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[Freelance Traveller] Open Response to Anonymous Feedback


SOC-14 1K
On Saturday, November 14, we received the following feedback via our Feedback page on the website:

An Anonymous Visitor said:
Subject: Your stuipid website reviews
Comment: Who the hell does Peter Trevor think he is? The website authors worked very hard on thier sites and this ass Trevor has the nerve to flame just about all of the sites with his so called "reviews". Very dispointed that you would do this to all the website authors who worked so hard on their stuff. I am very embarrased for you and disapointed in you guys.
Freelance Traveller feels no remorse or embarrassment about carrying Peter's website reviews.

Peter took it upon himself to look at and critique various Traveller websites and allowed us to carry the results. In every case, we have found his reviews and criticisms to be well-considered, and fair. They are in no way "flames".

The fact that a website author "worked so hard on their stuff" is - and should be - irrelevant to an evaluation of the quality, utility, accessibility, desirability, et cetera, of the website, just as it is irrelevant to a review of a movie, TV show, or book. That an author "worked so hard" to write a book that is unreadable does not change the fact that it is unreadable; should a review of that book make any sort of allowance for the hard work that the author put into it? That the actors, writers, and director "worked so hard" to make a movie or TV show that is unwatchable does not change the fact that it is unwatchable; must a review take that hard work into account and make allowances? Society says not, and acts accordingly. Why, then, should a website be treated any differently?

One might argue that the book, TV show, or movie is done for personal and/or corporate monetary gain, and that society should know what it is getting for the value of the coin they will be paying to read/see it. It is our position that one makes an investment when one visits a web site as well - perhaps not monetary, but is your time worth nothing?

"But the author/writer/actors/director are PROFESSIONALS! The occasional bad review is part of the price of being a professional!" And once, they were all amateurs, much like the majority of website designers/builders for noncommercial hobby sites - including Freelance Traveller itself (which has also been reviewed by Peter, and that review is on our site as well). Part of the transition from amateur to professional is taking criticism, and taking more criticism, and taking still more criticism, and LEARNING from it, rather than rejecting it out-of-hand as though it were a personal attack. And even after becoming a professional, you listen to the criticisms, and learn from them, tempering those criticisms with your experience.

Is the critic always right? No, and many times we have seen the critics pan a blockbuster or best-seller - or proclaim a triumph for a dog. Perhaps it is because the critics have their own biases; perhaps it is because the critics are using criteria other than those of the general public; perhaps it is because the critic happens not to be part of the target audience for the work at issue. The why is irrelevant; the critic gets it wrong occasionally - but even in getting it wrong, the critic may well say something that the author/writer/actor/director sees, and stops and says "Gee, y'know, maybe he's got something, there.". And then, the author/writer/actor/director examins his/her own work in light of what the critic says - and maybe next time, does things a little differently. There are several words that describe that process - growth, maturation, evolution, development, improvement... and none of them, when used in this manner, imply anything negative.

What's more, OTHER authors/writers/actors/directors see the reviews, both before and after reading/seeing the work at issue. And after doing so, they may come away with ideas for improving their own work.

So too with website reviews. Perhaps the webmaster will never see the review (we hope that's not the case). Perhaps, as this visitor did, the webmaster will find the review insulting (we hope not). We can't control that. We can hope that anyone who reads the reviews will learn from them - what works, what doesn't, what's worth their time to visit, and what's not. That is, after all, the PURPOSE of a review. And when Peter returns to writing website reviews, we will continue to carry them.

You also have no disclaimer disavowing yourself of their opinions, therefore, you have endorsed their opinions as editor.

That almost every review is by Peter makes it look even more strongly like an endorsement of Peter's reviews.

Me, I don't like Peter's reviews; I generally don't read them.

unless you put a disclaimer up, expect more spleening about them.
That was a very well thought out and measured reply to the feedback.

I suspect the Anonymous Visitor is the host of one of those sites and feels his labour of love was unfairly attacked.

Not to mount too big a defense to the Anonymous Visitor, But I am not sure if I agree that a site created by an amature out of love for a property should be measured by the same yard stick as a pro site that charges $$ for a product or service. IMHO.

None the less it is too bad he felt the need to strike back and didn't either use the feedback to post a considered reply to critisim or better yet learn from it and improve the site.

I glanced over some reviews, and unless I happened to pick all good ones it seems the reviews are overall positive. I'm guessing I didn't read over the critic's website review. :)
Hello all, Peter Trevor here. First off, if anyone was offended by my reviews then I apologise. It wasn't my intent to cause offense of distress in any way, I was merely trying to do my part to redress a problem highlighted by someone on the TML about the 'black hole of quality' (whereby no one was getting any feedback at all on their creative endeavours). My chosen format was to catalogue what I found at each site and make some (hopefully) helpful suggestions on possible improvements (all IMHO of course).

I would, however, like to point out that many of these reviews are now several years old (and more than a few of those sites have since disappeared ... many were hosted on Geocities). The reviews were only relevant at the moment they were made. I don't know if Jeff could put the original review dates on those articles?

And if the original 'Anonymous' poster would like to contact me PM I am willing to discuss any specific issues they might have.

Regards PLST
For the record, Peter also posted this to the similar thread on the Traveller Mailing list, where I replied. The short form: I'll see if I can find dates for the reviews, but no promises beyond that; commitment to include dates on any future website reviews; reiteration of willingness to post new reviews if Peter - or anyone else - wants to write 'em; self-debate as to whether to remove reviews of sites not known to be available, or just edit to note that the site is currently unavailable and no known info on current location.
You might be able to find them on web.archive.org, so it's worth keeping them if they got archived.
Sorry to hear about it. Personally, if I'm was ever offended by a review of my work, I would be brave enough to post my name.

The only review I ever read on my site just said: "Weak". So I guess I've no where to go but up! :)