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Does anyone know how to make vehicles and robots for T20?

I only ask because I have tried for the umpteenth time to "get my head around" the system, and now, Im all out of love... Starships and whatnot is no problem, but ill be dipped if I can make a Grav Bike, Radio Flyer, or even a decent Computer that doesn't cost MCr 5,000,000,000 and wiegh 3000 tons.
Have you tried rebuiding the vehicles already in the book? What specific area are you running into a problem with?

If you want, I'll walk through a design with you.

OK I have a T20 rulebook, calculator, pencil and scrap paper to hand. Let's make a Grav Bike.

Design Philosophy - this Grav Bike is going to be a sturdy machine that might be carried as a 'dirtside runabout' by a Scout.

Chassis - Size 250 (vl), Cost 250cr, Build time 2 weeks 1 day, Thrust req'd 0.25 per 1kph, Base Armour 2.5 (vl)

Control System space - because the rider is on rather than in the vehicle I have to provide only 25vl space at a cost of 125cr.

Because this vehicle might get a bit of 'rough use' I will put on a bit of Armour (AR 1). I will assume it is being built in a TL 12 facility. So base armour is (2.5vl x 2) x2 = 10vl to get AR 1. Cost is 3000cr + 9x10 = 3090cr.

Chassis configuration - I will use the Standard Chassis to keep the cost down.

Drive Train - Grav. Each DTU provides 100TH per EP and takes up 4vl. I need 0.25TH per kph, so I need to fit 1 Grav DTU at a cost of 46,000cr and taking up 4vl space. The max chassis speed is 320kph and we have enough power to go 400kph, better be careful with that throttle Mr Scout

Power Plant. I'm going to use Advanced Fuel Cells which will provide 1EP, take up 1.5vl space and cost 100cr. I am going to fit a fuel tank 8.4vl which will provide enough fuel for 1 week continuous use (168hours x 0.05)

Battery - I will fit a 5EP modern battery at a cost of 150cr and take up 0.2vl (you never know when you will want a few extra hours power).

Passenger and Crew facilities - I will fit a saddle big enough for the rider and 1 passenger. 10vl x 2 = 20 vl and costs 50cr.

Winch - I will fit a 10 Strength winch for a cost of 100cr and space 2vl.

Weapons - I will not fit any weapons on this bike.

Electronics - I could use some headlights. I will fit 2 light units at a cost of 10cr and space 0.4vl

A radio is going to come in handy. I will fit a 2-way radio with a range of 500km, cost 300cr and space 2vl.

Agility Rating - I don't have any excess EP (the battery is purely a back up in case the fuel runs out) so no adjustment to agility.

AC = 10 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 11

SI = (250-22)/30 = 7.6 rounded to (7 x 1.5) + 10 = 22.5

Max speed 320kph, acceleration 32kph
Range = 160 x 168 = 26,880km

Total Cost = 51,075cr

I could add a few extra fuel cells to give extra EP an increase agility and maybe a weapon mount. There is certainly room to spare for some 'custom mods), I might even fit some fluffy dice

Hope this helps, and if anyone spots any mistakes please let me know. This is my first vehicle design just using the T20 mrb.
The main cost of my Grav Bike design comes from the Grav DTU. A cheaper alternative for the 'scout on a budget' would a quad bike.

By following the design sequence in the mrb one step at a time it is quick and simple enough to put together a vehicle. I have not tried a Starship or Computer design yet, I look foward to seeing one done strp-by-step.
Hello gentloser,

I checked out the design for the grav bike using the manual and Vehicle Design Spreadsheet by Jeff Sandmeier found at Falkayn.com download page. This helped me find a couple of things for Jeff to look at and a difference in the Battery statistics:

From design:

Battery - I will fit a 5EP modern battery at a cost of 150cr and take up 0.2vl (you never know when you will want a few extra hours power).
I interpret the text for Batteries on THB p. 241 as follows:

A battery is designed to hold a minimum 1 EP that is discharged at a minimum rate of 1 EP per 1 hour. A Modern battery designed to provide 1 EP per hour for 24 hours requires a storage capacity of 24 EPs. 24 x Cr0.3 = Cr7.2 and 0.04 x 24 = 0.96 vl.

I get 5 x Cr0.3 = Cr1.5 not Cr150 and 5 x 0.04 = 0.2 vl which indicates a discharge of 5 EP in 1 hour or an 1 EP discharge rate over 5 hours. To get a cost of Cr150 the discharge rate must be 5 x Cr0.3 x 100 hours, which means the battery takes up 5 x 0.04 x 100 or 20 vl.

By my figures the bike has about 174.2 vl of potential cargo space by using the numbers in the design steps listed here. By using my interpretation of the battery text the bike has 154.4 vl available for cargo.

Originally posted by gentloser:
OK I have a T20 rulebook, calculator, pencil and scrap paper to hand. Let's make a Grav Bike.

