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Enemy Superstore (101 bad guys)


Bad Guy Number 1
Let's have a big hand for bad guy #1, folks! He's a low tech trooper from the Boer War or other late Victorian era conflict. What's more, he's a militiaman, so he's not worth a dime against well-equipped travellers. Unless a hundred of him charge with bayonets, in which case you better have the PGMP-14 locked and cocked.

Even better, he's modular. See the notes below on how to convert him to the Napoleonic period ("Vive l'Empereur!") or the American Civil War era (War of Northern Agression). Therefore, this useful addition to any TL 4 world counts as bad guys number 1-3. More TL 4 troopers coming, up to the crack troopers with their pith helmets and gatling guns (um, Vickers machine guns, actually).

Regular Trooper (militia) (TL 4:1900): human Army 1; TL 4; Init +0; AC 10; AR 0; Spd 9m; St/Lb 11/12; Atk +1 (breech loading rifle 1d10/20), +0 melee (bayonet 1d8/20), +1 melee (fist, 1d4); SV Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10, Edu 7, Soc 10
Feats: Weapon (armsman, black powder), toughness, alertness, weapon focus (breech loading rifle), brawling.
Skills: Bribery +2, Gather Information +2, Handle Animal +4, Recruiting +4, Ride +1, Spot +4, Survival +4
Equipment: TL 4 Rifle (breech loading)(1d10/20), bayonet, uniform, canteen, backpack, religious tract, tent, bedroll, shaving kit.
Notes: The weapon proficiency (swordsman) and armor proficiency (light) feats have been replaced with weapon proficiency (armsman) and weapon proficiency (black powder) to reflect the training of professional armies at TL 4. Weapon proficiency (black powder) would cover muskets, muzzle-loading cannon, and breech-loading and early repeating rifles. These TL 4 weapons fall between the age of hand-to-hand combat (low tech armies) and the TL 5 jump into the modern period (middle tech armies).
For a trooper in the Napoleonic wars, substitute a musket for the rifle (cut the rate of fire in half and attack at –1). For a civil war (USA) soldier, use a muzzle-loading rifle (ROF 1 in 2, no attack penalty).

Enjoy, and post stat blocks for your own cannon fodder villains. Can we reach 101?

I dare you all.
There's a CT-generated admiral I could post, once I get to the stats - I'll edit this post then.

Edit,6/26/2003 - Here are the stats for that Admiral.

4 term Navy, Admiral, UPP 99AC88 (or 99AC8D if you want a Grand Admiral).

Blade-1 Computer-3 Pistol-2 Forward Observer-1
Admin-2 Gunner-2 Navigation-1 Pilot-1
Jack of all Trades-1 Ship's Boat-3 Mechanical-1 Tactics-1 Leader-1

This admiral is in the Intelligence department, and may or may not be corrupt. He/she is, however, opposed to the PCs' plans, and using possible contacts or underlings may try to foil the PCs' plans.
Jame picks up the gauntlet. Who else?
Assuming Jame's admiral is number 4...

Here are 5 and 6 (I'll no longer claim 3 each for the Napoleonic, Civil War, and British Colonial versions)

Militia Sergeant (Tech 4:1900): human Army 2; TL 4; Init +0; AC 10; AR 0; Spd 9m; St/Lb 15/12; Atk +2 (breech loading rifle 1d10/20), +1 melee (bayonet 1d8/20), +2 melee (fist, 1d4); SV Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +0; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10, Edu 7, Soc 10
Feats: Weapon (armsman, black powder), toughness, alertness, weapon focus (breech loading rifle), brawling, command presence.
Skills: Bribery +2, Gather Information +2, Handle Animal +4, Leader +4, Recruiting +4, Ride +1, Spot +4, Survival +4
Equipment: TL 4 Rifle (breech loading)(1d10/20), bayonet, uniform, canteen, backpack, religious tract, tent, bedroll, shaving kit.

