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Experience Awards

Since the OGL prohibits the inclusion of rules covering XP, the T20 book can't explain different methods of leveling. So I’m curious how some of you are handling experience rewards in your T20 game.

I doubt the standard XP-for-defeating-CRs method is common in a Traveller game, but then again…
I'm using a variation of the palladium Xp system. Expands the ideas listed in the T20 book. Awards for defeating enemies, innovative skill use, intuitive ideas, etc.
I am using the system given on page 420, it is not perfect but with a little tweeking it works. I like how they catagorize the adventures, or game session.
I'm going to aim that the "middle" level of the party will go up after about 5 adventures. This seems very fast to me. But any slow and the high end of the party will never advance.

It means that the low end of the party go up alternate adventures

(The party is between 3rd and 11th!)

Actual figures for Experience pulled out of the air a couple of times per "adventure". Call it 1,500XP for the whole thing. There are nice "intermissions" which will break the thing up into three parts so I'll probably give 500XP per part.
I'm with Ellros on this, I have had Palladium games RPG, and tend to use their ideas a lot. Their alignement definitions, I liked because their explanations were better than ADnD...
But on topic: The good idea, innovative use of skills, good role playing bonuses, have always been a part of my campaigns. (in my ADnD campaigns, I never gave treasure Xps, cuz they were gonna spend it any way. Only Rogues got it-if they "stole it". XP's fer "magic items" came to wizards, if they made them. Heretical of me, I'm sure.)

I don't know if D20 has done away with the old 10% XP bonus for high stats, like D&D, Ad&D 1st & 2nd E used...I probably will have to revise things a wee if thats the case.
I don't know if D20 has done away with the old 10% XP bonus for high stats, like D&D, Ad&D 1st & 2nd E used...I probably will have to revise things a wee if thats the case.
No more of that, or treasure xp either. Most 3rd ed D&D XP is from killing critters nowadays, based on the party's average level compared to that of the critter.
Bah --

The CR system isn't just for 'monster killed' it's for 'difficulty overcome'. That difficulty can be a monster, an alien, getting laid, etc...you name it.

In fact, I'm running a D&D campaign right now that uses CR's for goals & guests and I DON'T give XP for stuff killed. Players are avoiding combat more and more and thinking a lot more than normal.

I'm planning on using the EXACT same system for T20.

So, found a patron? Patron wants X done. X has a CR of 7 for the party......

If they accomplish X then they get their XP if they don't accomplish it, then they don't.

I also do the same thing for "study".

So, player G wants to spend 3 months studying, non-stop. I'd say that for G that would be a CR of 3. So, if G succeeds they get the XP from the CR chart. To succeed G will have to make a number of rolls and 'ignore' little side-track adventures or story plots that get thrown him.....

See where I'm going? You can use CR to represent *anything*.....don't get bogged down in hack'n'slash....

....or so thunk I
I just give somewhere between 1000 and 1500 xp per character per session, with some small bonuses going to "MVP" and "Hackmaster" of the adventure.
I get each player to write out 2 most memorible things about the game that a player did. Each nomination usually nets the player who did it 100xp/level. They can't vote on themselves. This is bonus xp, depends on what they did in the adventure (the group) for the party xp.

Originally posted by Ellros:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I don't know if D20 has done away with the old 10% XP bonus for high stats, like D&D, Ad&D 1st & 2nd E used...I probably will have to revise things a wee if thats the case.
No more of that, or treasure xp either. Most 3rd ed D&D XP is from killing critters nowadays, based on the party's average level compared to that of the critter.</font>[/QUOTE]------------------------------------------------
Good to hear that, thanx Ellros! ;)
Originally posted by RabidVargr:
I get each player to write out 2 most memorible things about the game that a player did. Each nomination usually nets the player who did it 100xp/level. They can't vote on themselves. This is bonus xp, depends on what they did in the adventure (the group) for the party xp.

Thanx fer the idea RV, I shall adopt this, ASAP.
Pax Solee!
In the past I used both the suggested XP values of a game system with alot of GM discretion.

Several Items I give points for:

Player says a relevant comment or question that shows some very good thinking or knowledge. (ex. someone, with no scientific background, remembers or ask some obscure fact that could make or break a situation)

Interesting side adventures - the actions of a character causes misadventures that temporarily suspends the planned adventure. This is applies alot if it can add more to character.

Amusement level - the more a joke or slapstick fits the scene and/or amuses the GM the better.

Running Joke/Gag - Something keeps coming up in the campaign.(PC, while emptying his pockets, occasionally pulls out a rubber chicken)

One Palladium system concept I borrowed for RL and gaming:

25pts - Clever but futile plan or idea.
Anyone know how they do xp awards in the Star Wars d20 book? Would that transfer?

One of my favorite ideas for bonus xp... The PC says something based on the *player's* knowledge. The NPC asks "How did you know that?" or the equivalent. The player, with quick thinking, comes up with an in-character justification for the PC's outburst.

Example: PC is a 16-yr-old street rat with no formal education other than what she picked up from the nuns at the convent, where she got an occaisional meal.
PC: "Well, you could radio-carbon date it."
NPC: "How do you know anything about carbon dating?!?"
PC: "Um, I heard the nuns talking about them using it on the Shroud of Turin."
(yep, that was my PC in a V:tM game)
Accrording to the newest SW edition, it's a mix of Traveller and D&D. XP per session with additional for certain CR related tasks.
Originally posted by bozzutoman:
Since the OGL prohibits the inclusion of rules covering XP, the T20 book can't explain different methods of leveling. So I’m curious how some of you are handling experience rewards in your T20 game.

I doubt the standard XP-for-defeating-CRs method is common in a Traveller game, but then again…
I assume that you're not refering to the table on page 420?

I don't particularly see the need to be stingy with experience points as a high level character will die just as easily as a low level one.
Originally posted by George Boyett:
One Palladium system concept I borrowed for RL and gaming:

25pts - Clever but futile plan or idea.
Please forgive me for saying this, but I suspect that a good portion of our good Trader Jim's experience points were achieved 25 points at a time.

(Sorry, had to...please don't down rate me my good Trader...I'm more then willing to buy a few dTons of Coffee Juice for the upcoming Holiday Feast. :D )