson
Absent Friend
They seem a universal - practically every country has them, for some reason. I can't help but invisioning a few...vilani game shows!
Amerriniikuura Kaandiivissshinuurii, Come on down! You're next on The Price is Statistically Accurate !
Pat, I'd like to buy a consonant for a hundred, please......
The Match Game host pulls a card from an envelope, and waving it around at the panel of stars, says..' And then the ithklur said to the hiver, "it's not all that funny, its jst so damn BLANK"
Any one have any others?
Amerriniikuura Kaandiivissshinuurii, Come on down! You're next on The Price is Statistically Accurate !
Pat, I'd like to buy a consonant for a hundred, please......
The Match Game host pulls a card from an envelope, and waving it around at the panel of stars, says..' And then the ithklur said to the hiver, "it's not all that funny, its jst so damn BLANK"
Any one have any others?