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Fun/Inspirational: Sci-fi Shipping Crates


Scifi Meshes is holding a contest, to determine the coolest-looking Scifi shipping crates designed by it's membership. You can vote if you become a member (which is free): voting closes in about seven days.

The voting booth is at: http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=32

The Backstory to these Crates:
(found here: http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1231 )

Backstore: (to inspire your design)

A substance was recently discovered on a distant planet by a group of scientists. This substance, yet to be named, was found to be very dangerous and has already cost a few researches their lives, because of being miss handled. The Research Cooperations sponsoring the science expedition has ordered samples to be sent back to Earth so that further study can be conducted. They have sent a specially designed container, which they believe, will allow the substance to be transported without a large risk to the transport or it's crew. Is this a new power source? Is this substance alive?
The clean, offical 3D submissions are here: http://www.scifi-meshes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1834

Submissions as 3D Works in Progress (WIPs) - with commentary by the artist and the peanut gallery, are at:

(You may need to become a member to see these images. I recommend membership, simply to have access to the website and look at pretty pictures of spaceships. I admit, Star Wars/Star Trek is quite popular, but there are some other schools of ship design out there. Perhaps the 3D artists among us can show them a thing or two from the Traveller Universe!


PLEASE do not steal these images! RPG players have a bad rep for stealing images for their games, without giving due credit or getting permission. So, show some respect for the talent out there, OK?

We want these people to be happy, because we rely on the talent of artists to bring our scifi visions alive to the world. It will take a long time to change our bad reputation - so let's get working on it now.)


Now, to the fun part: my personal, completely amateur commentary on the crates, containers, boxes - and one padded envelope - that interests me.

Sphynx - His crate is nice and big, designed for handling COLD stuff. (Great render & 3D modelling, BTW) Perhaps an Ancient relic, which must be kept at Zero-G so it *STAYS* inactive?

Psycho - Cool-looking Pyramid packaging. Strictly IMTU, pyramid crates are used exclusively by the Zhodani. (Something about a 'better psionic footprint'....)

This particular crate is built for Psion-active/reactive materials: the Zhodani's are the masters of this science (and are very secretive about it, too!) Imperials who get their grubby hands on such stuff tend not to know what they are doing, with predictably messy results.

Basajaun - Standard "limited hazard" canister. Not necessary for dangerous material IMO, but certainly for IMPORTANT stuff - perhaps a precious gas, or a specimen container.

Forcemaster2000 - Nice, handy canister. It looks a bit dangerous, but more for regular stuff (like commonly handled "liquid explosives" in a lunar mining camp) than for ultra-exotic substances from The Great Beyond.

Tinukedaya - This crate looks to me like something a Vilani Research Institute might require: a rounded, odd, complex design with a strong feel of stability and efficency.

Crook - you know those oddball systems, out beyond the Imperial borders? Guys who never heard of Vilani standardization, or Imperial Data Packs? Well, if they have enough tech - say, in the TL 13-15 range - they'll come up with this Rube Goldberg device. If I was a merchant Free Trader captain, I'd be afraid to even touch the thing!

Panzer - his submission doesn't even look like a crate to me: it looks like one of those themal detonators in "Return of the Jedi", some kind of controlled explosive device you use on airless, dimly-lit moons.

OhWillow - "Not entirely stable? NOW he tells me!" Looks like a heavily used TL 10-12 Solomani design for compressed, hazardous liquids. Cheap and plentiful, but with the abuse they get, failure tends to be complete and castrophic.

Aszazeroth - "The pirates can't believe their luck - they found a derelic ship, with some ancient and surely valuable crates still intact!" Serious issues kick in when they start OPENING these long-lost crates.

TheGreatRaja - "Now THIS is Pod-racing! ... er, I mean 'cargo-handling'. " I'm interested why the cargo needed it's own massive, build-in artigrav propulsion instead of just using an off-the-shelf antigrav sled. I can definitely see the Solomani Confederation worlds go for this teched-up, flashy rig for hazardous materials.

(It reminds me of a 40-year-old joke: The Americans wanted to write in zero-G, so they spent hundreds of thousands to develop a amazing pen, costing $2,000 each, professionally machined using cutting-edge materials & techniques, capable of even ink flow under extreme conditions and exotic circumstances.

The Russians bought pencils.)

dadoes - This isn't so much a crate as it is a mobile environmental installation. If this ever gets onboard a Free Trader, it's going to have it's own dedicated technician.... The design philosophy seems more 'corporate Imperial Solomani' than anything else, to my eyes.

Oyslot - this is what I voted for - a rugged crate that seems to be holding an antimatter explosion in stasis! Naturally, I wouldn't have this anywhere on my ship - but I'd love to plug it into YOUR ship's jump drive, just to see what happens....

