SOC-14 1K
In the IN & IM Ranks and insignia we got into a discussion of actual structure of the Imperial Navy. Traveller uses terms Imperial Navy fairly consistently but below that there is Reserve Fleet, Colonial Fleet and Squadron and Planetary defense squadrons.
Most of the Canon work, I have seen, that explicitly lays out the structure of the IN comes from MT instead of CT. While there are some vague references in CT the Navy isn't really laid out in structure. In FSOTSI and The Rebellion Sourcebook the Imperial Navy is laid out as 3 distinct levels (or 4 depending on how you read it.)
The Imperial Navy has one Named Fleet for each sector and each subsector has one numbered fleet. Each subsector has in addition a numbered reserve fleet, generallly maintained by the Imperial Navy and composed of obsolecent and mothballed ships. Systems with sufficient resources may raise "Colonial Squadrons" Which are considered part of the Reserve Fleet.
The final level is the System defense forces which consists of non-jump capable units of various capability, from 10T fighters to 50+KTon monitors.
That material is from MT FOTSI and Rebellion Sourcebook but is also found in T20 material.
Now one system's squadron may be another's fleet. And a system like Mora, Rhylanor, Trin and Glisten have the resources to easily construct more than just a Squadron but a fleet of combat vessels in their own name. Which would be a Colonial Navy, Colonial Fleet or Colonial Squadron depending on how you wanted to classify it but that is just a name and technically they would fall under their Subsector's Reserve Fleet augmented by obsolete ships mothballed and/or kept active for training purposes. Supp 9 does list the Atlantic class as obsolete and being relagated to second line duties. (Reserve Fleet?) Though compared to the other Cruisers in Supp9 it is still, IMHO, overall the best one in the supplement.
CT in Sup 9 started a Squadron as a group of 4-8 ships of similar type supported byt other ships, (escorts and auxillaries) Being BatRons, CruRons, DesRons etc. And implied that 8 was the norm for a full strength Ron. FOTSI cut that down to 4-5 as the size of a normal Ron. T20 material also has it at this half size level. Though in most Traveller material I have read BatRons based on Battle Riders generally has 6 riders as the typical size of a BatRon.
T20 lists a Numbered Fleet as a BatRon or CruRon plus DesRons, Escorts and Auxillaries. MT doesn't state how many Capital ship Squadrons make up a Numbered Fleet. That would mean there were only 16 Rons of Capital ships in a Sector Navy. Given the size of a Sector that strikes me as relatively small. Especially since it also states that Batrons are generally deployed intact.
Other than the basic glossing of terms in LBB5 and the limited material in Supp 9 there is little to go on in CT Canon.
MT's material on fleets is internally consistent and apparently adapted in T20. (MTs material looks like it was copied from FSOTI to Rebellion Sourcebook or vice-versa.)
(I will admit I don't own everything produced for CT but I do have LBB 1-6, Supp 1-13, Adventures 1-13, Mayday, Snapshot, FASA's Adventure Ships Volume 1, and Aslan Mercenary Vessels. With MT I am limited to the basic books, FSOTSI, Referee's Companion, Rebellion Sourcebook, and Digest Group's Vargr and Vilani Supplement and 101 vehicles. In T20 I do admit to having virtually everything actually published. All the TA and Epic Adventures plus Gateway to Destiny and of course the THB. I never did buy the TNE material but as it is after the collapse it isn't really relavent to Fleet composition, and while I never even saw T4 to purchase it, reportedly, does take place in the Early days of the Imperium (Almost 1000 years before the time frame I have played in.)
I guess that leaves material in Gurps GT as still open. I have never read it and since it is a what if the Rebellion never happened. One would think that GT and MT would be mutually exclusive anyway.
Sorry couldn't resist. I haven't seriously looked at GT though perhaps I should, it does appear to have decent material in it.
OK after all that if you read that far congratulations and thanks for bearing with me.
What other interpretations of Fleet Structure is anyone else using?
Most of the Canon work, I have seen, that explicitly lays out the structure of the IN comes from MT instead of CT. While there are some vague references in CT the Navy isn't really laid out in structure. In FSOTSI and The Rebellion Sourcebook the Imperial Navy is laid out as 3 distinct levels (or 4 depending on how you read it.)
The Imperial Navy has one Named Fleet for each sector and each subsector has one numbered fleet. Each subsector has in addition a numbered reserve fleet, generallly maintained by the Imperial Navy and composed of obsolecent and mothballed ships. Systems with sufficient resources may raise "Colonial Squadrons" Which are considered part of the Reserve Fleet.
The final level is the System defense forces which consists of non-jump capable units of various capability, from 10T fighters to 50+KTon monitors.
That material is from MT FOTSI and Rebellion Sourcebook but is also found in T20 material.
Now one system's squadron may be another's fleet. And a system like Mora, Rhylanor, Trin and Glisten have the resources to easily construct more than just a Squadron but a fleet of combat vessels in their own name. Which would be a Colonial Navy, Colonial Fleet or Colonial Squadron depending on how you wanted to classify it but that is just a name and technically they would fall under their Subsector's Reserve Fleet augmented by obsolete ships mothballed and/or kept active for training purposes. Supp 9 does list the Atlantic class as obsolete and being relagated to second line duties. (Reserve Fleet?) Though compared to the other Cruisers in Supp9 it is still, IMHO, overall the best one in the supplement.
CT in Sup 9 started a Squadron as a group of 4-8 ships of similar type supported byt other ships, (escorts and auxillaries) Being BatRons, CruRons, DesRons etc. And implied that 8 was the norm for a full strength Ron. FOTSI cut that down to 4-5 as the size of a normal Ron. T20 material also has it at this half size level. Though in most Traveller material I have read BatRons based on Battle Riders generally has 6 riders as the typical size of a BatRon.
T20 lists a Numbered Fleet as a BatRon or CruRon plus DesRons, Escorts and Auxillaries. MT doesn't state how many Capital ship Squadrons make up a Numbered Fleet. That would mean there were only 16 Rons of Capital ships in a Sector Navy. Given the size of a Sector that strikes me as relatively small. Especially since it also states that Batrons are generally deployed intact.
Other than the basic glossing of terms in LBB5 and the limited material in Supp 9 there is little to go on in CT Canon.
MT's material on fleets is internally consistent and apparently adapted in T20. (MTs material looks like it was copied from FSOTI to Rebellion Sourcebook or vice-versa.)
(I will admit I don't own everything produced for CT but I do have LBB 1-6, Supp 1-13, Adventures 1-13, Mayday, Snapshot, FASA's Adventure Ships Volume 1, and Aslan Mercenary Vessels. With MT I am limited to the basic books, FSOTSI, Referee's Companion, Rebellion Sourcebook, and Digest Group's Vargr and Vilani Supplement and 101 vehicles. In T20 I do admit to having virtually everything actually published. All the TA and Epic Adventures plus Gateway to Destiny and of course the THB. I never did buy the TNE material but as it is after the collapse it isn't really relavent to Fleet composition, and while I never even saw T4 to purchase it, reportedly, does take place in the Early days of the Imperium (Almost 1000 years before the time frame I have played in.)
I guess that leaves material in Gurps GT as still open. I have never read it and since it is a what if the Rebellion never happened. One would think that GT and MT would be mutually exclusive anyway.
OK after all that if you read that far congratulations and thanks for bearing with me.
What other interpretations of Fleet Structure is anyone else using?