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"Force" Powers as Psionics in Traveller (All versions)


SOC-14 1K
Greetings all

I've been looking at the psionics systems in CT, MT and T4 (comparing and contrasting, as it were). I was wondering if anyone has developed house rules (for any rules version(s), including T20) for the following "Force" psionic talents/feats/skills:

Force Jump
Force Run
Force Push
Force Pull

I'm especially interested in DCs/skill checks/Tasks (both MT and T4) and mishaps for the above.

Any and all information will be gratefully received.

Not familiar with the D20 SW... but...

T4 has the ability to push physical atts with psionics. Str and End are canonical T4. Pushing movement would, IMO, be

Awareness, Enhanced Movement. 1pt for 1m extra, double extra distance for +1 point, +1 point per PSR Kg carried.

If force push and force pull are TK, they already are in all Traveller Psionics rulesets.

T4 and TNE will have the most jedi-like feel. T4 (without the psionic institutes rules) is pay the points and it happens. The Psionic Institutes book adds skill rolls to psionics...

TNE is something happens, but it may not be enough, if the skill roll is made... and TNE has no Psi-Point limitations, as it doesn't use psionic points at all.
For t20
Force run for every 1 pt of psionic power speed increase 2 feet. After 10 rounds fort check dc 15. The dc increases 1 for every two rounds after that.
Force jump for every 1 pt of power distance increase 2 feet.
Force push 1 pt to active. Fort dc 10 or push back 5 feet. For every extra point expended DC increases by 1 and distance by 2.
Force pull same as push just opposite
Originally posted by Gruffty:
Greetings all

I've been looking at the psionics systems in CT, MT and T4 (comparing and contrasting, as it were). I was wondering if anyone has developed house rules (for any rules version(s), including T20) for the following "Force" psionic talents/feats/skills:

Force Jump
Force Run
Force Push
Force Pull

Jumping, pushing and pulling are all telekinetic activities in CT terms and would just require the necessary psionic strength and psionic points (the CT rules specifically say that characters with a psionic strength of 10 can levitate, for instance).

Force Run (enhanced speed) can either be handled as incomplete levitation (pushing yourself off the ground enough to reduce your effective weight, but not lifting off) in which case you could use the reduction in weight as a reduction in gravity and use the rules for enhanced carrying capacity in lower gravity as a guideline to how much faster the person can run, or you can allow the character to have a psionically enhanced Dexterity characteristic and figure out increase speed from that.

Two characters attempting the same thing (like both trying to levitate an object) can either add their strengths together for a +DM if cooperating, or use them as competing DMs (one positive, one negative) on the task if opposing one another.

Heck, I just winged it way back when I first ran TRAVELLER and had a STAR WARS background for part of my universe.