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Doc's feeling a little bitchy


SOC-14 1K
I love the book, it's great.
But, I thought I'd mention my two little peeves, just because I'm feeling bitchy tonight.

I just don't get why the air/raft and gcarrier were designed at TL8 with turbine engines, while the ATV and AFV were designed at TL12. I just don't get it. And why don't most of the vehicles have computers or radios?

I also found the computer design stuff to be highly complex for very little payoff.
Originally posted by DrSkull:
I love the book, it's great.
But, I thought I'd mention my two little peeves, just because I'm feeling bitchy tonight.

I just don't get why the air/raft and gcarrier were designed at TL8 with turbine engines, while the ATV and AFV were designed at TL12. I just don't get it. And why don't most of the vehicles have computers or radios?

I also found the computer design stuff to be highly complex for very little payoff.
Just write off as being a floggin smuck.
Hey Doc, just out of curiosity, what would be the Latin for "Flogging Smuck"?

:D ;)