Regulars Recruit (Tech 4:1900): human Army 3; TL 4; Init +0; AC 10; AR 0; Spd 9m; St/Lb 19/12; Atk +3 (breech loading rifle 1d10/20, +2 w/in 10m weap. spec.), +2 melee (bayonet 1d8/20), +2 melee (fist, 1d4); SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +1; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10, Edu 7, Soc 10
Feats: Weapon (armsman, black powder), toughness, alertness, weapon focus (breech loading rifle), brawling, weapon specialization (breech loading rifle), first aid.
Skills: Bribery +3, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +4, Recruiting +4, Ride +3, Spot +6, Survival +6.
Equipment: TL 4 Rifle (breech loading)(1d10/20), bayonet, uniform, canteen, backpack, religious tract, tent, bedroll, shaving kit.

Veteran Regular (Tech 4:1900): human Army 5; TL 4; Init +0; AC 11; AR 0; Spd 9m; St/Lb 23/12; Atk +5 (BAB +3, Wf +1, Dex +1) (breech loading rifle 1d10/20, +2 w/in 10m weap. spec.), +4 melee (bayonet 1d8/20), +4 melee (fist, 1d4); SV Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +1; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10, Edu 7, Soc 10
Feats: Weapon (armsman, black powder), toughness, alertness, weapon focus (breech loading rifle), brawling, weapon specialization (breech loading rifle), first aid, Tactics I.
Skills: Bribery +3, Gambling +2, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +4, Leader +2, Recruiting +4, Ride +3, Spot +8, Survival +8.

Starship Medical Officer
Stats: Human Professional 6; TL 5+; Init +0; AC 10; AR 0; spd 9m (6 sq); St/lb 22/11; Atk-3 ranged (snub pistol 1d10/20), +0 melee (fist 1d3/20); +1 melee (cutlass 1d8/18); SV fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11, Edu 12, Soc 12.
Skills: Pilot +9, T/Medical +18, Admin +9, Appraise +9, T/Computer +10, T/Electronics +10, K/Interstellar Law +7, Speak Language
Feats: Vessel (grav), armor (light, vac suit), Connections (professional), Research, Trustworthy, Credit line, Professional specialty (T/Medical), Weapon Focus (Swordsman), Skill Focus (T/Electronics), xeno-medicine (Aslan).
Equipment: snub pistol, cutlass.
If your really wan`t to be mean.

Specialist Sniper
Level Marine level 6 Sniper 4 (my own Prestige class). TL 15; Init +4; AC 26 (thanks to his chameleon Ghillie Suit); AR 4; Spd 9m; St/Lb 44/15; Atk +13/+8 ranged (laser rifle 3d10+1x2) SV Fort+8; Ref+4; Will+8; Str 14 Dex 18 Con 15 Int 18 Edu 16 Wis 18 Cha 14 Soc 13.
I rolled those stats honest! :rolleyes:
Skills. Climb +6 Disguise +6 Hide +21 Listen +12 Move Silently +15 P/hunting +8 Spot +17 Survival +17
Feats. Weapon prof. (Marksman, Swordsman, Combat Rifleman, Lasers) Weapon focus (Cutlass, Laser Rifle) Armor prof (Light, Medium, Vac Suit) Point blank shot; Precise shot; Far shot; Sniper; Weapon specialization (Laser Rifle); Stealthy; Weapon specialty (Rifleman); Camouflage; Personal Weapon (Laser Rifle); Steady hand;

This is the ultimate bad player remover. A sniper will never get involved in a pitched battle, if he can help it. They can stalk a teem of players for days before picking off the intended target, namely the PC that has most recently pissed you off. :D

Weapon specialty Rifleman
All Snipers have mastered the art of rifle combat. Add +1 to all attack rolls made with this type of weapon.
The Sniper is able to add terrain elements (like grass and leafy branches) to his garb to further increase the effectiveness of his Camouflage. Add +5 to Hide and AC.
Personal Weapon
The Sniper has lived and bonded with a specific weapon. (Some times they give it a name) Add +1 to all attack and damage roles when using his baby.
Steady hand
At level four the Sniper develops a knack for calming his own nerves. The -4 penalty for using the sniper feat is reduced to -3.
Sorry I haven't posted the admiral yet, but I can't really get here from home and I forgot the stats today (again)...
:rolleyes: Tonight or tomorrw, Mythmere.

