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Future Releases


SOC-14 1K
Martin / Hunter

I know you may be reluctant to answer this one given the hassle you will probably get but:

Could you tell us what are the next few T20 traveller products in the pipeline and any rough dates?

Yours Hopefully

and can i put in an official bid for the next golden age epic to be high on the list?
I have phoned Hunter today and can confirm this much:
Epic Adventure 7: Merc Heaven is being laid out this weekend and will be posted soon thereafter.
I have started Golden Age 2 and I should have the manuscript ready in 4 weeks for layout, so soon thereafter it will be posted.
If you have any questions please PM me.

As for TAs, they are artwork heavy and artwork takes months but we all know this. I'm not sure what is first in the queue for TAs, but the small craft TA may be soon because it is deckplan heavy, not artwork heavy, and all the deckplans have been done.
I was personally hoping for Robots of Charted Space, as the manuscript was submitted back in September 2003.
But really, so long as stuff regularly comes out, I'm happy.

Patience is a virtue,
Many Thanks for the info and to all TA / Epic authors.

Martin has also indicated that he is doing some statless TNE adventures with the 1st one half writen - due out mid march.

Looks like the wife can finally buy me my Xmas present

From memory I think Martin has got the following manuscripts somewhere in the pipeline:

Approaching Readiness:
TNE1248 Sourcebook
Epic 7 (Merc heaven)
TA - Small Craft
TNE statless adventure
Golden age Epic 2

I assume that there is probably a TNE1248 adventure coming to support the sourcebook.

Robots TA
Solomani ships TA
Robots Epic (sorry Flynn can't remember the full title)
virus redux (old TNE 3 adventure set)

Anything else I have missed?

Remember, guys, at this point, this is all speculation, based on old schedules and priorities that have obviously changed.

I'm as lost as you guys are, though, on any particulars.

Hoping for a State of the Imperium address soon,
Originally posted by RichardP:
Anything else I have missed?
In the Clouds, which was evidently at least at one time the next vehicle TA in line.

Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
Wasn't the T20 Player's Handbook in the pipeline some where at some point?
Yes. Still no public or Moot word if the IMO very rushed Moot playtest is actually over (with the board still being open) or what status the edit or book's at.

Note: I'm just a Moot Member. Ignore the Hiver with a blue soccer ball in the corner there.

Just trying to work out what Martin had available. The order and timing of releases is something left to Hunter / Martin and the availability of artwork.


What hiver, I see no Hiver


I think you have a pretty solid lead on what's what. I had a post some time ago about future QLI products, in which I listed everything I knew about. If you can dig that up, that'll cover everything I'd heard about, as I haven't heard anything new in some time.

Hope this helps,
That thread should hold everything I've heard about, in regards to QLI's potential products in the future.
I don't know when these might see publication, but I do know that MJD and others have been working on them for several years now, and these have all had some official support at some point in the past.

I believe that, looked at as a whole, that's more than QLI can hope to do quickly. I'd be interested in hearing about what's being given priority and what's not. I know the Alien Archive is pretty low on the totem pole. Not sure how everything else stands...

Hope that helps with this particular request,
Just a detailed, mind-numbingly specific update. I have finished the layout for the printers version of epic 7 is finished and now with Hunter via the magic of the internet, and Hunter is doing the layout for the screen version. I expect posting will happen by Friday.

GA-2 is now at 10,715 words. The world map for the adventure is half-done.

Specific enough?


Many thanks for the update - actually only wanted a rough release date to the nearest guessed month

I'm not trying to be a smart-ass just because some people have asked for more specific information. But i'm happy to numb people's minds with detail.
At least something will be happening soon in the epic line. I for one await the SOTI address with interest.
Of course if Hunter can't get it posted by Friday US time, he will be hopping in his Speeder, flying down to New Zealand and delivering a highly lethal plasma stream from his PGMP-12 into my environs to making such an evil promise.