Design Philosophy - this Grav Bike is going to be a sturdy machine that might be carried as a 'dirtside runabout' by a Scout.

Chassis - Size 250 (vl), Cost 250cr, Build time 2 weeks 1 day, Thrust req'd 0.25 per 1kph, Base Armour 2.5 (vl)

Control System space - because the rider is on rather than in the vehicle I have to provide only 25vl space at a cost of 125cr.

Because this vehicle might get a bit of 'rough use' I will put on a bit of Armour (AR 1). I will assume it is being built in a TL 12 facility. So base armour is (2.5vl x 2) x2 = 10vl to get AR 1. Cost is 3000cr + 9x10 = 3090cr.

Chassis configuration - I will use the Standard Chassis to keep the cost down.

Drive Train - Grav. Each DTU provides 100TH per EP and takes up 4vl. I need 0.25TH per kph, so I need to fit 1 Grav DTU at a cost of 46,000cr and taking up 4vl space. The max chassis speed is 320kph and we have enough power to go 400kph, better be careful with that throttle Mr Scout

Power Plant. I'm going to use Advanced Fuel Cells which will provide 1EP, take up 1.5vl space and cost 100cr. I am going to fit a fuel tank 8.4vl which will provide enough fuel for 1 week continuous use (168hours x 0.05)

Battery - I will fit a 5EP modern battery at a cost of 150cr and take up 0.2vl (you never know when you will want a few extra hours power).

Passenger and Crew facilities - I will fit a saddle big enough for the rider and 1 passenger. 10vl x 2 = 20 vl and costs 50cr.

Winch - I will fit a 10 Strength winch for a cost of 100cr and space 2vl.

Weapons - I will not fit any weapons on this bike.

Electronics - I could use some headlights. I will fit 2 light units at a cost of 10cr and space 0.4vl

A radio is going to come in handy. I will fit a 2-way radio with a range of 500km, cost 300cr and space 2vl.

Agility Rating - I don't have any excess EP (the battery is purely a back up in case the fuel runs out) so no adjustment to agility.

AC = 10 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 11

SI = (250-22)/30 = 7.6 rounded to (7 x 1.5) + 10 = 22.5

Max speed 320kph, acceleration 32kph
Range = 160 x 168 = 26,880km

Total Cost = 51,075cr

I could add a few extra fuel cells to give extra EP an increase agility and maybe a weapon mount. There is certainly room to spare for some 'custom mods), I might even fit some fluffy dice

Hope this helps, and if anyone spots any mistakes please let me know. This is my first vehicle design just using the T20 mrb.
See my version of the Classic Zhodani Warbot:


I've been using the T20 design system for a while now and I get the general gist of it. It's a heluva lot easier than FFS or GURPS:Vehicles

Since the website may be off line soon I will be posting more robots and vehicles in the 'Ships Locker' section soon.

A way to make grav vehicles cheaper is to use fractional units. This may or may not be permisable (I haven't seen a rule against it yet) but it alows for cheaper grav systems for smaller vehicles and objects (such as grav balls and hoversticks). For example, have a grav bike use only as much drive as is needed for 320kph:

250vl requires 0.25Th/Kph
320Kph would then require 80Th
0.8DTU of grav would supply 80Th for .8EP and take up 3.2vl for a cost of Cr36,800

Still, by it's very nature grav is going to be expensive, but you can cut corners ;)
Please critique me, My Lords, but,

By Jove, I think I’ve got it!

SHDC Model 121 Tu Laa Algae Harvester

First, I selected a big Chassis
20,000vl 12 months 20/1kph Base Armor 200 Cr 20,000
Standard Chassis

Then, I decided that the device would be controlled remotely via 2 way radio
Remote control system 200vl Cr1000

The Vehicle must operate under a thick Ice crust, it doesn’t have to go fast, so…
Subsurface Drive Train: 10kph 40 40ep 400vl Cr5,000

We are a modern people, so I selected a
Adv. Fusion Power Plant 150vl 100ep Cr33,000 150vl/month fuel

Then I rigged up “the business end” of the machine, based on the high pressure pump as a model…
High volume Vaccum strainer vl400 50ep Cr25000

Then, that sucker needed to be articulated slightly so I added a
Str 30 Arm Cr3000 vl15 3ep/rnd Dex 3 Cost 9000

The operator needs a reliable 3D view, so…
Holographic Visual Cr2000 1.6vl .1 ep 100m range

Its dark down there under the ice, so…
Lights Cr50 2vl .1ep 30m beams

Then ya gotta have a method of using the remote control setup
2 way Radio Cr7500 50vl 2ep 500km

It burns 95.2ep

17631vl left for storing the algae harvested.