But I'll make up for it; there's a three-term CT forger...
Ten. Thanks, Zanrain!

An Aslan merchant, in case you need to board an Eakhau trader for entrepreneurial reasons.

Aslan Female Merchant Level 6; TL 12+; Init –1 (Dex); AC 12 (-1 Dex, +3 vac suit);
AR 3 (vac suit); Spd base 12m combat 18m (12 sq); St/Lb 21/11; Atk +0 ranged (+1 base, -1 Dex) (shotgun 3d6/2d6/1d6/20), +0 ranged (snub pistol 1d10/20), +2 melee dewclaw (+1 base, +1 racial)(dewclaw 1d6 +1 str)
SV Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +3; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10, Edu 10, Soc 10.
Skill Ranks: Pilot +9, P/Merchant +9, K/Interstellar law +9, Appraise +9, Gather Information +9, T/Computer +9, T/Sensor +9 T/Mechanical +1, T/Communications +1, Navigation +1, Listen +1 (Racial).
Feats: Armor proficiency (light, vac suit), Barter, Weapon Proficiency (Marksman) Vessel (Grav), Zero G/Low G Adaptation, Vessel (ship’s boat, starship), Tolerance, Connections (Aslan).
Equipment: vac suit, snub pistol, shotgun.
The Sniper is able to add terrain elements (like grass and leafy branches) to his garb to further increase the effectiveness of his Camouflage. Add +5 to Hide and AC.
Personal Weapon
The Sniper has lived and bonded with a specific weapon. (Some times they give it a name) Add +1 to all attack and damage roles when using his baby.
Zanrain, are these automatic class feats or are they class-specific feats that must be selected?

Here is the captain of that Eakau crew: notch-eared and scarred, with golden rings in her ears and a keen eye for a bargain.

Aslan Merchanter Captain, Female Merchant Level 10; TL12+; Init +4 (+4 Improved Initiative); AC 13; AR 3 (vac suit); spd base 12 combat 18m (12 sq); St/Lb 33/10; Atk +2 ranged (+2 base) (shotgun 3d6/2d6/1d6/20) and/or (SMG 1d10/x2);, +3 melee dewclaw (+2 base, +1 racial)(dewclaw 1d6 +1 str) ; SV: Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +5; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12, Edu 12, Soc 14.
Skills: Appraise +13, Astrogation +10, Bluff +1, Broker +13, Carousing +10, Pilot +10, Profession (Merchant) +13, K/ Trade & Commerce Law +12, T/Electronics +3, Gather Information +10, Improved Initiative, Liaison +10, T/Communications +1, T/Computer +5, T/Mechanical +1, T/Sensors +10, T/Medical +5, Trader +13.
Feats: armor proficiency (light, vac suit), barter, weapon proficiency (Marksman), Vessel (Grav, Ship’s boat, Starship), Connections (Merchant, Aslan), Ship Tactics, Tactics, Trustworthy, Zero-G/Low Gravity Adaptation.
Equipment: vac suit, SMG, shotgun.
Zanrain, are these automatic class feats or are they class-specific feats that must be selected?
They are kind of automatic. This is a prestige class so the Sniper gets a different feat at each level. If you want to see more on my Sniper class, I have it posted in Traveller for the D20 system.
Eleven. Here's the forger.

UPP 889785 Three term Other, CT rules

Gun-1 Blade-2 Bribery-1 Brawl-3 Forgery-2 Electronic-2 Mechanical-1 Gamble-1

This forger is skilled in forging electronic documents and ensuring that the forgeries go unnoticed, or at least unreported. The forger can hold out in a fist-fight, and isn't bad in other combat. If the PCs cross this forger, they'd better watch out...
Twelve. In honor of Jame, here is a T20 forger roughly converted from Jame's forger (and named in his honor, too).

