Hello, all. I thought I'd do a quick summary of the first T20 session that I ran on Tuesday night, and how it went. If no one is interested, let me know and I'll either not continue or delete the post.
Character Generation
I've got four players, and we rolled most of the characters up last week. One of the players couldn't make it, so I lent him my spare copy of the THB at the weekend.
We have a Marine/Merc, about 38 years old with some decent piloting skills.
We have a journalist (Professional/Traveller) who is just starting the TAS Field Reporter Prestige Career as a PC.
We have a Medical Doctor turned Criminal (Academic/Rogue) who has some unusual 'medical' skills for a doctor. I have a feeling that he'll be doing some 'Mercy Killings' along the way.
Finally we have a 42 year old Academic who has spent much of his time researching the Ancients, and there's plenty of plot hooks in there for me to use later.
The game is set in 997, and the PC's started on Sentry, having arranged to meet up several years ago on this date in order to seek their fortunes together. This allowed me to wave away any 'in character meetings' between them, and we can always flashback to those later.
The group were approached by a representative of an organization called Harvest White, who act as 'human resource' brokers for various groups around the sector. Lots of different jobs, legal and otherwise.
The job? Well, as a test to see if the relationship between the PC's and Harvest White would work out, the PC's were asked to simply fly out to an industrial arcology some hundred miles away and collect some data from a Harvest White 'part-timer', bring it back to the Starport and in return, Harvest White would offer the PC's a year long contract for freelance work and the use of a Far Trader.
Too good to resist...
I'll tell you all more if you like, just let me know...
Character Generation
I've got four players, and we rolled most of the characters up last week. One of the players couldn't make it, so I lent him my spare copy of the THB at the weekend.
We have a Marine/Merc, about 38 years old with some decent piloting skills.
We have a journalist (Professional/Traveller) who is just starting the TAS Field Reporter Prestige Career as a PC.
We have a Medical Doctor turned Criminal (Academic/Rogue) who has some unusual 'medical' skills for a doctor. I have a feeling that he'll be doing some 'Mercy Killings' along the way.
Finally we have a 42 year old Academic who has spent much of his time researching the Ancients, and there's plenty of plot hooks in there for me to use later.
The game is set in 997, and the PC's started on Sentry, having arranged to meet up several years ago on this date in order to seek their fortunes together. This allowed me to wave away any 'in character meetings' between them, and we can always flashback to those later.
The group were approached by a representative of an organization called Harvest White, who act as 'human resource' brokers for various groups around the sector. Lots of different jobs, legal and otherwise.
The job? Well, as a test to see if the relationship between the PC's and Harvest White would work out, the PC's were asked to simply fly out to an industrial arcology some hundred miles away and collect some data from a Harvest White 'part-timer', bring it back to the Starport and in return, Harvest White would offer the PC's a year long contract for freelance work and the use of a Far Trader.
Too good to resist...
I'll tell you all more if you like, just let me know...