Cr 102,550 per unit

The Model 121 is an automated unit, designed to work in the freezing depths below the crust of a frozen ocean. It harvests a type of blue green algae that grows on the bottom surface of the ice, fed by the diffused light coming through from the surface. The nutrients that feed the algae are gained from undersea volcanic vents and tectonic fissures. The machine moves at 10 kph in water and basically vacuums the algae off the ice and into its large storage tank. The algae is a food basis derivative, similar in diverse application as the Soy plant is.

A few questions…

Is 1000vl a ton, as in Starship displacement ton?

Is an EP for a vehicle the same EP that is generated by a Starship’s power plant?


Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan asked,
Is 1000vl a ton, as in Starship displacement ton?
No. One vl is 0.01m^3 (see p. 233). One dt is 13.5m^3. Therefore one dt is 1350vl (or 1400vl)

Is an EP for a vehicle the same EP that is generated by a Starship’s power plant?
I don't think so. Ship EP should be much greater in power to vehicle EP. I think it is a factor of 10 vehicle EP per 1 Starship EP. page 282 states that when instaling a ships computer (from vehicle scale) to divide EP by 10. Is this
correct Hunter?

Ok, now do a belt-worn personal computer at TL 13...
That's easy.
Select a TL13 portable computer (p.281) and clip it to your belt! ;)
It comes with a keyboard and display already, but if you want to get fancy...

Add a voder for speech commands
upgrade the panel to holographic
connect the display to a personal HUD.
You could make it a mini-robot brain by adding some logic programs and experience data storage.
Jack the thing into some personal sensors and you got a portable friend.

Been playing around with wearable computers and sensors since CT/MT. And now I understand this is a reality at MIT with the 'Borg' guys there. ;)
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
Please critique me, My Lords, but,

By Jove, I think I’ve got it!

A few questions…

Is 1000vl a ton, as in Starship displacement ton?

Is an EP for a vehicle the same EP that is generated by a Starship’s power plant?


Evening Baron, I think you have got it, and a nicely worked creation too, well done! I see only one possible error on a quick look, the remote control system is I believe too small. The design rules require 10% of the chassis vl, in this case 2,000vl not 200vl, yes?

As to the questions...

I believe the conversion for vl to displacemnent tons is 14,000vl equals 1.0dT.

And I think the conversion of vehicle design EP (which I am in the habit of noting as "ep") to ship design EP (which I use "EP" for) is 100ep equals 1EP, but I don't recall where I got this number from.

So take both these conversions with a grain or two of salt till someone else (or myself) either confirm or refute them ;)

Hmm, I see cmdrx beat me to the post button and has both converisons listed at 10% of mine. He could very well be right though I'm sure I saw my numbers posted somewhere. I will search...

EDIT - Yep 1,400vl to 1.0T is the correct value by the book. My 14,000vl to 1.0T comes from discussions about the conversion ratio elsewhere, muddied by the fact that vl (despite its name) is a combined volume and weight "measure" as the vehicle system needs to contend with weight whereas the ship one doesn't. So while its debatable I'd say stick with the book on this.

EDIT - I still can't come up with a good number for the energy conversion. I think my x100 came from a comparison of the similar powerplants for the two systems but I can't find those notes and a quick rework isn't working. More later perhaps when I'm less tired
I get 5 x Cr0.3 = Cr1.5 not Cr150 and 5 x 0.04 = 0.2 vl which indicates a discharge of 5 EP in 1 hour or an 1 EP discharge rate over 5 hours. To get a cost of Cr150 the discharge rate must be 5 x Cr0.3 x 100 hours, which means the battery takes up 5 x 0.04 x 100 or 20 vl.
The table on P241 differs from the text. I went with the costs from the text, 35cr per unit. Is this in the errata?
Originally posted by gentloser:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I get 5 x Cr0.3 = Cr1.5 not Cr150 and 5 x 0.04 = 0.2 vl which indicates a discharge of 5 EP in 1 hour or an 1 EP discharge rate over 5 hours. To get a cost of Cr150 the discharge rate must be 5 x Cr0.3 x 100 hours, which means the battery takes up 5 x 0.04 x 100 or 20 vl.
The table on P241 differs from the text. I went with the costs from the text, 35cr per unit. Is this in the errata? </font>[/QUOTE]Apparently not officially yet. See the posts here for an unofficial proclamation from a peer of the realm ;)
Hello gentloser and all other responders,

I went with the table because of errata for the Computer Design Sequence and I believe the Spacecraft and Starship Design Sequence had similar conflicts and referred to the table versus the text. Since the numbers now match for cost What is the discharge rate 1 EP over 5 hours or 5 EP in 1 hour?

No, this is not in the errata dated current as of June 4, 2003. I also have 3 other errata updates which all skip p. 241 and go from p. 233 to p. 243.