Emaj the Forger; Human Rogue Level 6; TL 12; Init ; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Cloth);
AR 6 (cloth); Spd 6m (4 sq); St/Lb 54/12; Atk ranged +6 (+7 close range) shotgun (+4 base, +2 Dex) (shotgun 3d6/2d6/1d6/20), melee +4 dagger (+4 base)(dagger 1d4/19); SV Fort +2 (+3 w/ Con) Ref +5 (+7 w/ Dex) Will +2; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6, Edu 8, Soc 5.
Skills: Appraise +4, Bribery +3, Driving +3, Forgery +9 (+13 with all bonuses), Gambling +4, K/Chemistry+1, Hide +4, P/Forger +3, Sense Motive +9, T/Computer, T/Mechanical +1, T/Communications +1
Feats: armor proficiency (light, medium), weapon proficiency (swordsman, marksman) Vessel (Grav), Alertness, Bluff, Brawling, Carousing, Connections (Underworld), Fast Talk, Fence Stolen Goods, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Forgery), Smuggling.
Equipment: Cloth armor, shotgun, dagger. (Might also use SMG if expecting trouble; the shotgun is his under-the-table weapon). Forger's tools (add +2 to roll adjustment to create the forgery)
And then, there is the perennial contact of travellers who operate on the shady side - the Fence.

Fence: Human Merchant 3 / Rogue 4; TL 12; Init ; AC 17 (+1 Dex, +6 cloth armor);
AR 6; Spd base 6m (4 sq); St/Lb 51/12; Atk ranged +4 (+3 base, +1 Dex) shotgun (shotgun 3d6/2d6/1d6/20), melee +4 (+3 base, +1 Dex) dagger (dagger 1d4/19); SV Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +3; SZ M; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12, Edu 8, Soc 5.
Skills: T/Electronics +1, T/Communications +1, T/Mechanical +1, Appraise +10 (+15 with all bonuses), Bluff +5, Bribery +5, Broker +2, Gather Information +2, K/Trade & Commerce law +8, Liaison +10, Pilot +8, Sense Motive +10, Spot +3, Trader +10, T/Computer +1.
Feats: armor proficiency (light, medium, vac suit), barter, weapon proficiency (Marksman, Swordsman) Vessel (Grav), Calculating Eye, Connections (Underworld), Fast Talk, Fence Stolen Goods, Run, Skill Focus (Appraise), Smuggling.
Equipment: Cloth Armor, shotgun, dagger.

These are two of my favorite NPCs. They are both mercenaries and they usually work as a teem. Jaric treats Tinga as the little sister he never had. Tinga treats Jaric like a big clumsy olf who keeps on getting in her way, Jaric takes this all in good humor by the way. Despite their differences they make a really good team, in fact it`s because of their differences that they work together so well. Jaric is an excellent shot but not much good up close. And Tinga is deadly with her Katana but practically useless at a distance. Jaric is most comfortable in the city. And Tinga (being a barbarian) loves the great out doors and is clueless about technology.

Tinga at the food processor.

“Um...Jaric, how do you work this thing again?”
“The red button Tinga, the red bu...what`s that?”
“That`s lunch.” :rolleyes:
“Were`d you get it?”
“We had a stowaway.”
“WHAT?” :eek:

Any way here are the stats.

Jaric, Vargr male, black and silver fur, blue eyes.
mercenary 7; TL 14; Init+8; AC 20; AR 6; Spd 12m; St/Lb 51/15; Atk+11/6 ranged (autopistol 1d10x2, bodypistol 1d8x2) Atk +12/7 ranged (gauss rifle 2d12x2 AP+7) Atk 12/7 melee (claw 1d4x2); SV Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +5; Str 15 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 15 Edu 14 Wis 12 Cha 12 Soc 10.

