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first time u played!


What happend the first time u played trav?
I had enough time to roll up a belter and get a few details on the pirate crew we were going to be playing. (We were all D&D vets circa 1980 at the time). Given I rolled a seeker as a mustering out benefit, worth tens of millions of credits, I couldn't really figure out why I would be making a living as a pirate. . .
Dunno. Our first game ever is tomorrow night. :eek:

I'm running it and feeling fairly unprepared for the whole thing. I'll let you know.
Rolled up a Navy guy using High Guard, stayed in too long, but came out as a Commodore.

Went through the "Kininir" adventure #1. I remember being very frustrated and angry at that evil computer. I did make it to the control room somehow and blew up the computer with a hand grenade.

I had much more fun when I started to GM myself soon afterwards.
I can't remember the first time I played Traveller - it was back in 1980 and my memory just ain't what it used to be ;)

But the first time my wife played Traveller, I was running a scenario for her and a friend. They took a working passage to fill out the crew of an A2, killed the captain/owner, and stowed the body in the main airlock while they were in jumpspace.

In fact, they totally forgot about it.

A week later, they arrive at their destination (having very carefully forged transfer of ownership papers). They head for the airlock to meet the traditional Imperial customs official - and discover the (former) captain's now quite ripe body in the airlock.

Much merriment ensues...

My first game was back in 1981 or 82. I was 11 or 12, and the older brother of a friend was acting as a sitter for myself and my younger brother. He brought the game over to entertain us. I knew nothing about Traveller and not much about roleplaying in general. The adventure was Annic Nova, and I still remember how cool it seemed as our characters wandered through the old abandonned ship. I still remember his descriptions of the ships interior, and the way I visulaized it in my mind...

Now, 20+ years later I'm in the process of starting a whole new classic traveller campaign, using Annic Nova as the basis. This time I'm throwing in a whole lot more plot (sinister megacorporations, alien technologies, hard-nosed Marines, betrayals, etc.), but hopefully my players will feel the same sense of thrill as that first airlock opens...
Originally posted by hans_koch:
My first game was back in 1981 or 82. I was 11 or 12, and the older brother of a friend was acting as a sitter for myself and my younger brother. He brought the game over to entertain us. I knew nothing about Traveller and not much about roleplaying in general. The adventure was Annic Nova, and I still remember how cool it seemed as our characters wandered through the old abandonned ship. I still remember his descriptions of the ships interior, and the way I visulaized it in my mind...

Now, 20+ years later I'm in the process of starting a whole new classic traveller campaign, using Annic Nova as the basis. This time I'm throwing in a whole lot more plot (sinister megacorporations, alien technologies, hard-nosed Marines, betrayals, etc.), but hopefully my players will feel the same sense of thrill as that first airlock opens...
Hi, Hans ---- Morgan (a newbie) here... I also played The "Annic Nova" back in 82. Now I'm using the basic ship's info for another ship, that my Team, (I'm Refeereeing now)
is going to find.. They are Smuggling Robot Brains for a planetary rebellion. Only because they are trying to repay a debt.

3 out of the 4 of us (including my Wife) were there for D&D in 79 & Traveller in the 80's. The 4th member is my step-daughter. She's an avid RPG'r just like the rest of us.

Opening up all the old 5 x 7 books (yes I have every one of them) brought back some wild memories.
I even found an ad book with a business card on it, from the now defunct store that my friend's ran.. really neat stuff!!!!

~~ Morgan
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

It was early in my senior year of high school, so it would have been 1982. The previous year, I'd been in a D&D/AD&D mix game as my first exposure to RPGs... and probably would've been my last if not for Traveller.

A couple guys at my new school were talking about this SF game. I decided to give it a try. Rolled up my character (Book 1) and had a 1-term Army veteran. One Ref and two PCs... we were run through some Contact! scenarios from the Journal, if I recall correctly.

