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Future GT supplements


SOC-14 5K
Not a big fan of the GT mechanic but SJG has come up with an array of original supplements like Nobles, Sword Worlds, Psionic Institutes. We know that more are in the can but LKW is not telling. What would we like to see?

My choice would to be see Jon's Alderban and Solomani Civil War series (which I could always dovetail into late Rebellion, pre-Virus era). Or a short book (akin to Bounty Hunters) called "Major Personalities of the Imperium" however using the protraits of real people then use imagining software to provide them with clothes (ie. Jolie as Isis).
Originally posted by kafka47:
...using the protraits of real people then use imagining software to provide them with clothes (ie. Jolie as Isis).
I prefer to imagine Angelina without clothes, myself.
I'd love to see the dead tree versions of the Solomani war series and other works from Jon Ziegler.

I was hoping that Doug Berry would do the Trojan Reach sector but that project got killed. I hope someone picks it up.


The future of GT lies in e23.

SJGames new deadtree publishing standards (hardcover, glossy paper, color art, etc.) mean that a book has to be a known slamdunk in order to recoup costs. Downloaded PDFs are another kettle of fish entirely.

Have fun,
I'd like to see more Planetary Surveys. I guess they didn't do too well in dead tree format but I could see them being more popular in pdf.

I'd also like to see some adventures, although I guess that might be treading on JTAS toes.
OK, having been briefly distracted by the pettier side of my so-called character,
I think I'd like to see a GT: Solomani Rim War Campaign sourcebook. For that matter, the Psionic Suppressions would make for a very intriguing setting. Given that it is a period that is often glossed over by both publishers and fans (pogroms tend to not get alot of historical attention) and that the senior levels of the Imperial Nobility may have been duped into crippling the 3I by denying it an important asset, I think the PsiSupps could be a really great adventuring period for players. Matter of fact, I think I'll take this one over to a new topic in this forum.

More Planetary stuff would be nice, and personalities would be pretty useful too.
I start dreaming: Imagine a Solomani Rim War campaign book (with maps, troop movements, adventure nuggets, career notes, and so on) made up like the GT:Interstellar Wars book.

Oh my God...

I need it, now! Gimme! Fast!
Well, the Solomani Rim Campaign actually came up in another thread, in which it was proposed as a Traveller's Aide adventure that I am mulling over. Although, if I can find a collabourator who wants to military end of things, I can certainly do the civie adventure.

e23, is indeed going to GT's future, hopefully in a supporting role to the other versions of Traveller out there.

The only thing that I would maybe see them doing in Print is a Third Imperium sourcebook (using the original colour art & hopefully adding new) that takes the best bits of all the work done to date (plus, fixing all the errata but outside the Traveller audience - who would buy it?) with a concluding chapter called - "The End" as the final reconcilation with MT/TNE timelines.

However, if PDF is the way things are going there is no reason not to make it as beautiful product that one can. Tying into the whole move on the web toward avatars and more photo realistic images, I would want to see that applied to gaming as well. Now, that, Evil Stevie is in Forbes combined with the underground movement that enjoys RPGs in Hollywood, now is the time to strike and get some star power on our side {pun intended}.
I'd like to see GT take on Megacorporations. Lots of detail about products, markets, internal structure, internal security, company assets, adventure seeds, etc.
I want to see two things:

1) Zeigler's Aldebaran sector writeup.

2) Planetary Survey of Regina done by Hans.

The reason for Aldebaran is not for the Solomani Civil War (which really doesn't hold much attention from me other than "did someone win yet"?), but rather for the actual setting. It provides a true frontier setting on the edge of the unknown. Add in that the major government is oppressive and "evil", so much the better.

It has the potential to be a wonderful setting all on its own, particularly if the Confederation is used as the hovering "evil government" rather than stressing the Solomani Civil War.

On Regina, I cannot fathom why Regina was not the first Planetary Survey done. It still makes no sense. Regina is the "first home" of Traveller, and deserves its own Planetary Survey.

I don't care if it isn't a "water world" or "pleasure planet" or "asteroid world" or "prison planet" or some other easy category or mind-numbing trope. It is the first home of Traveller and deserves proper treatment. Heck, there is enough out there on it, that it could be a small book, rather than just a Planetary Survey sized supplement.
Originally posted by Maladominus:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ganidiirsi O'Flynn:
Angelina Jolie:
Living, breathing proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.
At least Brad Pitt is happy. </font>[/QUOTE]Well he does look a bit worn-out and overworked in photos recently. Must be the child... ;)
Originally posted by daryen:
I want to see two things:

1) Zeigler's Aldebaran sector writeup.
Hear, hear!

2) Planetary Survey of Regina done by Hans.
I'm working on it, one bit at a time ;) .

On Regina, I cannot fathom why Regina was not the first Planetary Survey done. It still makes no sense. Regina is the "first home" of Traveller, and deserves its own Planetary Survey.

I don't care if it isn't a "water world" or "pleasure planet" or "asteroid world" or "prison planet" or some other easy category or mind-numbing trope. It is the first home of Traveller and deserves proper treatment. Heck, there is enough out there on it, that it could be a small book, rather than just a Planetary Survey sized supplement.
I have one horrible problem with Regina. According to professional astronomer Constantine Thomas, the canonical description of the Regina system is completely stuffed up. And not just "couldn't exist without extensive meddling by the Ancients" (if any system rates invoking the Ancients, it's Regina) but "couldn't exist even if the Ancients had meddled". The worst problem is those habitable companion moons of Regina that orbits so close to Assiniboia that tidal friction would have turned them into molten blobs...

Originally posted by rancke:

2) Planetary Survey of Regina done by Hans.
I'm working on it, one bit at a time ;) .

On Regina, I cannot fathom why Regina was not the first Planetary Survey done. It still makes no sense. Regina is the "first home" of Traveller, and deserves its own Planetary Survey.

I don't care if it isn't a "water world" or "pleasure planet" or "asteroid world" or "prison planet" or some other easy category or mind-numbing trope. It is the first home of Traveller and deserves proper treatment. Heck, there is enough out there on it, that it could be a small book, rather than just a Planetary Survey sized supplement.
I have one horrible problem with Regina. According to professional astronomer Constantine Thomas, the canonical description of the Regina system is completely stuffed up. And not just "couldn't exist without extensive meddling by the Ancients" (if any system rates invoking the Ancients, it's Regina) but "couldn't exist even if the Ancients had meddled". The worst problem is those habitable companion moons of Regina that orbits so close to Assiniboia that tidal friction would have turned them into molten blobs...

Hans [/QB][/QUOTE]

Hans, any chance that you would turn over the manuscript over to Avenger, as they at least, might publish it...as I wouldn't mind seeing a CT version.

Yes, our good Doctor Thomas, does like his accuracy, as do I, as a matter of fact. Could it be that GT drawing was simply wrong and we work properly with good doctor's calculations in what is scientifically possible given our understanding of planetology.

Otherwise, he gives us the science and you deliver on the society.