Mostly they had the cooking wine in them, in my experience. We're a dry ship, but some of the cooks seemed pretty jolly to me all the time (and had bloodshot eyes).
We took positions aboard a 600 dton subsidized liner at one point, and the Chief Steward and his two mates jumped ship because they didn't like the supercargo's treatment of them.
The captain didn't mention that they were gone until after we were in deep space, and then proceeded to make us take over as the steward staff for the trip. There were four of us, and he figured with our inexperience we'd need an extra hand.
The supercargo was composed of several snooty nobles, some non-humanoid aliens who were quite disturbing (but ended up being the nicest of the bunch once you learned how to avoid their somewhat acidic appendages; oh! how we scrubbed the decks after them), and some middle class but decidedly unpleasant folks.
ALL of them paid High Passage. ALL of them had special needs. And NONE of us had the appropriate skills. Nor did we know how to cook beyond punching buttons on the synthesizer.
We had just finished a smash-and-grab mission which went bad (we were betrayed (again) by the patron) but from which we'd salvaged our hides, so we thought a nice working passage on the liner would be a pleasant change. Even after the captain's reassignment of us to steward duty we still thought that. How bad could it be?
It was bad....just remember something my father always said to me: "Hungry people are mean people." It's true, it's true.