Twenty years later, I'm still playing RPGs... in a large part thanks to Traveller.
Like most people, it was 20 years ago so I can't remember the exact adventure. I do remember my friend Devin looking at the ad for Traveller in the back of a Dragon magazine (it was just the cover of the box...nothing more (Maday...this is Free Trader Beowulf...)) and he sent away for it mail order. I was apprehensive as the only game we had played so far was D&D, but man am I glad we got it

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for the present. Tuesday my friend Devin was running Traveller. We had our own agenda (trying to escape offworld before a crime boss or similar bad guy figures we DIDN'T do the job for him)...meanwhile we're on the world where Twilight's Peak takes place (location omitted so as not to ruin it for those who haven't played through it YET). The thing is, Devin is still having Twilight's Peak happen...we're just not directly involved. All sorts of mayhem is going on around us and our character have no clue why
It was so cool to see one of the best modules in Traveller history played out with us as outside observers of sorts. Better still, Devin ran me through it years ago, but my other two friends in the group haven't been through it...so they were sort of lost. I just smiled quietly to myself most of the time
Great fun!!
It was the end of summer, 1978. A friend of mine came over with his new Traveller LBB's. Since I was not allowed to have people in the house while my parents were at work, we sat in the backyard, rolled up a couple of characters and set to work.

I played a low term scout, without a ship, and we spent the whole day plotting and planning to boost a free trader so that we could start a life of piracy and mayhem.

Heady days they were, indeed. Adventure and excitement and all the rest.

I am now teaching my son about Traveller. He just turned 8. He insisted on playing this new version of Traveller (even before it was available...at times while we waited, it was difficult to tell who was more anxious for it to come out, me or him). And as if to bode well for the future of his Traveller experience, he's infatuated with all things vargr (just like dear old dad). I gues I will have to overlook the insistence on playing a marine. ;)

early october, 1983, Chugiak High School, Social Studies Center, Lunchtime...

Rick had us roll up characters... I chose a scout. I had ATV, autopistol, Pilot, Navigator, Engineering, and Brawling skills. Almost no cash. Tailored Vacc Suit -14, plss B (well, not labelled such, but that's what it matched up to in later editions). Autopistol, ACR. 5 clips each. Vaccum Tent.

We (my scout, and Someone Else's marine, and some army guy, needed to get across town to catch our flight off the oppressive garden world we were mustered out upon...so we went to rent an air-raft. Someone noticed the guns we were toting... and called the cops. So we stole the air-raft, rather than rent it. over a week of lunches, we fought our way across town, and to the port. Got into orbit. Pirates took out the bridge, so we stormed engineering and the turrets to fight back... and we died. The other PC's by vaccum exposure. Mine by starvation in jumpspace. (I misjumped the ship rather than let the ship be destroyed.)

I was hooked. Under Rick, I never had a character last more than 20 hours of play. But it was fun.
Back in ole 1981-I played a army vet..( odd what am I doing now in real life?) and I was a deck hand on a Far Trader and we crashed on Romar?/ glisten subsector and I was eaten by a "dune like" worm saving the Vargr engineer.
Aramis you went to HS in anchorage hell I attened Bartlett in 87-89!!! wow small world!!!!!.. Nothing could beat playing traveller in December with the northern lights outside!
I first "played" Traveller listening to two other guys discuss it on a school bus back in 1981. The player was describing someone putting on armor and taking the sub-machine gun and pistol from the ship's locker, then going down to the All-Terrain Vehicle in the ship's cargo bay. At first, I thought he was describing some great SF movie I'd never seen, but he was talking in present tense. As he and the ref detailed the ship and the events going on, I saw they were using these cool-looking little black books and realized that this wasn't some movie you just watched, but a game that you could play. I went to the local gaming store and bought the rules later that week.
Unfortunately, I've never actually played. Not many gamers around here, though - but I first heard of Traveller when I found TNE and saw the patrol cruiser (
) and wanted to use one.
I remember getting Traveller when I was 12 (1982) as a reward for something... (it was summer, so it wasn't my birthday)... and man, I can still remember the smell of that box.