Skills Bluff +6 Hide +6 Spot +6 Listen +4 Intimidate +8 Move silently +6 Forgery +7 Gather Information +2 Pilot Grav +8
Technique 9 (I use the D20 martial arts system) -unarmed combat-nerve strike stun-block-blood choke-expert disarm-enhanced trip-combonation block and strike-combonation Disarm and strike-combonation trip and strike

Feats; Armor prof (light, medium, vac suit); Weapon prof (marksman, combat rifleman); Point blank shot; Precise shot; Rapid shot; Quick draw; Improved Initiative; Lightning reflexes; Vehicle (Grav) Weapon focus (gauss rifle)

Equipment. Hand computer; mechanical tool set; Personal med kit; autopistol and clips; bodypistol and clips. gauss rifle and clips; Tailored Vac suit.

Tinga, Human female, apparent age 13, black hair brown eyes and short.
Barbarian 6 mercenary 2; TL 4; Init+8; AC 25; AR 3; Spd 9m; St/Lb 61/15; Atk +10/5 melee (blade x2, 1d6 crit17 AP+2) Atk +10/5 ranged (body pistol, 1d8x2) Atk +10/5 ranged (short bow, 1d6x2) Atk +12/7 melee (katana, 2d6+3 crit 17 AP+2); SV Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +6; Str +12 Dex +19 Con +15 Int +16 Edu +7 Wis +17 Cha +10 Soc+6.

Skills. Balance +17 Climb +6 Jump +9 Tumble +14 Move silently +15 Hide+10 Survival +9 Intuit direction +5 Listen +7 Swim +5 Technosavy +3 Bluff +3 Intimidate +2
Technique 9 unarmed combat-martial arts weapon (katana)-block-combonation block and strike-combonation trip and strike-defensive stance 1-instant stand-nerve strike disable limb-flying strike.

Feats; Armor prof (light, medium, vac suit); Shield prof; Weapon prof (archer, swordsman, marksman, combat rifleman); Exotic melee weapon prof (katana); Acrobatics; Spring attack; Tecnophoibia; Improved initiative; Tracker; Trapping; Weapon focus (katana); Assassin; Dodge; Mobility; Ambidexterity.

Equipment. Advanced material edged/piercing blade x2; Body pistol and clips; Advanced material edged/piercing master work Katana; short bow 30 arrows; Personal med kit; Web line; Scout suit;
I love them, Zanrain! Bickering pairs of NPC's are the best when the party is trying to marshal them forward, but they're hard to write. Good job! I've got a couple more in the works myself...
At the back of the smoke-shrouded bar you can just barely see four sophonts gathered around a table playing cards...

Professional Gambler; Human Rogue Level 6; TL 12; Init +2; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +6 Cloth); AR 6 (cloth); Spd 6m (4 sq); St/Lb 54/12; Atk ranged +6 (+7 close range) shotgun (+4 base, +2 Dex) (shotgun 3d6/2d6/1d6/20), ranged +6 (+7 close range) (body pistol 1d8/x2) melee +6 dagger (+4 base, +2 Dex)(dagger 1d4/19); SV Fort +2 (+3 w/ Con) Ref +5 (+7 w/ Dex) Will +2; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6, Edu 8, Soc 10.
Skills: Bribery +7, Driving +3, Gambling +9 (+13 with all bonuses), Spot +9 (+11 with bonuses), K/Chemistry+1, Hide +4, Bluff +10, Sense Motive +9, T/Computer +1, T/Mechanical +1, T/Communications +1
Feats: armor proficiency (light, medium), weapon proficiency (swordsman, marksman) Vessel (Grav), Alertness, Brawling, Carousing, Connections (Underworld), Dumb Luck, Fast Talk, Spot Trouble, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Gambling), Smuggling.
Equipment: Cloth armor, shotgun or body pistol (depending on the nature of the gathering), dagger. The body pistol may be worn in a slap holster strapped to the forearm under the sleeve, so that it may be popped into the hand, ready to fire, as a free action (credit to LordRhys for the design of the arm holster). Two decks of marked cards (UV), UV sensitive spectacles.