The program Etiquette and Protocol described on p. 231 is said to give an intelligent computer a SOC score that depends on the complexity of the program.
I don't understand this at all. Surely social status is something conferred on a being from outside? If Emperor Caligula makes his horse a senator, he is a senator however dull his conversation. And if Grand Director Argelbargel says robots are not citizens, then intelligent robots are at best slaves (SOC 0) or else mere machines (so SOC at all), however erudite.
I don't understand this at all. Surely social status is something conferred on a being from outside? If Emperor Caligula makes his horse a senator, he is a senator however dull his conversation. And if Grand Director Argelbargel says robots are not citizens, then intelligent robots are at best slaves (SOC 0) or else mere machines (so SOC at all), however erudite.