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Dragon-class CT stats

Sure give me a couple of minutes to put it together.

You want it in CT or T20?

Here is CT. Put together with Andrew Moffett's HGS. The price doesn't match Supp-7 but everything else does.
Actually the Supp-7 name for the class is Guardian. Dragon seems to be an SJG incarnation for it.

Ship: Dragon
Class: Dragon
Type: SDB
Architect: GDW
Tech Level: 12

SB-41069E2-900000-40003-0 MCr 588.400 400 Tons
Bat Bear 1 1 Crew: 11
Bat 1 1 TL: 12

Cargo: 27.000 Fuel: 36.000 EP: 36.000 Agility: 6
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops

Architects Fee: MCr 5.884 Cost in Quantity: MCr 470.720

Detailed Description

400.000 tons standard, 5,600.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration

Pilot, Navigator, 6 Engineers, Medic, 2 Gunners

Jump-0, 6G Manuever, Power plant-9, 36.000 EP, Agility 6

Bridge, Model/5fib Computer

4 Hardpoints

2 Triple Missile Turrets organised into 1 Battery (Factor-3), 2 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 1 Battery (Factor-4)

Armoured Hull (Factor-9)


36.000 Tons Fuel (0 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

11.0 Staterooms, 27.000 Tons Cargo

1 Sick Bay (3.000 tons, Crew 0, Cost MCr 0.000)

MCr 594.284 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 5.884), MCr 470.720 in Quantity

82 Weeks Singly, 65 Weeks in Quantity

Hello Hans Vermeylen and Bhoins,

The core book for TNE p. 373 lists the System Defense Boat as a Shukugan (Dragon). Bhoins, What printing of CT Supplement 7 Traders and Gunboats do you have? I checked on pp. 35-37 of the 8th printing, copyright 1980, and have not found the class name mentioned.
It is in the High Guard Stats at the back of Supp-7. I don't know what my original printing is, it is in a box someplace since I bought the Reprints.

Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Hans Vermeylen and Bhoins,

The core book for TNE p. 373 lists the System Defense Boat as a Shukugan (Dragon). Bhoins, What printing of CT Supplement 7 Traders and Gunboats do you have? I checked on pp. 35-37 of the 8th printing, copyright 1980, and have not found the class name mentioned.
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
CT Book 2 stats (Supplement 7, pg 35 and 38)

System Defense Boat (Type SB): Using the type 400 hull, the system defense boat is equipped with ten staterooms (allowing a crew of ten); no low berths are fitted. The crew consists of a pilot, navigator/medic, chief engineer and five engineers, and two gunners. The ship has drives capable of 6-G, but no jump capability. The bridge has a very powerful Modle/5fib computer, with standard software package. Four tons of turrets fire control is allocated- two triple missile turrets and two triple laser turrets. The hull is streamlined and heavily armored.

The total cost for a system defense boat of this type is MCr777.54

The Jump Shuttle: System defense boats have no jump drives and are incapable of interstellar flight. To enable the transfer of these gunboats to systems in need of them, a jump shuttle has been produced which carries fuel and jump drives for such transfers. Alone, the 200-ton jump shuttle can achieve 3-G and jump-2 and carries fuel tankage for three consecutive jumps. It carries a crew of three. When connected to the system defense boat, its powerful jump drives are reduced in capacity, but can still propel the combination of jump-1 and 1-G maneuvers. Its fuel capacity remains enough for two consecutive jumps.

When mated, the two crafts have access ways to allow intermingling of the crews of each ship. The primary problem with such connections is that a period of several hours is necessary to connect or disconnect the craft: the jump shuttle is not an ideal way to transfer system defense boats to a system where there is action currently going on.