Ramiel - Now, THIS looks like an "Imperial Data Pack" hazard container. A solid, rugged, simple, modular design, capable of being produced on a thousand Imperial worlds. When it comes to standardized equipment, Imperials simply radiate competence. (Especially in comparison to the Solomani, whom I will pass over in silence.)

Backstep - solid, competent, boring... obviously the child of a Vilani megacorp. They probably drew up the design spec's back when the Indians were crossing the land bridge to the Americas - and saw no reason to change a thing since then.

Scorndrake - Picard lives! Well, it's actually a nice looking and sleek canister - the kind of thing I'd see from those TL G systems, being shipped to various Imperial Navy projects or cutting-edge research facilities. It does seem a bit fragile, however...

Prime_8 - Yes, the Vargr have to ship hazardous, unpredicable, and just plain weird stuff around as well. I *do* like their sense of style, I really do!

Pleiades - Oh, the joys of cheap, low tech (TL 9-B) containment spheres. Natually, it's filled with some experimental nerve gas. (sigh)

Malach - I like this big boy 'shipping container'. But rinky-dinky free traders need not apply: this baby needs tender loving care, and is going straight to the major lines.

DarthMaya - this isn't a shipping crate: it's a shipping vault.

Gothic_Goatboy - I love the Mad Science spherical container he made - Tech Level 5-6, here we come!

(Note: if you go to his WIP thread, you'll find a crate with a really nice militay feel. Just change the stensilling from "United States Colonial Marines" to "Imperial Marines", and you're all set!

I wonder what's IN it - the Marines aren't known for their scientific abilities, but they are fascinated with Things That Go Boom...) Perhaps some really bizarre and delicate explosives are contained herein...

Smeagol - a badly taped cardboard box, with a cutout plastic window showing some plastic peanuts. For all those slacker TL7-8 worlds out there.

ortuzero - Niceee! Suitable for transporting micro-scale "pocket universes" from one University lab to another.

digidamn - actually, this large container looks built for transporting "specialized human property", like initial specimens for a artifically designed human species, clones used as source material for organs, prototype cyborgs "who still need some work", etc.

Bemeup - retro containment! A realistic (as opposed to 'mad science') large TL 4-6 containment/shipping tank. I can see a free trader crew having fun with this!

Korborak - an odd, high-tech design. Perhaps the Zhodani use it for non-psionic hazardous materials...

G'kan - A beautiful, jewelled design. Pure Imperial Core, if you ask me. Of course, the only people who have the cash and the inclination to blow it on a beautiful and elegant containment unit are nobles....

(..and WHY they would have something so dangerous kept in their reception hall as a conversation piece (!) a very good question... )

Ketkiller - another pyramid design, but in my eyes it looks more like a ceremonial/religious container from the Consulate than anything scientific.

NickatNite - A good, TL-7-9 spherical containment unit. Maybe the low-tech locals found something... surprising... on their Moon, and want to ship it to an Imperial university for further study (after being paid a nice fee, of course.)

Nell 3D - an oddly-shaped container, perhaps a specialized First Imperium supply crate. I wonder though, why is it still powered up after 3,500 years...?

JeffrySG - a really nice scifi pyramid crate, shipped from a Zhodani Research Facility.

Andrew Boulton - Just for your information, it is illegal in the Imperium to just physically *mail* biohazard material in a padded paper envelope (across interstellar space: planeteary laws differ, naturally.)

3DTEKO6 - a nice container for shipping VERY active material - perhaps superdense material from a star or an Ancient relic? A part of a heart of a small, dying white dwarf?

Melak - not truly dangerous material, as much as it is valuable. IMTU, the K'kree would use this to ship valuable, sweet-smelling liquids. (The 'handles' I would reinterpret as aerial dispensers for the 'perfume'.)

Surprisingly elegant, for the K'kree - but the K'kree have always loved and greatly valued sweet smells....
This is cool!

Do you mean that rpgers get a bad rep for "stealing" these for private, regular games, or "stealing" them, making a game and selling it?

I dont understand, can you explain?
It would, of course, be very wrong for me to encourage you all to join just so you can vote for me...

"Do you mean that rpgers get a bad rep for "stealing" these for private, regular games, or "stealing" them, making a game and selling it?"

The former, AIUI. Specifically, posting them on websites without asking permission or giving credit.
Several people on Sci-Fi meshes have had a rough deal before now with Trek PBeMs taking imagery from the forums and posting it on their home pages without credit or permission.
Unfortunately for this they seem to blame all roleplayers across the board. :(

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
It would, of course, be very wrong for me to encourage you all to join just so you can vote for me...
Well, I don't think it's wrong at all! Your entry shows a great sense of humor, and I wouldn't mind if it came out on top!

