the pods because you can play them naive.Naive aliens are sooo much fun.Have the humans explain to the pods the concept of war and tell them about warships,then build a pocket battleship with the pentapod starship design rules from DGP.
It was the size of a human destroyer and could take out a fleet of kafer warships.
"Admiral whats wrong?"the aide asked."the wars over ,the kafers are beaten.Why do you look so unhappy?"I'm concerned about the future of the human race.It took us years to explain to the 'pods what war was and why we were fighting the Kafers.I was just wondering how much they actually learned about the negotiations after the war is over,ala versailles.The worst is how I'm going to have to explain to the earth public that we,the human race are now under the protection of the pentapods,but the absolute worst is all the hand holding im going to have to do with military higher ups of 20 countries describing this absolute monster of a living ship and that the 'pods will be making more.I'm sure there will be a rush on the psychological services for everyone over the rank of colonel/commander".
To the best of my recollection:
pentapod battleship-human destroyer size 25000?(i cant remember exactly,ill have to dig it out)
Armor factor20(a 10 still penetrates)8-1200hps warp2.5 (the armor 10 version goes3.5)screens-3,200-400 lasers and it still had room for hundreds(1000s) of mines or missiles,small pentapod ships suck- big ones rock .
The only thing worse than someone upstaging you is an alien culture with a higher learning curve that beats you first try,and its only gonna get worse as time goes by.
If you want the design get in touch with me(ill dig it out) and and you can use it if you credit me.Be warned its a campaign killer,it can destroy a fleet of kafer battleships,I see it holding a system from all attackers because it is the defintion of high survivability,statistically oyu scrapethe hull of all screens ,weapons and screens b4 you kill cant fly, you cant see and you cant shoot but your still alive.I also see this ship in a tourney run by 2-5 people against as many people as you can dig up