Originally posted bfrom the SciFi.com weekly bulletin:
Firefly MMORPG Mulled
Firefly, Joss Whedon's shortlived but critically acclaimed SF western TV series, will live again in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, a la Star Wars Galaxies or Eve Online, Wired magazine reported.
Multiverse, maker of a free MMO-creation platform, announced on Dec. 8 that it's struck a deal with Fox Licensing for the game rights to the show.
Firefly, from the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ran for only 11 episodes on Fox before having its plug pulled. Cult fans kept the franchise alive, persuading Universal to green-light a feature film, Serenity, based on the series.
The online version will move away from the show's central characters, which included Capt. Mal Reynolds and the crew of the Serenity. The universe of Firefly featured everything from Old West-style towns to futuristic urban environments, gritty spaceships and pastoral retreats, as well as freedom fighters, oppressive government agents, smugglers, outlaws, mercenaries, trader, townsfolk, futuristic geishas and a race of corrupted humans known as the Reavers. Instead of making the game itself, Multiverse will hire a development team that will craft the virtual galaxy using Multiverse tools. The company is eyeing a game release sometime in 2008.