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EP question


For T20 -- I don't see where EP and Power Production are of different scales for Vehicles and Spaceships. Is it listed somewhere?

I was wondering about Batteries. The sizes given for 1EP of storage are quite small; so you could have a incredibly large amount of Batteries stored on board ship to handle emergency power needs.

Originally posted by Big Tim:
For T20 -- I don't see where EP and Power Production are of different scales for Vehicles and Spaceships. Is it listed somewhere?

I was wondering about Batteries. The sizes given for 1EP of storage are quite small; so you could have a incredibly large amount of Batteries stored on board ship to handle emergency power needs.

I wondered about that myself. Comparing vehicle and starship power plants of the same tech level, I think one starship EP equals about a thousand vehicle EP's. (to be exact, 933.33)
