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FASA Adventure Class Ships, and others.

I spent the past couple of days using Falkyn's Spreadsheet (Excellent work, sir) converting the Old FASA Adventure Class Ships Vol 1 and 2 and Aslan Mercenary ships to T20 for a campaign I am about to start running.

(One of the reasons I was hoping Falkyn would find a way to do batteries on the sheet.

Now many of the ships were broken under LBB5 so they required modification for T20 and a couple of them are definitely severely broken. (Still trying to figure out how to make the Chatl work.) But with all this work I was wondering if anyone was interested in seeing them.

Especially since they all have deck plans, and according to SGS they should be available sometime in the near/distant future again. (And if you shop you can find some of them out there.)
One more voice in favor of you posting the fruits of your labors.

I was recently setting up a Word doc for the Valor Class Missile Corvette and my Gooogle-fu failed me completely. I could not find the deck plans for this ship, not even in my archives on the hard disk.
(I suspect a joint Hiver/Chirper conspiracy. Laugh if you will; but I know those little pathetically weak “skinned-chicken-looking” sneaks are more dangerous than they look. And the next time I trust a Hiver will be the first.) <exit in-character rant>

So put them up and hard drives across the world will save them for all posterity.
Originally posted by Savage:
dancha and Burocrate,
I've put mine on my game site, depending what your looking for...I stayed away from the alien designs I don't need... but hopefully Bhoin will make his available, as well.

More interestingly I've been playing with variations on a few of them.

One comment: drop capsules under Striker/CT were 1/2 ton. Try the vehicle rules, rather than the ship ones...

Otherwise, they look pretty good.
Originally posted by Savage:
dancha and Burocrate,
I've put mine on my game site, depending what your looking for...I stayed away from the alien designs I don't need... but hopefully Bhoin will make his available, as well.

More interestingly I've been playing with variations on a few of them.
Sweet! Nice to see the spreadsheet making people's job easier and that it is a prodigious body of conversions. One note, you might want to mention the version of the spreadsheet used with each one, just in case a bug is found within that version that affects that design (or not). I know someone pointed out that the externally docked smallcraft add EPs to that of the main ship in v1.8 for example.
I have been playing with 1.8. See my comments on Computer solutions.

I will post my results here, probably tomorrow once I figure out how to export to a format I can post.

Originally posted by Falkayn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Savage:
dancha and Burocrate,
I've put mine on my game site, depending what your looking for...I stayed away from the alien designs I don't need... but hopefully Bhoin will make his available, as well.

More interestingly I've been playing with variations on a few of them.
Sweet! Nice to see the spreadsheet making people's job easier and that it is a prodigious body of conversions. One note, you might want to mention the version of the spreadsheet used with each one, just in case a bug is found within that version that affects that design (or not). I know someone pointed out that the externally docked smallcraft add EPs to that of the main ship in v1.8 for example. </font>[/QUOTE]
OK. I do have them all done. Well except the Chatl, Condor and Chameleon (Which are severely broken). Problem is I can't get an output I can share. :( Still working on it.
Yeah they were pretty broken.

If its not too much work you can do what I did ...free website copy the bottom into a web page...

Hey gang:

If I might ask, what is the problem you are facing with (not) finding an output you can share?

What app are you using, what are its options, what have you tried (and discarded), etc.? Heck: what platform, etc.


Originally posted by Savage:
Yeah they were pretty broken.

If its not too much work you can do what I did ...free website copy the bottom into a web page...

Just trying to get Falkyn's Spreadsheet 1.8 to produce text or word format without losing half the data.
Funny, I thought the Chatl actually worked fairly well within the rules, and was also one of the best deckplan-wise.

Had a heck of a time getting the Valor and Lucifer up to their proper deckplan sizes. Still not happy with either, ten years later...
It did under Highguard. (Fairly well being the operative term.) I can't seem to get it to get close under T20 though, which is really weird.

Originally posted by GypsyComet:
Funny, I thought the Chatl actually worked fairly well within the rules, and was also one of the best deckplan-wise.

Had a heck of a time getting the Valor and Lucifer up to their proper deckplan sizes. Still not happy with either, ten years later...
Originally posted by Bhoins:
Just trying to get Falkyn's Spreadsheet 1.8 to produce text or word format without losing half the data.
I've already helped Bhoins with this one, but for anyone else who is wondering ... the current v1.8 on my website fixes this problem. I will be bringing out v1.9 in a week or so which should fix some other problems with externally mounted smallcraft, and add new crew positions for non-capital ships.
Thank you sir.
The results of his work and my retyping can be found in its own thread. Classic FASA Ships Converted to T20. Thanks all for your patience.


Originally posted by Falkayn:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bhoins:
Just trying to get Falkyn's Spreadsheet 1.8 to produce text or word format without losing half the data.
I've already helped Bhoins with this one, but for anyone else who is wondering ... the current v1.8 on my website fixes this problem. I will be bringing out v1.9 in a week or so which should fix some other problems with externally mounted smallcraft, and add new crew positions for non-capital ships. </font>[/QUOTE]
So design one. Use the two 3,000 ships and the information on the balance of the regiment to see what the 9 Intruder Transports and the 3 Battle Leaders are carrying. (Everything but the Regimental HQ, the fighter squadron and 3 platoons.) The 5,000 Command ship is carrying everything else. The Regiment command staff will be awake as will the Plt Ldr and PSG for any platoons they are carrying. I figure a large Maintenance unit, and a large Medical unit would be part of the Regimental HQ, that goes with the Artillery Battery that the Regiment has. The platoons on the command ship would probably be the SF platoon, and the Recon Platoons. They will have vehicle berths for the vehicles for the Regimental Command. And give it the same jump-3 maneuver 3 as the rest of the squadron. Add a Flag Bridge, a Ground Forces Command Bridge, (Similar to the battle simulator on the Battle Leader, though larger.) 2-3 Missile Bays, and a bunch of laser turrets. Also it gets a fighter squadron. (15 fighters.)

Tell you what, since I have just worked out the specs. I will design it this evening. (Deck plans for a 5000 ton ship are another matter that will take a while.
Originally posted by Murph:
The Aslan ships were great, I just wish they had added the 5,000 ton command ship.