Originally posted by The Oz:
Now, exploratory trade does occur: but I'd think it would be on a smaller scale,
I'm affraid I have to agree.
Starships have mortgage loan payments every single month. They
must generate the funds to pay that mortgage by turning their cargo and passenger capacity as often as possible.
Grand expeditions over great distances would involve many no-go situations as far as getting full loads, and would lead to short-falls in the mortgage payments.
Even a small division of a Megacorp could cover this, but it would be a bleeding red spot on that divion's bottom line. Promotions given out for non-nepotistic (or old-boys network) reasons are most likely to be given to those who have proved themselves most capable (at lesat up to the sector level, anyway; beyond that, I think there would be a bonded superdense ceiling that only family and particular nobility could get by). Those who prove themselves don't have unusual bleeding red spots on their GL statements, therefore, I think it unlikely that any executive would fund such an operation on a grand scale.
Now, exploratory missions on a smaller scale, like with the Speculative Trader designed in:
Speculative Traders, that, I think, would be far more likely. (Personally, I think a Far Trader is not up to the task of exploratory trading.) Teency tiny losses are still red spots on the GL, of course, but they are swamped by all the black and don't have enough zeroes in them to worry anyone. There is probably even an expectation of small losses to further overall development.