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ERRATA - Starting Skillpoints - Service Class

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Hi All,

When creating a L1 Naval Char the other day, I noticed that the starting skill point "entry" in the class does not exist like in the core classes. I assume this was because of some change in the way characters were created in an earlier draft since on P.34 under Service Classes it says you can create a L1 character providing your first prior history term is in said service.

40 compared to 12 is a huge difference for a character ;)

Its an error - figure level 1 skill points for all service classes just like the other classes.

So Navy would be (4+Int Mod) x 4 at level 1.

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Its an error - figure level 1 skill points for all service classes just like the other classes.

So Navy would be (4+Int Mod) x 4 at level 1.

(6+Int) x 4 ;)

Just printed out the official eratta and found it in there... Doh. It has been one of those Sundays.... *sigh*. Thanks tho'

Originally posted by LcKedovan:
(6+Int) x 4 ;)

"Bad Shane...."
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