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Fleet Tug (Book 2 Design)


Fleet Tug (modified Book 2 design)

Using a 1000-ton hull, the Fleet Tug is designed as a support vessel for fleet repair ships. It is intended as a high-capacity "tow truck" which can assist in light repair work or tow a disabled
vessel back to a rear area for more extensive repairs. The design is based on the SDB jump shuttle from "Traders and Gunboats".
It mounts jump drive Z, maneuver drive W, and power plant W, giving an unloaded performance of jump-6 (limited by computer model to jump-3)
and 5-G acceleration. Towing a 4000 ton load limits performance to jump-2 and 1-G acceleration.
Fuel tankage of 550 tons supports the power plant and allows any combination of jumps totaling 5 or less. Jumping with a large tow requires connection to the tow's fuel tankage which can take several hours to perform in the field.
Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/3 with 4 tons available for upgrade.
There are 8 staterooms and no low berths.
The ship has 5 hardpoints and 5 tons allocated for fire control. Each hardpoint carries a single turret mounting a beam laser.
There are no ship's vehicles.
Cargo capacity is 100 tons dedicated to repair parts and piping to make fuel connections to a tow.
The hull is not streamlined.
50 tons at a cost of .1MCr per ton have been used for the clamp and grapple system. 8 tons have been used for workshops.
The Fleet Tug has a crew of 15: pilot, navigator, medic, 7 engineers, and 5 service crew who double as gunners.
The ship costs 621.5MCr without any deductions or fees and requires 30 months to construct.
Originally posted by FlightCommanderSolitude:
This is a nice design, great job Piper. Might I suggest the inclusion of an adventure hook involving this vessel?
Ooooooooh .... hadn't thought of that. How about derelict recovery? This is just the kind of thing to haul a Kinunir back, once you get past the fruit-loops AI.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Now use this to tow one of RainOfSteel's collapsible repair docks into position...
And you'll have one mother-ugly ship. :D
The jump shuttle this is modeled from is basically a box that clamps to the tail of a Dragon SDB for those who might not be familiar with it. Definitely not a plum assignment.

I think you would still need a heavy repair ship. You're going to need some heavy lifting to do a full out replacement on a large drive and some systems would seem a lot easier to work on in a closed environment.
Originally posted by Piper:
I think you would still need a heavy repair ship. You're going to need some heavy lifting to do a full out replacement on a large drive and some systems would seem a lot easier to work on in a closed environment.
And that is what the as-yet undefined "industrial mechanical arms" are for that I mentioned in the draft rules proposal. People aren't going to be muscling around with hundred dTon drive components, giant robotic arms will.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
It could be a nice ship for pirates to get hold of as well...

I can see the TAS Headlines now!

"Unknown pirates, piloting a stolen military towing vessel, stole the 3000 dTon battleship Emperor's Sword directly out of drydock today . . ."

(Note: 3000 dTon and battleship are said together in the same breath in the 5000 dTon ship limit universe setting).