The jump shuttle costs MCr93.52 and displaces 200 tons. In practice, one jump shuttle is provided for each ten system defense boats, in situations where interstellar capability is required.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">CT High Guard stats (Supplement 7, pg 47)
SB-98076 Guardian SB-41069E2-900000-40003-0 MCr777.54 400 tons
Crew=10 TL=12 Passengers=0 Low=0 Cargo=27 Fuel=36 EP=36 Agility=6

WP-769 Jump Shuttle WP-24323S1-000000-00000-0 MCr93.52 200 tons
Crew=3 TL=12 Passengers=0 Low=0 Cargo=0 Fuel=126 EP=6 Agility=1
Ship/Shuttle WP-61111S1-000000-00000-0 MCr- 600 tons
Crew=3 TL=12 Passengers=10 Low=0 Cargo=27 Fuel=126 EP=6 Agility=0</pre>[/QUOTE]
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
MT stats (Imperial Encyclopedia, pg 85)
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">System Defense Boat
CrafttID: System Defense Boat, Type SB, TL 15, MCr311.11
Hull: 360/900, Disp = 400, Config = 4SL, Armor = 67G,
Unloaded = 10,980tons, Loaded = 11,150tons
Power: 32/64, Fusion = 8730Mw, Duration = 20/60
Loco: 61/122, Maneuver = 6, NOE = 190kph,
Cruise = 750kph, Top = 1000kph, Agility = 1
Commo: Radio = System
Sensors: EMMask, PassiveEMS = Interstellar,
ActiveEMS = FarOrbit, Densitometer = HighPen/1km,
Neutrino = 10kw ActObjScan = Rout,
ActObjPin = Rout, PasObjScan = Rout,
PasObjPin = Pout, PasEngScan = Simp,
PasEngPin = Rout
Off: Missiles = x03
Batt 2
Bear 2
BeamLaser = x04
Batt 2
Bear 2
Def: DefDM = + 7
Control: Computer = 5 x 3, Panel = holodynamic link x 842,
Special = headsUp x 5, Environ = basic env, basic ls,
extend ls, grav plates, inertial comp
Accomm: Crew = 12 (Bridge = 2, Engineer = 2, Maintenance = 2,
Gunnery = 4, Command = 1, Medical = 1),
Staterooms = 10
Other: Cargo = 27kliters, Fuel = 2100kliters,
PurificationPlant, Scoops ObjSize = Average,
EMLevel = Faint</pre>[/QUOTE]The SDB is a nonjump military vessel stationed in an important system and charged with its defense; it is used for customs inspections, piracy suppression, and normal safety patrols.
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
TNE stats (TNE core rules pg 373)

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">System Defense Boat
General Data
Displacement: 400 tons Hull Armor: 101
Length: 55 meters Volume: 5600m3
Price: MCr160.19 Target Size: S
Configuration: Wedge SL Tech Level: 12
Mass (Loaded/Empty): 4886.17/4627.17
Engineering Data
Power Plant: 920MW Fusion Power Plant, 1 year duration
Maneuver Gs: 4G, Contra-Grav lifters
G-Hours: 60
Maint: 142
Computer: 3xTL-12 Mod Fb Computer (fiber optic)
Commo: 300,000km radio, 1000AU maser
Avionics: TL-8+ Avionics
Sensors: Passive EMS fixed array 120,000km (4 range bands),
Active EMS 3000km (0 range bands; use long range for
task difficulty in same hax)
ECM/ECCM: EM Masking Package
Offensive: 2xTL-11 80-Mj Laser turret, 2xMissile barbette
(10 ready missiles, plus 12 in cargo)
Master Fire Directors: 2 TL-12

Short Medium Long
80-Mj Laser Turret 2:1/7-23 4:1/7-23 8:1/6-20

Life Support: Extended
Crew: 24 (1xManeuver, 1xElectronics, 15xEngineering,
2xGunnery, 2xMaintenance, 3xCommand)
Crew Accommodations: 12xSmall Staterooms (double-occupancy)
Cargo: 37m3 (plus storage for 12 missiles)
Air Locks: 4
Fuel purification machinery, 12.86 hours to refine 3000m3</pre>[/QUOTE]
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
T4 stats – NA (unable to find any stats for the SDB in my T4 collection)

Does anyone have the T4 stats for this ship, or was it never covered?
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
GT stats (GT pg 144)

