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Drunken benders


How many people have run one shots (break in campaign, one adventure, etc.) wherein characters go on drunken benders?

I had a nostalgic flashback (thanks to the scout brew rules from Travellers Digest) thanks to Toyfare Magazine's Twisted Toyfare Theatre.

The issue in question has Doctor Doom accepting an oscar only to have a drunken iron man (wearing only his helmet and a fur loincloth as well as the words "soy dog" written on his chest) dancing and singing "thong, thong, tong-tong-tong"

Doom says "get this gin-monkey off the stage"

Now I have images of the characters from that campaign wearing a battledress helmet, a loincloth and "YEAH DAWG!" written in permanent ink on their chest

Coming Soon: MT++ presents Goin' on a Bender Chart of Scout Brew II: The Jump 2 Boogaloo
by all the Gods......i - me...ol Trader jim could answer this one!!!!....but i think I will write an adventure about it and submit it....

Hint...it has something to do with 3 drunks...ME
and what I thought was (at the time) was 2 drunken Sheep Dogs!!!.....NO NO not what some might think...shame on you!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Hey, Good idea!

There are four scenarios:

1. Sober players, drunk characters
(No ociffer, I didn't see anyone fire a Mark 78, PGMP-14. (friend smacks him). Whatever that is)
2. Hammered players, stone cold sober characters
(hat?! I lolled, rolled a, a, a 18 plush 2. Thass gotta count for a...urp...crit..ratic...Cuhrictle hit)
3. Both player and character sober
(You see a 10x10 room, there are 3D10 Aslan inside)
4. Both player and character pissed
(Imperial Marines? Waittaminute, one of those bashatrdsss owes me $5, I meant 5 credits)

Each has its own charm.

I ran a game where the players were all stoned! That was the one (I think I posted this a long time ago somewhere on this forum. Dude, man pass it on, its goin' out) where one player, while stoned, and rolling up an Aslan kept getting Heavy Weapons as a skill. But everytime he tried to write it, he wrote Heay Weapons.
At this point, my very bloodshot eyed friend pronounced it as "He-e-ey, Weapons!" which became the motto of the campaign
Gaming while under the influence? Why, I've never heard of such sinful and perverse activities. ;)

Actually, we used to have a rather large gaming group -- 10-14 players. Some of the players didn't get along too well (ex-girlfriend, current boyfriend), but everyone was pretty civil to each other. Unless we started drinking. Then, we would start taking out our anger toward each other via our characters. Those were some interesting game sessions.
In a mil campeign once, my character was involved in a long drunk - which ended up with an entire unit doing time in the prod.

The quote after doing an "unpowered armour" jog while plastered (To prove how manly we were) was "This suits broken, The nipples only gives water".

While many of the "sober" character where able to organise and handle the MPs when they arrived after we had trashed a "friendly" rivalk regiment's base, those of us with too much to drink ended up running off screaming into the night - straight into the MP's arms.

On the whole fun.

As for playing when drunk - There have often been "beers" at games, but rarely to excess, The few occassions that have happened, the game wasn;t particularly fun - too cerebral.
I remember one game where the ref had a glass of wine to relax him. Unfortunately he had taken a powerful antihistamine and was almost incoherant in minutes. We rolled him into bed and left while our characters were still alive.

I had one character, a retired Navy Commander, who had a shack on a tropical beach where he relaxed with a case of single-malt scotch between adventures. We didn't really game these interludes as much a game the results...
Originally posted by thrash:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MT++:
I ran a game where the players were all stoned! That was the one where one player, while stoned, and rolling up an Aslan ...
"Dude, you can't smoke that -- they get all cranky and shit."</font>[/QUOTE]I just snorted coffee up my nose. Damn you.

WOW....a true HARD CORE COFFEE JUNKIE...ME TOOOOO....some times i just chew RAW BEANS...YUMMY YUM YUM....get a real coffee jag... :D :eek:
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:-snip
I had one character, a retired Navy Commander, who had a shack on a tropical beach where he relaxed with a case of single-malt scotch between adventures.
Hah, my naval officers were on the lookout for a shag when on planetleave. :D
I've had the experience with both, drinking adventures and drunk/stoned players. When we did partake it was only enough to get a nice buzz. It actually made some of the gaming for interesting and creative. Also it was sometimes used as a "combat drug" to dilute the GMing of one person.

I did a drinking adventure on Saturday. The Hiroshi and Penrose are killing time before leaving Mora the next day. The two of them end up drinking whatever wiskey thier hotel rooms' wetbars had.

After an hour or two they start to get bored. One of them sees an ad for civilian speedboats. So they head down to the marina located in the Imperial Compound.*

The rental office clerk first refuses to rent them a boat because they were drunk. After some minor threats and a huge bribe, the clerk starts up the paperwork. That is until he discovers neither of them had surface vessel certification.

Hiroshi is tired in playing games and punches the clerk in the jaw knocking him out. Penrose's NAI hacks into the system and gets a boat key activated. One of them leaves some money on the table, to show they were not stealing the boat.

While they are hacking the system, it's dawns to Hiroshi there may be a security camera. He immediately turns and is looking straight into the camera. The two of them quickly exit the office.

Outside Hiroshi and Penrose is confronted with two g-carriers of police. Hiroshi tried to talk and bluff his way out, but police instead tranq both of them.

Hiroshi wakes up handcuffed in the back of a g-carrier. Being a pain in the butt, he slips one of hands out of the cuffs. None of the cops notice until they land at the precint station.

While they are moving him into the station, Hiroshi reveals he is free. The cops try to cuff him, but he keeps slipping out of thier grasp. They activate the tranq round in the remaining cuff that slows Hiroshi enough that one cop is able to get a very good bear hug and body slam.

After waiting in a cell for about an hour, Hiroshi and Penrose are released to Sir Gagarii, thier handler/liasion officer, as they were guest of the Imperium. The two are placed under house arrest at the hotel, with all weapons and alchol removed from the suites.

* One escapade Hiroshi almost convince Penrose was to break into the wine cellers of Archduke Norris. He wanted to see what's there, and he was looking for some gifts for a very high Imperial official he may be seeing. They went as far having the NAI find anything on the Archduke's wine celler.
Originally posted by KrasnyKot:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Uncle Bob:-snip
I had one character, a retired Navy Commander, who had a shack on a tropical beach where he relaxed with a case of single-malt scotch between adventures.
Hah, my naval officers were on the lookout for a shag when on planetleave. :D </font>[/QUOTE]I never felt comfortable playing out a seduction with my ref. YMMV

After one bender my character was served with two paternity suits, though.