It is also JUST the think free trader captains can expect to pop in their mailboxes, on Law Level 0-1 worlds. Sure, those worlds are useful for Just So Many Things (especially if they are high-tech), but they have their own unique headaches as well...
I'd Vote for Lord Boulton any day of the week.

Is there some person to contact directly about alleiviating this "Bad Rep" stuff? Perhaps some system of credit could be developed between the communities to avoid friction. At least from the Trav Community to that community? (Star Trek can handle its own reputation problems I'm sure.) Find some method of marking them without having to have "Copyright 2006 Pete the Box designer" in every picture?

I try to be careful in giving credit, and making sure it gets given, but then again we are talking about my personal games, that I run with about 10-12 people, privately for no money. If its a case of I was starting "Box Wars" or something and was trying to sell it, then I can understand that fully.

What sort of credit do they want besides "such a person made this?" If they want money or something, that is a bit mercenary. And also asks the question of wether or not they want thier work to be seen in any form.

My motivation for "biting" (to use the rapper's phrase) if anything is exposure of excellent work like Andrews Ships, or Scarecrows Paper Minis, or Greywolf's mostly because I truly want people to see it. For them TO see how good it is. This is a logical step in the journey to get the designer's work seen in a context that yes, one day would maybe with luck get thier space shiping container into DOOM XVI, or whatever.

I truly hope that it is not seen as a ripoff, because I try to look at it as we all should help each other out as best we can with what resources are available. Even if 10 to 12 people know a Boulton Box on sight, that to me is a step in the right direction.

AS far as Star Trek goes, those people DO have the money to not only do thier own boxes, and should not even need to rip anyone off. If you look at STNG, DSN, or even the ST movies, you can see all kinds of stuff that is everyday stuff converted to prop use. They do it all the time.

a Kids "Space Capsule" Toybox figures heavy in Wrath of Khan, as does the container that the old school filmstrip with cassettes container. (Stuck to the wall of the Bridge)

Dr. Bashir's Sickbay walls are Shipping Palletes painted gunmetal color and backlit.

I watched "Encounter at Farpoint" the other night, and in the "Courtroom" scene, the walls are arranged bakery shipping racks backlit by yellow plexiglass. Its a grid. The also use it for the Computer Core room on the Enterprise in a few episodes.

And then there is the almost ubiquitous US navy Sonobouy container. That has been in several episodes. I even have several in my workshop right now holding pipes.
PLEASE do not steal these images! RPG players have a bad rep for stealing images for their games, without giving due credit or getting permission. So, show some respect for the talent out there, OK?
Ok, no problem,
I didn’t know the fan art community was so upset.

But . . .
Let us not forget that Star Trek and other TV shows are the “property” of someone else and those companies grant a bit of slack for fanfic and fan art as long as you don’t try to sell it or claim it was your idea.

Perhaps a bit of amnesty all around might be in order.
"Well, I don't think it's wrong at all! Your entry shows a great sense of humor, and I wouldn't mind if it came out on top!"

Thanks! I wasn't going to enter at all - there are many seriously good artists over there, plus it's not easy to make a box look interesting - but then I had one of those ideas that are just too silly to resist...
Baron Saarthuran,

At least on sci-fi meshes, I think the best bet is to open a thread in one of the discussion forums, and ask about it. Se if there's any way Travellers (at least) can get a break.

I just might ask around myself: I only got back on the site a few days ago...

Hi Kurega Gikur,

I agree, sci-fi meshes are not perfectly pure when it comes to the joys of copywrited material. (Who is? I have quite a few complaints when it comes to current copywrite law.)

BUT, they provide a service I really like, and that I can't do myself. They've got the upper hand over ignorant suckers like me, who falls in love with every pretty gadget he sees, but has problems using MS Paint...

I just want them to be happy grinding out beautiful meshes. They say "don't post my work without permission?" Whatever you want, man - just keep those meshes coming!
Regarding the RPGers stealing images thing. I'm not sure of the details, but I think it went a bit like this:

Sci-Fi Meshes: "Hey! Those are our images. How's about asking first, or at least crediting the artist?"
RPG thieves:"Screw You!"
Sci-Fi Meshes"Well, okay. Take them down then please."
RPG thieves:"Screw You!"
Sci-Fi Meshes"Goddamn Roleplayers!"
RPG thieves:"Screw You!"

...etc etc. I think as long as you ask the artist in question, get their permission and credit them on the site that the image is posted, then everyone is cool. It was just a couple of tossers spoiling the broth.

Thanks! I wasn't going to enter at all - there are many seriously good artists over there, plus it's not easy to make a box look interesting - but then I had one of those ideas that are just too silly to resist...

Sorry, man, I can't vote for you. It would be like saying: "nice package, dude" and well, no. Just, no...
It's a conspiracy, same thing happens to me all the time too