The Dragon-class SDB is found in local defense squadrons throught the Imperium. These vessels are used for customs inspections, piracy suppression, system defense and whatever else a local government might need done. A few are still found in the Imperial Navy, but they have largely been replaced by more modern craft. Dragon-class boats have a variety of armament configurations, but the most common is two laser turrets (each housing triple 360-MJ lasers) and two missles turrets (each with triple launchers). Sandcasters are sometimes fitted in place of one or more missile racks or lasers. Note that there are only 6 staterooms for use by 12 crewmembers, necessitsting a procedure called hot-bunking, where several crew use the same bed at different times, meaning that the bed is always occupied (except during general quarters) and water must be strictly rationed. Because of this, and the lack of other crew amenities, the Dragon-class SDBs are given the nickname “Pig Boat” in many services.

Crew: Captain/Pilot/Navigator (Leadership, Tactics, Pilot[spacecraft] and Astrogation), Second Officer (Electronics Operation [Sensors] and [Communications], Gunner [Laser] and Gunner [Missile]) five Drive Technicians (Engineering and Mechanic) and four Gunners (Gunner [Laser] or [Missile]0.

400-ton SL Hull, DR 1,011, 2 Turrets with three 360-MJ lasers each, 2 Turrets with three missiles racks each, Radical stealth, Radical Emission Cloaking, Heavy Compartmentalization, Basic Bridge, Engineering, 276 Maneuver, 6 Staterooms, 3.5 cargo (48 spare SIM-10 missiles carried as cargo).</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">· Statistics: Emass 2889.86, Lmass 2907.36, Cost: MCr120.3751, HP 42,300.
Hull Size Modifier: +9
· Performance: Accel 3.8 Gs, Air Speed 5,755</pre>[/QUOTE]
Dragon Class System Defense
T20 stats (THB pg 331)

System Defense Boat (Type SDB)
Medium-Size Spaceship

A system defense boat, or SDB, is a ship that is used exclusively for planetary and star system defense, trading off the lack of jump drives for heavy armor, faster acceleration, and heavier weaponry in its place. There is no real ‘standard’ design for SDBs, as they are often of local manufacture or may be former starships pressed into local defense forces after having their jump drives removed. Most such conversions have additional armament and upgrades installed. Most SDBs are streamlined allowing them to also be used for orbital and air support for local ground troops.

If the need aries to move an SDB to another system, it will usually be loaded onto a bulk freighter and shipped as large cargo, but this is very slow and inefficient and is not wise if the SDB is expected to go into action immediatel upon arrival. In cases where rapid deployment at the destination is needed, Jump Pods can be built and strapped to the SDB, providing it with temporary jump capability. Upon arrival, the pods can be quickly and easily jettisoned, allowing the ship to move into action immediately. The pod would contain Jump drives large enough to Jump bpth the SDB and the pod itself, along with the requisite fuel needed to make the Jump.

A generic TL14 SDB like the one detailed here would Cost MCr202.36 new, and take 11 months to build. It requires a crew of 6: Captain, Pilot, Engineer, 2 gunners and a missile technician who doubles as medic.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">System Defense Boat
Class: Spacecraft, type SDB EP Output: 36 (12 excess)
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 6 (+6 EP)

Size: Medium (200 tons) Initiative: +6 (+6 agility)
Streamlining: Airframe AC: 30 (+6 agility, +14 armor)
Jump Range: None Repulsors: None
Acceleration: 6-G Nuclear Dampers: None
Fuel: 36 tons Meson Screens: None
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: None

Crew: 6 AR: 14
Staterooms: 4 SI: 115
Small Craft: 0 Main Computer: Modal/8 (2080 CPU)
Bunks: 0 Sensor Range: System-wide (Mod/8)
Couches: 0 Comm. Range: System-wide (Mod/8)
Low Berths: 0
Cargo Space: 18.6 tons Cost: MCr202.36 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE = 1475kph
Cruising = 4425kph Maximum = 5900kph

Other Equipment: Missile Magazines (x3),
60 Missiles.
Triple Turret: Missile Racks (x3),
Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP),
Damage 2d6.
Triple Turret: Beam Laser (x3),
Attack Bonus +3 (+3 USP),
Damage 3d8</pre>[/QUOTE]
Hey Wolfman, that isn't the same ship.
It is a 200T SDB and the Dragon is a 400T SDB at TL-12. Besides the numbers are wrong.