I don't really remember the first adventures with any detail - it was a lot of murder and piracy in the Jewell subsector with Zhodani spies and lots of space vixens (we were 12 after all).
Back around 1977,when my college brother asked me to join a run with his friends. As I rolled up the character, I couldn't seem to get a promotion past the rank of sargent, which left a huge gap between my character and the rest of the party. THe DM even started to razz me a little, claiming my character was little more than a supply clerk sargent. I then asked nicely that since I had so many terms as a sargent if i could be head of supplies for a local system. Feeling a little sorry for me after the razzing, he agreed
I then ran the ol' order one extra part routine on him and after 40 years (or so), when I rolled on the mustering out tables, I had managed to get a scout ship (assembly extra). ;)

He then ran a campaign that started us as smugglers to an alien race. We chose alcohol and managed to get to a "red" world and safely escaped. We had signed a contract with the alien's representative for a set price per liter of different types of alcohol. That way, the GM thought, he had us over a barrrel
when it came to bargining for a price.What he hadn't planned on was for the party to decide to take this "one shot" smuggling deal and make a career out of it. We took our profit from the first smuggling run, bought more alcohol and better ways to smuggle, and returned to the ambassador for another payoff.Soon, each encounter was between the Naval blockade (or customs)and us trying to smuggle more and more alcohol to this species. Everytime we ran an encounter, our group had already came up with more and more brilliant ideas to slip by the officials.Each time, the GM would listen to what we had done before he announced the encounter, pause for 2-5 minutes, mutter an obscenity, and say "I never thought about that." We started first buying grain futures and speculating, but finally graduated to buying entire tracts of land to raise crops to produce more alcohol. At the end of a marathon 20+ hour gaming session, the GM announced that the alien race had collapsed due to the outflow of money and also announced that this traveller campaign was finished since we caused the entire empire's status quo to be changed.

For you see, when the GM wrote up our contract with the honorable alien ambassador, he forgot to state a limit on how much his race would buy.Yes, as long as we could smuggle the stuff in, the aliens were FORCED to buy it at the agreed highly inflated prices. That became the first time I played Traveller and also the first and only time I watched a campaign end due to npc drinking and not the players themselves!
Originally posted by morgan:
Hi, Hans ---- Morgan (a newbie) here... I also played The "Annic Nova" back in 82. Now I'm using the basic ship's info for another ship, that my Team, (I'm Refeereeing now)
is going to find.. They are Smuggling Robot Brains for a planetary rebellion. Only because they are trying to repay a debt.

3 out of the 4 of us (including my Wife) were there for D&D in 79 & Traveller in the 80's. The 4th member is my step-daughter. She's an avid RPG'r just like the rest of us.

Opening up all the old 5 x 7 books (yes I have every one of them) brought back some wild memories.
I even found an ad book with a business card on it, from the now defunct store that my friend's ran.. really neat stuff!!!!

~~ Morgan
Sounds like fun, Morgan...I'm still not sure if I'll use the original Annic Nova plans or make a brand new ship. To add an element of suspense the ship is in a decaying orbit around a black hole. The player's ship is the only one that can reach it in time...excitement follows...

I first played Traveller in the early 80's just after I got out of the military. We were so shocked about a game that didn’t include levels, and characters that only got worse over time instead of better that it made a HUGE impression on me.

I loved Traveller, I Refereed the first games myself, and have resurrected it on and off over the years. I just ordered my T20 rule set and once again I am going to surprise the heck out of an RPG group and I referee once more my favorite old RPG.

Traveller is back... I like it....


( the only question in my mind is if I will ever grant experience, I may not, just leave em as they roll em )
My first Traveller game ever was last week.

The PCs just left Milagro/District 268 with a hold full of unrefined uranium which has to arrive at Talchek before the new fissionables import restrictions go into effect. Of course, their engineer got shanghaied the night before by a stranded mercenary captain with delusions of grandeur. Had a nice jailbreak/rescue mission with one of the PCs quitting their job with the mercenary company because the boss has gone cracked and got a lift off-world for his part in the rescue.

Short adventure, got the party together, introduced the setting, much fun was had by all. The player running the ship's pilot is now a big fan of the air/raft since it can go up and wheeled jeeps full of bad guys in pursuit have to stay on the ground.

I was happy that they picked Stellar Rose as the name of their battered A2 and not some super-macho name like I feared.