Originally posted by gentloser:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I get 5 x Cr0.3 = Cr1.5 not Cr150 and 5 x 0.04 = 0.2 vl which indicates a discharge of 5 EP in 1 hour or an 1 EP discharge rate over 5 hours. To get a cost of Cr150 the discharge rate must be 5 x Cr0.3 x 100 hours, which means the battery takes up 5 x 0.04 x 100 or 20 vl.
The table on P241 differs from the text. I went with the costs from the text, 35cr per unit. Is this in the errata? </font>[/QUOTE]
Hello cmdrx,

On p. 223, I hate it when the keys move around, last entry of column 1 going to the top of column 2 of the THB is the unit of measure for 1 dton = 14 m^3 or 1,400 vl. There is a thread titled "How big is a vl?" or something similar that I brought together the various units of measure from p. 223 and p. 254.

Originally posted by cmdrx:
Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan asked,
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />
Is 1000vl a ton, as in Starship displacement ton?
No. One vl is 0.01m^3 (see p. 233). One dt is 13.5m^3. Therefore one dt is 1350vl (or 1400vl)

Is an EP for a vehicle the same EP that is generated by a Starship’s power plant?
I don't think so. Ship EP should be much greater in power to vehicle EP. I think it is a factor of 10 vehicle EP per 1 Starship EP. page 282 states that when instaling a ships computer (from vehicle scale) to divide EP by 10. Is this
correct Hunter?
Ok, now do a belt-worn personal computer at TL 13...
That's easy.
Select a TL13 portable computer (p.281) and clip it to your belt! ;)
It comes with a keyboard and display already, but if you want to get fancy...

Add a voder for speech commands
upgrade the panel to holographic
connect the display to a personal HUD.
You could make it a mini-robot brain by adding some logic programs and experience data storage.
Jack the thing into some personal sensors and you got a portable friend.

Been playing around with wearable computers and sensors since CT/MT. And now I understand this is a reality at MIT with the 'Borg' guys there. ;)
Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello gentloser and all other responders,

What is the discharge rate 1 EP over 5 hours or 5 EP in 1 hour?
I think the best way to think of batteries (or other possible stored power systems) is in total EP. In this case you have a 5.0 EP storage capacity. You can use that as 1.0 EP continuous power for 5 hours, or 2.0 EP continuous power for 2.5 hours, or any other division. You could also use it as 1.0 EP for 1 hour each day and call it a 5 day supply. I think the maximum output is the unit bought, in this case 5.0 EP and it would take an hour to drain at that level of use. The basic batteries listed are not imo capable of a discharge rate faster than 1 hour.
Thomas Rux said:

Hello cmdrx,

On p. 223, I hate it when the keys move around, last entry of column 1 going to the top of column 2 of the THB is the unit of measure for 1 dton = 14 m^3 or 1,400 vl. There is a thread titled "How big is a vl?" or something similar that I brought together the various units of measure from p. 223 and p. 254.
Thanks, wasn't sure which value was used in T20. some go 14m^3 others (MT?) say 13.5m^3
Evening far-trader,

True the discharge rate can be variable, my reason for asking was to clarify duration, since the battery is an emergency power source. With the grav generator, radio, and headlights operating how long will the battery last? Best guess is between 4 and 5 hours.

Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello gentloser and all other responders,

What is the discharge rate 1 EP over 5 hours or 5 EP in 1 hour?
I think the best way to think of batteries (or other possible stored power systems) is in total EP. In this case you have a 5.0 EP storage capacity. You can use that as 1.0 EP continuous power for 5 hours, or 2.0 EP continuous power for 2.5 hours, or any other division. You could also use it as 1.0 EP for 1 hour each day and call it a 5 day supply. I think the maximum output is the unit bought, in this case 5.0 EP and it would take an hour to drain at that level of use. The basic batteries listed are not imo capable of a discharge rate faster than 1 hour. </font>[/QUOTE]
Let me posit this one, Milords,

What sort of control system does a vehicle (an unmanned robot) with a robotic brain require? Are the mass and ep requirements of the brain used in this case as the control system? eh?

If 1400vl are equal to 1 ton on a starship (which makes sense) why is it that the "Air/Raft" example hull in the Chassis section listed as being 4000vl, rather than 5600vl? This to me at least is sort of indicative of the 1000vl= 1 ton school, what?

Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Evening far-trader,

True the discharge rate can be variable, my reason for asking was to clarify duration, since the battery is an emergency power source. With the grav generator, radio, and headlights operating how long will the battery last? Best guess is between 4 and 5 hours.
Ah, my befuddled mind missed that. You wanted a specific answer for that design. Yep looks like the design he has is powered with 1EP so the battery should be good for 5 hours operation, more than enough to get home at 400kph unless you're wayyyyy out there
You could probably even make orbit on most planets. (The rules for the air-raft are 1 hour per size digit, and this is a bit quicker.)

Anyway, sorry for the mistaken impression