Originally posted by Wolfman:
Dragon Class System Defense
T20 stats (THB pg 331)

System Defense Boat (Type SDB)
Medium-Size Spaceship

A system defense boat, or SDB, is a ship that is used exclusively for planetary and star system defense, trading off the lack of jump drives for heavy armor, faster acceleration, and heavier weaponry in its place. There is no real ‘standard’ design for SDBs, as they are often of local manufacture or may be former starships pressed into local defense forces after having their jump drives removed. Most such conversions have additional armament and upgrades installed. Most SDBs are streamlined allowing them to also be used for orbital and air support for local ground troops.

If the need aries to move an SDB to another system, it will usually be loaded onto a bulk freighter and shipped as large cargo, but this is very slow and inefficient and is not wise if the SDB is expected to go into action immediatel upon arrival. In cases where rapid deployment at the destination is needed, Jump Pods can be built and strapped to the SDB, providing it with temporary jump capability. Upon arrival, the pods can be quickly and easily jettisoned, allowing the ship to move into action immediately. The pod would contain Jump drives large enough to Jump bpth the SDB and the pod itself, along with the requisite fuel needed to make the Jump.

A generic TL14 SDB like the one detailed here would Cost MCr202.36 new, and take 11 months to build. It requires a crew of 6: Captain, Pilot, Engineer, 2 gunners and a missile technician who doubles as medic.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">System Defense Boat
Class: Spacecraft, type SDB EP Output: 36 (12 excess)
Tech Level: 14 Agility: 6 (+6 EP)

Size: Medium (200 tons) Initiative: +6 (+6 agility)
Streamlining: Airframe AC: 30 (+6 agility, +14 armor)
Jump Range: None Repulsors: None
Acceleration: 6-G Nuclear Dampers: None
Fuel: 36 tons Meson Screens: None
Duration: 4 weeks Black Globes: None

Crew: 6 AR: 14
Staterooms: 4 SI: 115
Small Craft: 0 Main Computer: Modal/8 (2080 CPU)
Bunks: 0 Sensor Range: System-wide (Mod/8)
Couches: 0 Comm. Range: System-wide (Mod/8)
Low Berths: 0
Cargo Space: 18.6 tons Cost: MCr202.36 (new)
Atmospheric Speeds: NoE = 1475kph
Cruising = 4425kph Maximum = 5900kph

Other Equipment: Missile Magazines (x3),
60 Missiles.
Triple Turret: Missile Racks (x3),
Attack Bonus +2 (+2 USP),
Damage 2d6.
Triple Turret: Beam Laser (x3),
Attack Bonus +3 (+3 USP),
Damage 3d8</pre>
Thanks, I didn't look that far back in the book. Of course part of the reason for not looking had to do with getting ready for work.

Originally posted by Bhoins:
It is in the High Guard Stats at the back of Supp-7. I don't know what my original printing is, it is in a box someplace since I bought the Reprints.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Hans Vermeylen and Bhoins,

The core book for TNE p. 373 lists the System Defense Boat as a Shukugan (Dragon). Bhoins, What printing of CT Supplement 7 Traders and Gunboats do you have? I checked on pp. 35-37 of the 8th printing, copyright 1980, and have not found the class name mentioned.
Hello Wolfman,

I have checked T4 Book 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, B, C, D and E without seeing an SDB. Book 2 lists a "Missile Bomber." Otherwise, IG appears to have skipped the SDB.

Originally posted by Wolfman:
Dragon Class System Defense Boat
T4 stats – NA (unable to find any stats for the SDB in my T4 collection)

Does anyone have the T4 stats for this ship, or was it never covered?
I realize that the T20 is not a Dragon-class SDB, but I just posted what was in my copy of T20 for an SDB. If the numbers are wrong, than that is my fault for coying them wrong from the T20 THB.